아파트 간이화단의 녹지 조성을 위한 주민 의식조사

A Research of Residents′ Opinion Concerning the Creation of Apartment Balcony Greening

  • 김선혜 (상명대학교 대학원 환경조경전공)
  • Kim Sun-Hae (Dept. of Environment Plant Resources, The Graduate School of Sang Myung University)
  • 발행 : 2004.10.01


This study is about apartment greening to improve urban environment. To achieve this, questionnaires concerning the planter preferences were distributed. To improve perpendicular greening methods for apartments, MOCT (The Ministry of Construction and Transportation) reformed the law to obligate constructors to make apartment planters in June, 2000. But apartment residents take negative attitudes to making green space. It is difficult to manage the planters as well, so it is necessary that the point at making green spaces at apartments be scrutinized through questionnaires and an active method for making and managing the planter be made. The results show that apartment residents are reluctant to pay the expenses for planting and managing planters and have negative attitudes about plant purchases. If planting and managing of simplified planters are continually entrusted to residents, even vertical landscapes will be affected by illegal diversion and negligence as a result. Therefore, support from governments and local administrations are needed and legal obligation should be imposed on construction companies to install irrigation facilities.



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