FIB 밀링을 이용한 나노스텐실 제작 및 나노패터닝

Fabrication of nanostencil using FIB milling for nanopatterning

  • 발행 : 2006.03.01


A high-resolution shadow mask, or called a nanostencil was fabricated for high resolution lithography. This high-resolution shadowmask was fabricated by a combination or MEMS processes and focused ion beam (FIB) milling. 500 nm thick and $2{\times}2mm$ large membranes wore made on a silicon wafer by micro-fabrication processes of LPCVD, photolithography, ICP etching and bulk silicon etching. A subsequent FIB milling enabled local membrane thinning and aperture making into the thinned silicon nitride membrane. Due to the high resolution of the FIB milling process, nanoscale apertures down to 70 nm could be made into the membrane. By local deposition through the apertures of nanostencil, nanoscale patterns down to 70 nm could be achieved.



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