Applied Biological Chemistry
- 제44권3호
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- Pages.162-166
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- 2001
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- 2468-0834(pISSN)
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- 2468-0842(eISSN)
식물의 Ecdysteroids 함량에 미치는 광과 식물생장조절제의 영향
Effects of Light and Some Plant Growth Regulators on Ecdysteroids Contents in Polypodium vulgare L. and Achyranthes japonica Nakai
- 채현병 (제주대학교 원예생명과학부) ;
(제주대학교 원예생명과학부) ;
(제주대학교 원예생명과학부) ;
(제주대학교 원예생명과학부) ;
- 김대운 (제주대학교 원예생명과학부) ;
(제주대학교 의과대학) ;
(제주대학교 원예생명과학부)
- Chae, Hyun-Byung (Faculty of Horticultural Life Science, College of Agriculture) ;
Boo, Kyung-Hwan
(Faculty of Horticultural Life Science, College of Agriculture) ;
Jin, Seong-Beom
(Faculty of Horticultural Life Science, College of Agriculture) ;
Lee, Do-Seung
(Faculty of Horticultural Life Science, College of Agriculture) ;
- Kim, Dae-Woon (Faculty of Horticultural Life Science, College of Agriculture) ;
Cho, Moon-Jae
(Medical School, Cheju National University) ;
Riu, Key-Zung
(Faculty of Horticultural Life Science, College of Agriculture)
- 발행 : 2001.08.31
미역고사리(Polypodium vutgare L.)와 쇠무릎(Achyranthes japonica Nakai)에 있어서 광과 methyl jasmonate(MJ), 6-benzylaminopurine(BA), thidiazuron(TDZ), 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid(2,4-D)가 식물체 중의 ecdysteroids (
Effects of light, methyl jasmonate(MJ), 6-benzylaminopurine(BA), thidiazouron(TDZ), and 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid(2,4-D) on the contents of ecdysteroids (