The Properties of Concrete containing Waste-glass Powder

혼화재로서 폐유리 미분말을 사용한 콘크리트의 특성 평가

  • 최성우 (유진기업(주) 기술연구소) ;
  • 류득현 (유진기업(주) 기술연구소) ;
  • 김준형 (현대건설 연구개발본부 첨단재료연구팀)
  • Published : 2017.05.17


In the automotive industry, such as scrap metal and plastic scrap process is being recycled. Although the glass beads are used as road paving or other additives and processing crushing, recycling is known that there are limits. The utilization of waste glass was evaluated as a concrete admixture by using powder characteristics and chemical composition of the glass. As a result of using waste-glass powder as an admixture, it is difficult to expect the pozzolanic effect, but it is found that it can increase the fluidity of concrete and ensure the durability performance in the appropriate amount range.
