건축의 문맥론적 공간인식에 관한 연구

A Study on the Contextual Cognition of Space in Architecture

  • 발행 : 2003.02.11


The purpose of this study is to analyze the contextual cognition of space in architecture focusing on Aldo Rossi and Michael Graves, the representative architects of spatial cognition in contextual architecture. This study on the contextual cognition of architectural space can be connected with linguistics and aesthetics's approaches. The conclusions of the study as per the above mentioned aims and intentions are as follows : The concept of spatial analysis in Aldo Rossi's contextual cognition in architecture is described the Analogical Space of Speculative Aesthetics by Diachronie Restoration That of Michael Graves' contextual cognition Is defined Semiotics Space of Empirical Aesthetics by Synchronie Repeatition.



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