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- Mol. Microbiol. v.45 Gene expression profiling of Escherichia coli growth transitions: an expanded stringen response midel. Chang,D.E.;D.J.Smalley;T.Conway.
- Mol.Microbiol. v.11 Anaerobic activation of arcAtranscription of Escjerichia coli: roles of Fnr and ArcA. Compan,I;D.Touati.
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- J.Bacteriol. v.179 In vitro phosphorylation study of the Arc two component signal transduction system of Escherichia coli. Georgellis,D.;A.S.Lynch;E.C.C.Lin.
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- J. Bacteriol. v.172 Requirnment for terminal cytochtomes in generation of the aerobic signal for the arc regulatory system in Escherichia coli:study utilizing deletions and lac fusions of cyo and cyd. Iuchi,S.;V.Chepuri;H.A.Fu;R.B.Gennis;E.C.C.Lin.
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- J.Bacteriol. v.174 Purification and phosphorylation of the Are regulatory components of Escherichia coli. Iuchi,S.;E.C.C.Lin.
- Mol. Microbiol. v.9 Adapttion of Escherichia coli to redox environments by gene expression. Iuchi,S.;E.C.C.Lin.
- J.Biochem v.120 Celluiar and molecular physiology of Escherichia coli in the adaptation to aerobic environments. Iuchi,S.;L.Weiner.
- J.Biol.Chem. v.276 Multimerixation of phosphorylated and non-phosphorylated ArcA is necessary for the response regulator function fo the Arc two-component signal transdution system. Jeon,Y;Y.S.Lee;J.S.Han;J.B.Kim;D.S.Hwang.
- J.Bacteriol. v.173 Polyamines as constituents of the outer membranes of Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium. Koski,P;M.Vaara.
- J. Biol. Chem. v.193 Protein measurement with tne Folin phenol reagent. Lowry,O.H.;N.J.Rosebrough;A.L.Farr;R.J.Randall.
- J. Bacteriol. v.178 Transeriptional control mediated by ArcA two-componment response regylator protein of Escherichia coli:Characterization of DNA binding at target promotors. Lynch,A.S.;E.C.C.Lim.
- Experiments in molecular genetics. Miller,J.
- Proc. Natl.Acad.Sci.USA. v.84 Biosynthesis of polyamines in ornithine decarboxylase, arginine decarboxylase, and agmatine ureohydrolase deletion mutants of Escherichia coli K-12. Panagiotidis,C.A.;S.Blackburn;K.B.Low;E.S.Canellakis.
- Autoregulation of the acrA gene Escherichia coli. 92nd American Society for Microbioligy Meeting H-145. Park,S.J.;P.A.Cotter;R.P.Gunsalus.
- J.Bactriol v.17 The Cpx envelope stress response is controlled by amplification and feedback inhibition. Raivio,T.L.;D.L.Popkin;T.J.Silhavy.
- 101st American Society for Microbiology Meeting H-80 Effect of putrescine on induction of Escherichia coli paiAB is mediated through ArcA. Rhee,M.S.;S.U.Kang;J.H.Lee.
- Curr. Opin.Micobiol. v.2 The aerobic/anaerobic interface. Sawers,G.
- J.Bacteriol. v.180 Identification of conserved, RpoS-dependent stationary-phase genes of Escherichia coli. Schellhorn,H.E.;J.P.Audia;L.I.C.Wei;L.Chang.
- Nature v.175 Putrescine as an essential growth gactor for a mutant of Aspergillus nidulans. Sneath,P.H.
- Gene v.53 Improved single and multicopy lac-based cloning vectors for protein and operon fusions. Simon,R.V.;F.Houman;N.Kleckner.
- Microbiol.Rev. v.49 Polyamines in microorganisms. Tabor,C.W.;H.Tabor.
- Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci USA v.83 Spermidine synthase of Escherichia coli: localization of the speE gene. Tabor,C.W.;H.Tabor;Q.W.Xie
- J. Biol. Chem v.262 The speE speD operon of Escherichia coli. Formantion and processing of a proenzyme form of Sadenosylmethionine decarboxylase. Tabor,C.W.;H.Tabor.
- Ann.Rev.Biochem v.45 1,4-Diaminobutane(Putrescine), spermidine, and spermine. Tabor,H.;C.W.Tabor.
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- Mol. Microbiol. v.9 Iron and oxygen regulation of Escherichia coli MnSOD expression: competition between the global regulators Fur and ArcA for binding to DNA. Tardat,B.;D.Touati.
- Arch Microbiol. v.147 On the role of cyclic AMP and the Fnr protein in Escherichia coli growing anaerobically. Unden,G.;A.Duchene.
- J. Biol. Chem. v.276 Polyamines enhancement fo the synthesis fo adenylate cylase at the translational level and the consequential stimulation of the synthesis fo the RNA polymerase σ28 subunit. Yoshida,M.;K.Kashiwagi,K.G.Kawai;A.Ishihama;K.Igarashi.
- J.Bacteriol. v.171 Spermidine biosynthesis in Escherichia coli: promoter and termination regions of the speEDoperon. Xie,Q.W.;C.W.Tabor;H.Tabor.