The Influence of Life Stresses and Coping Behavior of the Middle-Aged Working Men on Their Psychological Well-Being

중년기 직장남성의 생활스트레스 및 대처행동이 심리적 복지감에 미치는 영향

  • Published : 2008.04.30


The study is to investigate how much middle-aged male worker's life stress affect their psychological well-being. The subject group was 223 male workers aged from 40 to 59 with a wife and children. The results are as follows: 1) the middle-aged male workers perceive an economic life stress as a most stressful problem, and mostly use a 'direct-positive' coping behavior(CB) type to settle the stress among 4 stress CB types. 2) Economic life and marital stress, 'indirect-active' and 'direct-active' CB give deep effects on their life satisfaction. 3) The effecting factors on their depression are work stress, marital stress, health stress, a 'direct-passive', an 'indirect-active', an 'indirect-passive' CB and their income. In order to increase their life satisfaction and to decrease their depression, concludingly, it is most significant for them to have a strong marital relationship and actively cope with life stress.



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