Work Management Model to Integrate Schedule and Bill of Quantity

산출내역서.공정 통합관리 모형 구축에 관한 연구

  • Published : 2002.12.01


Recently our government operates earned value management system (EVMS) for improving work management system of the construction projects over specific scale. The EVMS is based on the integrated management between construction cost and schedule. the existing systems, however, are focused on the cost management by using work quantity. This study suggests a work management model to integrate construction cost with activity information. The model introduces a work task concept as a tool that can connect construction rest to activity information. The suggested model in this study is verified by using actual data for the applicability to practical construction projects.



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Cited by

  1. Improvement of Cost-Schedule integration based Progress Management through PMIS vol.14, pp.5, 2013,