조각보의 면구성과 테셀레이션 비교 연구

A Comparative Study on the Formative Pattern of Chogakpo and Tessellation

  • 이정수 (동덕여자대학교 패션학과) ;
  • 송명견 (동덕여자대학교 패션학과)
  • 발행 : 2006.06.01


Chogakpos are highly artistic works created by Korean women as a part of the Kyubang culture in the Chosun Dynasty from the late 19th century to the early 20th. Tessellation is a plaid pattern composed of squares that covers a surface or a space with figures completely without any gap or overlap. The present study purposed to make a comparative analysis of the formative pattern of Chogakp and tessellation in order to show the superiority of Korean Kyubang(the women's quarters called Kyubang in the Chosun Dynasty) culture. As for the research method, we analyzed relevant materials to examine the geometric characteristics and formative principles of tessellation. In addition, we analyzed the formative pattern of Chogakpo using Photographs. The scope of this study was limited to 148 old Chogakpos contained in Huh Dong-hwa's 'Yetpojagi'. According to the results of this research, similarities between Chogakpo and tessellation were as follows. First, in a regular polygon, the face was divided into regular triangles, squares and two or more regular polygons. Second, in a polygon, the face was divided into triangles and quadrangles. Third, the symmetry of tessellation was applied to Cintamani pattern Pojagi. Differences between Chogakpo and tessellation were as follows. First, different from Chogakpo, tessellation had various formative patterns utilizing different regular polygons including hexagons. Second, there was no overlapping repetition in tessellation. Third, there was no free pattern in tessellation.



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