현대 실내공간의 환상적 표현에 관한 연구

A Study on the Fantastic Expression of the Contemporary Interior Space

  • 발행 : 2006.02.01


'Fantasy' in this study is Not something fantastic in the used to be-way we can Imagine easily. This study is to figure out 'fantasy' and 'the fantastic' as a significant measure to interpret the contemporary space-time. In particular, it analyzed that fantasy have influenced on some kind of specific trend what is expressed a tendency to contemporary interior designs of informal, indeterminacy and unpredictability. Fantasy is represented as 'the fantastic space' through spatial revealing, concealing, distorting, and connoting. Representation becomes a major issue in almost many kinds of knowledge-system that start from the mind to go out to the world in a realistic or idealistic way. Therefore, the fantastic space reconstructs the reality while making itself through to representational creation-process. It is Important for fantasy and the fantastic space to help detect behind beneath the reality more than what we know.



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