친환경 시설상추에서 작기별 주요 해충의 피해와 발생소장

Damage and Seasonal Occurrence of Major Insect Pests by Cropping Period in Environmentally Friendly Lettuce Greenhouse

  • Jeon, Heung-Yong (Division of Horticultural Environment, National Horticultural Research Institute) ;
  • Kim, Hyeong-Hwan (Division of Horticultural Environment, National Horticultural Research Institute)
  • 발행 : 2006.12.30


2003년부터 2004년까지 화성, 남양주, 수원의 친환경 시설상추 패배지에서 해충을 조사한 결과, 8목 11과 16종이 확인되었으며 그중에서 발생과 피해가 많아 가장 문제가 되었던 해충은 싸리수염진딧물, 꽃노랑총채벌레, 검은은무늬밤나방이었다. 이 3종 해충의 엽피해는 30% 이상이었다. 싸리수염진딧물은 1작기인 4월 중순${\sim}6$월 초순에 $1{\sim}2$회의 발생최성기를 보였으나, 2작기와 3작기에는 일정한 경향이 없었다. 꽃노랑총채벌레는 6월 중순${\sim}7$월 하순과 8월 중순${\sim}10$월 중순에 각각 1회와 2회의 발생최성기를 보였다. 검은은무늬밤나방은 6월 초순${\sim}7$월 하순과 8월 중순~ 10월 하순에 각각 1회와 2회의 발생최성기를 보였다. 싸리수염진딧물의 발생밀도가 가장 많았던 시기는 6월 상순으로 100주당 4,836마리였고, 꽃노랑총채벌레는 7월 상순으로 437마리였다. 검은은무늬밤나방은 10월 상순으로 42마리였다. 꽃노랑총채벌레는 수경재배 보다는 토양재배에서 발생밀도가 높았으나, 싸리수염진딧물과 검은은무늬밤나방은 재배방식에 따른 차이는 없었다.

Insect pests attacking the leaf of lettuce (Lactuca sativa) were surveyed in environmentally frendly leaf-lettuce-greenhouses in Hwaseong, Namyangju, and Suwon from 2003 to 2004. Sixteen insect species of eleven families in eight orders were collected in greenhouses. Among them, Acyrthosiphon solani, Frankliniella occidentalis, and Autographa nigrisigna were the most serious pest species because of their damage ratio was over 30%. Population of Acyrthosiphon solani showed the highest peak one or two times between mid-April and early June in both the second and the third cropping period. Frankliniella occidentalis reached the highest peak one or two times, the first peak between mid-June and the late July, and the second peak between the mid-August and the mid-October.Autographa nigrisigna reached the highest peak one or times between early June and late July and in the mid-August to late October. The highest peak occurrence of A. solami was observed in early June as many as 4,836 nymphs and adults per 100 leaves. And for F. occidentalis it was in early July occurring 437 larvae and adults per 100 leaves, for A. nigrisigna in early October occurring 42 larvae per 100 leaves. The density of F. occidentalis and its damage as well was greater in soil culture than in hydroponic culture, but in case of both A. solani and A. nigrisigna no such difference between cropping systems was found.



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