Load Carrying Capacity of Top Down Prefounded Columns on Different Excavation Schedule

굴착순서에 따른 Top Down 선기둥 지지력 산정

  • 임홍철 (연세대학교 건축공학과) ;
  • 황희선 (연세대학교 건축공학과 첨단구조연구실)
  • Published : 2006.12.20


Top Down method is more widely used in downtown construction, recently. As underground construction constitutes a significant portion of the total construction cost and time in Top Down construction, it is important to develop a construction method to reduce the time required in underground works. The purpose of this study is to analyze load carrying capacity of Top Down prefounded columns on different excavation schedule. When several floors are excavated, the valid buckling length of prefounded column is increased and allowable buckling stress is decreased. The result shows that all columns are safe in buckling down to B3 story whether 2 or 3 stories are excavated. However, several columns are not safe from B4 story when 2 or 3 stories are excavated straightly. With these results, a process can be designed that the first three stories in the basement are excavated, and then excavate B4 story after placing concrete on B1 and B2 floor.



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