Comparative Analysis on Traditional Furniture reflecting Residential Culture of Korea and China - Focused on Chosun and Ming.ching dynasty -

한국과 중국 주거문화를 통한 전통가구 비교연구 - 조선시대 ‘반가’와 명.청시대 ‘사합원’를 중심으로 -

  • Published : 2003.12.01


In this multi-cultural era, the cultural identity of each nation has appeared as a major issue, and needs to clearly define it through comparisons with other cultures have been raised. This research aims to analyze characteristics of traditional furniture of Korea and China according to residential culture and to find out their similarities and dissimilarities. ‘Banga’ in Korea ‘Sahapwon’ in China in the same era were selected for the comparison for traditional furniture between Korea and China. In the part of comparative analysis, characteristics of the furnitures are summerized based on classification into spatial system of housings and types of furniture. After that, traditional residential cultural differences between two countries that reflected on characteristics of furniture are distinguished and compared. The result of analysis is expected to act a part role of defining the cultural identity of Korea.



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