An Accelerated Life Test for Burnout of Tungsten Filament of Incandescent Lamp

텅스텐 백열전구의 필라멘트 단선에 대한 가속수명시험

  • 김진우 (대우일렉트로닉스(주) 품질신뢰성 연구소) ;
  • 신재철 (대우일렉트로닉스(주) 품질신뢰성 연구소) ;
  • 김명수 (수원대학교 산업정보공학과) ;
  • 이재국 (대우일렉트로닉스(주) 품질신뢰성 연구소)
  • Published : 2005.07.01


This paper presents an accelerated life test for burnout of tungsten filament of incandescent lamp. From failure analyses of field samples, it is shown that their root causes are local heating or hot spots in the filament caused by tungsten evaporation and wire sag. Finite element analysis is performed to evaluate the effect of vibration and impact for burnout, but any points of stress concentration or structural weakness are not found in the sample. To estimate the burnout life of lamp, an accelerated life test is planned by using quality function deployment and fractional factorial design, where voltage, vibration, and temperature are selected as accelerating variables. We assumed that Weibull lifetime distribution and a generalized linear model of life-stress relationship hold through goodness of fit test and test for common shape parameter of the distribution. Using accelerated life testing software, we estimated the common shape parameter of Weibull distribution, life-stress relationship, and accelerating factor.



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