스웨덴과 한국 보육시설의 질과 어머니 만족도

Quality of Childcare Centers in Sweden and Korea and mothers' satisfaction

  • Han You-Me (Department of Child studies, Hoseo University) ;
  • Kwon Jeong-Yoon (Department of Early Childhood Education, Sungshin Women's University)
  • 발행 : 2005.02.01


This study is to compare the quality of child care centers in Sweden and Korea and the mothers' satisfaction of each center. In this study, the quality of 27 preschools in Sweden and 24 child care centers was evaluated by external evaluator using the Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale (ECERS). A total of 436 Korean mothers and 197 Swedish mothers responded to the questionnaire regarding their satisfaction of their child's attending child care centers. The results show that the quality of Swedish preschool was significantly higher than Korean child care centers. The quality of Swedish preschools tended to be good whereas the quality of Korean child care centers was somewhat minimal. Specifically, the category of 'Furnishings and display for children' was the highest score in Swedish preschool, however, the category of 'Adult needs' was the highest score in Korean child care centers. The mothers' satisfaction of the centers was significantly different between two countries. The Swedish mothers were highly satisfied with the close location of preschool but Korean mothers were highly satisfied with the teachers of child care centers. However, both mothers in two countries were less likely satisfied with the facility equipments. The results were discussed in terms of cultural and child care program differences further.



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