양동마을 전통주거건축의 시각구조에 관한 연구

A Study on the Visual Structure of Traditional Houses in Yang-Dong Village

  • 이정미 (중부대학교 건설공학부)
  • 발행 : 2003.02.11


Most of the studies on traditional houses dealt with the exiting houses which were constructed Chosun Dynasty. But It is to be classified into many items which were point of view period, regional group and social condition. The purpose of this study Is compare early-Chosun Dynasty with late-Chosun Dynasty that the Visual Structure of traditional houses in Yang-Dong village. Early-Chosun Dynasty and late-Chosun Dynasty of traditional houses were well preservation in Yang-Dong village. Therefore traditional houses in Chosun Dynasty are able to classified according to period type of Early-Chosun Dynasty and late-Chosun Dynasty, which a study on the compare spatial composition of traditional houses in Yang-Dong village.



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