Applied Microscopy
- Volume 29 Issue 2
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- Pages.223-230
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- 1999
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- 2287-5123(pISSN)
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- 2287-4445(eISSN)
Ultrastructure of the Rectum Epithelial Cells in the Mosquito Larvae, Culex pipiens pallens
빨간집모기 유충 내에 있는 직장 상피세포들의 미세구조
- Yu, Chai-Hyeock (Division of Biology & Oceanography, College of Natural Sciences, Inha University)
- 류재혁 (인하대학교 이과대학 생물해양학부)
- Published : 1999.06.01
The epithelium of the rectum in the mosquito larvae, Culex pipiens pallens: Culicidae, was observed with electron microscope. The rectum of posterior hindgut was composed of epithelial tissue which were covered with cuticular intima on the luminal side, connective tissue and muscular tissue. The rectal epithelial cells were squamous absorptive cells, and apical plasma membranes were highly folded to form apical infoldings with mitochondria inserted them. The lateral plasma membranes were irregularly infolded and well developed mitochondria were found closely associated with infoldings . And intercellular spaces (or channels) were formed between the epithelial cells, whereas speptate junction was found near the apical zone between them. Also basal plasma membrane were infolded which made basal infoldings ('basal labyrinth'), and were covered with thin basal lamina. Rcetal epithelium was surrounded by the connective tissue which was contained axon and tracheole cells. Connective tissue was covered with the bundles of circular and longitudinal muscles.
본 연구는 경기도 양평에서 채집한 빨간집모기(Culex pipiens pallens: Culicidae)를 사육하여 유충 시기에 있는 직장 조직을 구성하는 세포들의 미세구조를 관찰하였다. 직장조직은 점막상피조직, 결합조직, 그리고 근육조직 등으로 구성되었으며, 상피 내면에는 않은 큐티클 내막이 덮고 있었다. 점막 상피조직은 단층의 편평상피세포들로 이루어졌으며, 첨단원형질막이 약