An Analysis on the Effect of Rhythm Education Activity Through Movement and Language Integration

동작과 언어를 통합한 리듬교육활동에 대한 효과 분석

  • Received : 2007.06.04
  • Accepted : 2007.08.06
  • Published : 2007.08.31


This paper is to develop an integrate curriculum of rhythm education activity program and to find the possibility of applying the program into actual music education field for kindergarten children. The outlook of this study is to develope a program integrating the elements of movement, language and rhythm to apply the program to 5 year old children for 6 weeks through 12 sessions, and to observe and analyze their level of rhythm creativity and rhythm reading ability.The analysis of the field observation data and recording data showed that the children achieved natural and better understanding of rhythm. Seen from the perspective of rhythm creation activity, while the integration of the elements of movement and rhythm influenced directly to enhance the level of understanding rhythm and the integration of the elements of language, rhythm helped indirectly to have better understanding rhythm through connecting the notions of rhythm and movements. However, when only rhythm and movements were combined, children tended to misunderstand the relative durations of ♩ and ♪ just as different tempos not as 2:1 duration relativity. And ♫ was too misunderstand as ♬ due to different durations of korean words when only rhythm and language were combined. To overcome the limit of understanding, all of the three elements; rhythm and movements and language should be integrated and constant auditory experiences are recommended.



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