뉴 미디어 건축의 설계방법에 관한 고찰 - 伊東豊雄의 센다이 미디어테크를 中心으로 -

A Research on the design method of New Media Architecture in Sendai mediatheque - Based on the Sendai Mediatheque by Toyo Ito -

  • 발행 : 2003.02.11


The Propose of this research was to consider how the New Media Architecture was applied to contemporary architecture according to the analysis of the design method process of Toyo Ito. Sendai Mediatheque by Toyo Ito stands as one of the most symbolic statement In New Media architecture. The four principal architectural elements of the Mediatheque are the digital image, the continuous space, the tube, and the skin facade. The digital image express forms of communication, person-to-person and person-to-thing, and they vary according to the media utilized on each level. The three skin elements of the Mediatheque are a double skin of MPG, skin of louvers, skin of fine-floor decking. The tubes act as columns while enveloping light, air, water, electricity the passage of people, as well as the means of transferring material. The thirteen tubes of different sizes prevent the erection of wall and suggest places instead of rooms. Instead of being limited to certain specified actions in clearly defined rooms, people are free to choose places for their actions in the continuous space.



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