유아의 단어읽기 능력 예측변수 : 연령 집단별, 단어 유형별 분석

Predictors of Preschoolers' Reading Skills : Analysis by Age Groups and Reading Tasks

  • 최나야 (가톨릭대학교 생활과학부 아동학) ;
  • 이순형 (서울대학교 아동가족학과, 생활과학연구소)
  • Choi, Na-Ya (Dept. of Child & Family Studies, The Catholic Univ. of Korea) ;
  • Yi, Soon-Hyung (Dept. of Child Development & Family Studies, Seoul Nat'l Univ.)
  • 발행 : 2008.08.30


The purpose of this study was to investigate predictors concerning preschoolers' ability to read words, in terms of their sub-skills of alphabet knowledge, phonological awareness, and phonological processing. Fourteen literacy sub-tests and three types of reading tasks were administered to 289 kindergartners aged 4 to 6 in Busan. The main results are as follows. Sub-skills that predicted reading ability varied with children's age. Irrespective of children's age groups, knowledge of consonant names and digit naming speed commonly explained the reading of real words. In contrast, skills of syllable deletion and phoneme substitution and knowledge of alphabet composition principles were related to only 4-year-olds' reading skills. Exclusively included was digit memory in predicting 5-year-olds' reading abilities, and knowledge of vowel sounds in 6-year-olds' reading skills. The type of reading task also influenced reading ability. A few common variables such as knowledge of consonant names and vowel sounds, digit naming speed, and phoneme substitution skill explained all types of word reading. Syllable counting skills, however, had predictive value only for the reading of real words. Phoneme insertion skills and digit memory had predictive value for the reading of pseudo words and low frequency letters. Likewise, knowledge of consonant sounds and vowel stroke-adding principles were significant only for the reading of low frequency letters.



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