A Study on the Lexicon-Use Behaviour of Architects & the Basic Lexicons in House Design

주택디자인에서 건축가들의 어휘 사용행태 및 기본어휘에 관한 연구

  • Published : 2006.10.25


This paper analyzed statistically two corpora that were constructed from the texts about house designs written by Korean architects and PA Awards architects. The main results are as follows; (1) The numbers of words in Korean house-design corpus were 9,352 and those of words in PA Awards house design corpus were 2,379. The former were 18.7% and the latter 4.8% of about 50,000 words regarded as the rest using scale in actual life. (2) When the architects described their house designs, the lexicon-concentration phenomenon was pervasive in both groups. Therefore, we can infer that the high-frequency lexicons are very important in house design. (3) The architects' behaviour patterns of using the house-design lexicons, went by rules according to the word frequency order. The tendency formulas of them had the $R^{2}$ values which were more than 90%. (4) In Korean house design corpus, the high frequency lexicons were '공간', '층', '주택', '집', '대지', '거실', and '실'. In PA awards house design corpus, they were 'house','room','space','living','wall','level' and 'area'. From these results, We can tell that 'space' is the highest frequency word in house design of the two groups, and that '대지 ' and 'wall' are the words that reveal well the differences between the two groups.



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