취업 기혼여성 본인이 인지한 취업의 가계 경제적 효과

Working Married Women's Perception on the Effect of Work on Household Economy

  • 심영 (서원대학교 생활복지학과)
  • Shim Young (Dept. of Family Resource Studies, Seowon University)
  • 발행 : 2005.12.01


The purpose of this study was to investigate the working married women's perception on the effect of work on household economy. The household economy was examined in three aspects; income, assets, and consumption patterns, along with the contribution and the satisfaction of working married women with respect to their income by work Four hundred thirty working married women with the first child of less than middle school were surveyed, with questionnaires from March 25 to April 22 of 2005, and analyzed with descriptive statistics. The results were as follows: the reasons of working married women for work were making an affluent living, showing their ability, wanting for work, and making a living in order. The perceived degree of their income contribution to household income was on the average about $42.53\%$. They perceived the spending in time-saving consumption items, child-rearing consumption items, and personal consumption items to be decreased, if they were not working. Their work was helpful in saving, insurance and investment, debt payment, money for old life, money for housing, money for emergency. About $69\%$ of working married women perceived their income contribution to their household income as being high.



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