Customary Funeral Rites of Teachers in the Southern Nak-dong River Area

낙동강 남부지역의 상례문화 실태 조사 - 부산의 교사집단을 중심으로 -

  • 이기숙 (신라대학교 사회복지ㆍ가족학부)
  • 발행 : 2004.10.01


Korean funeral customs are an important part of the mourning process in Korea. A survey was conducted in the southern part by the Nak-dong river, centered around the city of Busan to examine Korean funeral rites. This study was conducted with survey research. The target population included 234 teachers and experienced the death of a family member within the last three years. Results showed that they presented their condolences 5 to 6 times on average per year. Funeral rites were performed usually at a hospital funeral hall. The preference of burial to cremation was about the same. According to the survey, funeral expenses averaged 9,570,000 won and donations received for funeral expenses, 12,630,000 won. Problems the respondents expressed about the process included large funeral expenses, the decision whether to bury or cremate, and fatigue from staying up all night. When classified according to the demographic characteristics, there were significant differences in the variables. Frequency of attending funerals depended on gender, age, and health status. Condolence style depended on religion. The type of funeral (burial or cremation) depended on family income. The type of reception depended on gender. Funeral expenses depended on the age Second, in the process of preparing for a family member's death, they thought it was important to prepare a funeral ceremony portrait of the deceased and a scroll by themselves, and the preparation



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