Improvement Plan and Analysis of Construction Safety Management for Risk Management

리스크관리에 의한 건설안전관리의 분석 및 발전방안

  • 정병화 (울산과학대학 공간디자인학부) ;
  • 김성득 (울산대학교 토목환경공학부)
  • Published : 2006.12.20


Quality control and safety represent increasingly important concerns for project managers. In the worst case, failures may cause personal injuries or fatalities. Accidents during the construction process can similarly result in personal injuries and large costs. We present the results of a study designed to identify the tools that are most widely used and those that are associated with successful project management in general, and with effective project risk management in particular. The study is based on a questionnaire administered to a sample of project managers from construction enterprises. The response data was analyzed in order to find which tools are more likely to be used in the those organizations that report better project management performance and in those that value the contribution of risk management processes.



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Cited by

  1. Analysis of Effect of Risk Factors on the Success of Risk Management vol.14, pp.5, 2014,