녹색관광 자원유형분석 및 국내 적용가능성 연구

A Study on the Resources Analysis and Applicability for Green Tourism Development

  • Yun Hee-Jeong (Graduate School, Seoul National University) ;
  • Im Seung-Bin (Dept. of Landscape Architecture, Seoul National University)
  • 발행 : 2004.10.01


This study is aimed to define and classify GREEN TOURISM (GT) resources as the basis for rural sustainable development, and to analyze the current conditions of GT and applicable resources in Korea. For these purposes, a field survey about 24 rural villages in Japan and Korea is applied, accompanied by a questionnaire survey of 30 specialists, as well as a literature review. The results of this study are summarized as follows. The concept of GT has 3 important points: interchange between rural and urban residents, staying in villages, and residents' participation. GT resource are divided into 4 types: Agricultural, Ecological, Historical and Living resources in a space and activity program. In addition, the GT resources in Japan are more quantitatively abundant than in Korea, but Korean agricultural and ecological resources were more abundant relatively. According to the several methods above, 18 space and 14 activity programs were classified. Lastly, this study analyzed the applicable 32 Korean resources using the specialists' questionnaire survey. Among the space resources, ecological landscape, farm produce, farm-land, water, and historical landscape have higher applicability, but the applicability of sports, event, commemoration, and divine space are lower. Among the activity programs, farm produce, animal, plant, food&beverage, and living appliance have higher applicability.



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