가열수 온도에 의한 저온진공건조 열적 특성에 관한 연구

A Study on the Thermal Characteristics of Low Temperature Vacuum Drying by Hot Water Temperature

  • 발행 : 2001.05.01


The aim of this paper is to develop the low temperature vacuum dryer, with low initial investments and operating costs, easy operating method and trouble-free operation Usally operations just below atmospheric pressure, as with direct dryers, but some are built for vacuum operation with pressure as low 50 mmHg abs. The lowers the boiling point to $39^{\circ}C$ The experimental data of quantitative analysis for using practically were obtained by the constant drying rate period and reducing drying rate period according to the temperature of hot water which is the experimental parameters of present experiment. As the results, it took about 20 hours for material to reach about 18% of the final moisture content is order to store products for a long time about 450% of the early moisture content at the beginning of drying and maximum drying rate comes to about 0.30 kg/m2hr at about 350% of the moisture content.
