노인공동생활주택의 개발자 유형에 따른 개발과 관리 특성 선호경향 - 개발$\cdot$거주, 비용을 중심으로 -

Preferences on Development and Management of Senior Congregate Housing according to the Preferred Developer Type - Focused on Development$\cdot$Residence, Cost

  • 서은미 (경희대학교 생활과학부 주거환경전공) ;
  • 홍형옥 (경희대학교 생활과학부 주거환경전공)
  • Seo Eun-Mee (Major of Housing and Interior Design, Kyunghee University) ;
  • Hong Hyung-Ock (Major of Housing and Interior Design, Kyunghee University)
  • 발행 : 2005.12.01


The purpose of this study was to find the preferences on development and management of senior congregate housing according to the preferred developer type. For social survey research, survey was conducted from December 1-20, 2004 in seoul Metropolitan area. The data were collected from m people in 40s-60s using questionnaire which distributed only to those having at least $60\%$ of positive interest in developing the senior congregate housing.'rho results were as follows: First, since majority of respondents wanted to have their old age from mid-60's after retirement more independently, the housing should be designed in a way for them to stay in the m's length of friends and community people. Residential spaces should be individually partitioned and various services should be provided in a semi-dependent manner. The location should be where the medical services were systematically available and ambient environment was agreeable. Second, the cohousing type developers preferred to develop the housing in a form of joint investment with the Potential residents, while the individual developers would like to sell or rent the housing thus would ask for the locations at the outskirts of big cities. In conclusion, most respondents had comparatively similar opinions in terms of the preferred types of development, residential aspects and cost features of the senior congregate housing.



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