A Study on the Cost Hierarchical System of Nuclaer Power Plant Construction Project for Introcusting Earned Vaule Management System

성과관리시스템(EVMS) 도입을 위한 원전 건설사업비 관리체계 세분화 방안에 관한 연구

  • 이상현 (한국수력원자력 중앙연구원 플랜트설계연구소) ;
  • 김우중 (한국수력원자력 중앙연구원 플랜트설계연구소)
  • Published : 2019.05.15


The nuclear power plant construction project is large-scale, has various stakeholders and computer system, and is produced and managed a large amount of information. The domestic nuclear power plant construction project has accumulated data based on many years of experience in the system. It has the competitiveness to suggeest alternatives that meet the requirement of the client in the overseas nuclear power plant project. Earned value management, which integrates schedule and cost, is possible to risk management. It was developed the earned value management system considering the the actual data properties and types of the preceding nuclear power plant construction projects. It will be able to increase the nuclaer power plant export competieiveness. Therefore, it was palned to carry out future stuies so that it be able to complement the measure to integrate cost and schedule in consideration of actual data(quantity of activity, etc.).
