Characterization of Function Rings Between C*(X) and C(X)

  • 투고 : 2005.07.04
  • 발행 : 2006.12.23


Let X be a Tychonoff space and ${\sum}(X)$ the set of all the subrings of C(X) that contain $C^*(X)$. For any A(X) in ${\sum}(X)$ suppose $_{{\upsilon}A}X$ is the largest subspace of ${\beta}X$ containing X to which each function in A(X) can be extended continuously. Let us write A(X) ~ B(X) if and only if $_{{\upsilon}A}X=_{{\upsilon}B}X$, thereby defining an equivalence relation on ${\sum}(X)$. We have shown that an A(X) in ${\sum}(X)$ is isomorphic to C(Y ) for some space Y if and only if A(X) is the largest member of its equivalence class if and only if there exists a subspace T of ${\beta}X$ with the property that A(X)={$f{\in}C(X):f^*(p)$ is real for each $p$ in T}, $f^*$ being the unique continuous extension of $f$ in C(X) from ${\beta}X$ to $\mathbb{R}^*$, the one point compactification of $\mathbb{R}$. As a consequence it follows that if X is a realcompact space in which every $C^*$-embedded subset is closed, then C(X) is never isomorphic to any A(X) in ${\sum}(X)$ without being equal to it.



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