남녀 아동의 또래괴롭힘과 관련된 변인들 -어머니의 양육행동과 아동의 자아존중감

Correlates of Peer Victimization in Boys and Girls - Maternal Parenting and Children's Self-Esteem

  • 도현심 (이화여자대학교 소비자인간발달학과) ;
  • 김선미 (이화여자대학교 소비자인간발달학과)
  • Doh Hyun-Sim (Dept. of Consumer Science and Human Development, Ewha Womans University) ;
  • Kim Sun-Mi (Dept. of Consumer Science and Human Development, Ewha Womans University)
  • 발행 : 2006.08.01


This study examined the relations of maternal parenting and children's self-esteem to peer victimization as well as the gender differences in peer victimization. A sample of 494 5th- and 6th-grade children in Pusan answered three kinds of questionnaires regarding maternal parenting, children's self-esteem, and peer victimization. Peer victimization consisted of two constructs, bullying and victimization by pun. Data were analyzed by independent samples t-test and correlations. Boys showed more overt bullying and victimization by peers than girls, but relational peer victimization didn't vary as a function of the gender. Overall, the more boys and girls perceived their mothers as rejective/restricted, protective, and physically abusive, the more they were bullied and victimized. Both boys and girls were bullied and victimized by their peers when they showed lower self-esteem. Especially self-esteem was more highly correlated with victimization by peers than bullying.



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