An Experimental Study of the Recycled Cement Manufacturing Method for Improving the Material Quality

재생시멘트의 품질향상을 위한 제조방법에 관한 연구

  • 오상균 (동의대학교 건축공학과)
  • Published : 2004.06.01


The recycle of domestic waste concrete is, however, still in an early stage, and it has been only partially being used for the road fillers. As a counter-plan of activating recycled concrete, we have confirmed the hydration possibility of the waste concrete powder from the experiment on recycling the aggregate powder since 2000. Though that study, we have known that the strength is increasing when the baking time is longer, and baking temperature maintain in $700^{\circ}C$. Also, the quality is lowered because of the fine aggregate powder which has a bad influence on flowability & compression strength by adhesion of mortar on the aggregate face. Therefore, mortar and interfacial separation of aggregate are large in proper quality for concrete recycling is expected that affect. The purpose of this study is to investigate effective aggregate separation and to determine the most suitable production method controlling the duration of baking time for recycled cement from the compressive strength, X-ray diffraction and ingredient analysis test.



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