며느리들의 시어머니와의 관계 경험에 관한 연구

A Study on the Experience of the Daughters-in-law's Relationship with Mothers-in-law

  • 발행 : 2008.08.30


Many studies on the relationships between mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law tended to regard the relationship as a conflicting one. This study, unlike the previous ones, aimed to explore the relationship as it is and to describe the experience of the real relationship. Another aim of this study, on the basis of the results, was to provide the basic data for social services to develop and maintain the positive relationships between mothers and daughters-in-law. To achieve these aims, the central question of the study was, "What are the daughters-in-law's experiences with their mothers-in-law like?" The participants for the study consisted of 12 daughters-in-law who volunteered to be interviewed. Data were collected through in-depth interviews and analyzed according to the grounded theory presented by Strauss and Corbin. As a result, 154 concepts and 42 sub-categories were induced, and finally 18 categories were induced in the course of classifying and integrating these sub-categories. This study discovered that the relationship might be both positive and negative, and that it might even be possible to change from one to the other. The results of the study showed that many factors influenced the quality of the relationship, and that the husband's role was one of the most important factors. Using this study's results as guidance, general programs designed to cultivate more positive relationships between mothers and daughters-in-law can be created and implemented; additionally programs that help the husbands understand the complex relationship and roles can be devised.



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