• Title/Summary/Keyword: zacco platypus

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Ultrastructural Study on the Spermatogenesis of Pale Chub (Zacco platypus) (피라미(Zacco platypus)의 정자형성과정에 관한 미세구조적 연구)

  • Cho, Jang-Hyeon;Reu, Dong-Suck
    • Applied Microscopy
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.181-191
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    • 1998
  • The spermatogenesis of pale chub (Zacco platypus) was investigated morphologically. The testis of pale chub contained numerous testicular sacs. These testicular sacs were bounded on neighboring sacs by single layer of squamous cells. Also, differentiated sperms were filled in the sacs. In the stage of spermatogonium, the germ cells had a large nucleus and a distinct nucleolus, and mitochondrial development was prominent. In the primary and secondary spermatogonia, these cells had a round electron-dense nucleus, reduced cytoplasm, and mitochondria were congregated in the side of cytoplasm. The highly condensed chromatin of sperms was electron-dense, the acrosome was not found in the head of the sperm and a motile flagellum consisted of an axoneme with a typical 9+2 pattern of microtubules.

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  • YANG Hong Jun
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.65-70
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    • 1979
  • The fish faeona of the Hyeongsan River was found to be as follows; 1. The study of fish fauna for this paper was achieved from May to August in 1978. 2. The collected cyprinid fishes from the Hyeongsan River are 13 species in 10 genera, i. e., Cyprinus carpio, Carassius auratus, Gnathopogon coreanus, Gnathopogon majimae, Pseudorasbora parve, Pungtungia herzi, Moroco oxycephalus, Moroco lagewskii, Triboledon hakenensis, Zacco platypus, Zacco temmincki, Rhodeus ocellatus and Pseudoperilampus uyekii. 3. Among them the 5 species, Pseudorasbora parva, Moroco oxycephalus, Zacco platypus, Rhodeus ocellatue and Pseudoperilampus uyekii, are first described from this river. 4. Zacco temmincki is a dominant species in the whole river and Moroco oxycephalus at the upper, Zacco temmincki at the middle and Carassius auratus at the lower part of the river are dominant species in each studied area. 5. The number of distributed cyprinid species in this river compared to the adjacent river basins is $43.3\%$ of the whole Nakdong River and $118.2\%$ of the Taewha River.

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Optimization of the 32P-postlabeling Assay for Detecting Benzo(a)pyrene-induced DNA Adduct Formation in Zacco platypus

  • Lee, Jin Wuk;Lee, Sung Kyu
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.55-62
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    • 2014
  • Objectives: $^{32}P$-postlabeling assay is the most sensitive method of detecting DNA adduct formation. However, it is limited by a low sample throughput and use of radioisotopes (RI). In this study, we modified it to minimize these limitations and applied it to Z. platypus exposed to Benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) in order to investigate DNA adduct formation (effect biomarker for pollutants) in Z. platypus for assessing risk of waterborne BaP exposure. Methods: DNA hydrolysis was performed only with Micrococcal nuclease (MNase), RI reduction test was performed and the overlapping steps between thin layer chromatography (TLC) and radioisotope high-performance liquid chromatography (RI-HPLC) were omitted. The application of a modified method to Z. platypus exposed to BaP was performed. Results: The results revealed that the amount of RIs used can be reduced roughly 10-fold. Because the analysis time was shortened by 8.5 hours, the sample throughput per hour was increased compared with the previous method. The results of applying modified $^{32}P$-postlabeling assay to Z. platypus, DNA adduct formation in Z. platypus showed dose-dependency with the BaP concentration. Only BPDE-dGMP was detected as a DNA adduct. Conclusion: These results demonstrate that the modified $^{32}P$-postlabeling assay is a suitable method for detecting DNA adduct formation in Z. platypus exposed to waterborne BaP and will be useful in risk assessment of carcinogenic effect in aquatic environment due to BaP.

Spatial Analysis of Ecological Characteristics of Zacco platypus Population in Lake Hoengseong Region (횡성호 일대에 분포하는 피라미(Zacco platypus) 개체군의 생태적 특성 분석)

  • Lee, Hwang-Goo;Shin, Hyun-Seon;Kim, Sung-Won;Choi, Jun-Kil
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.374-381
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    • 2012
  • In this study, ecological characteristics of Zacco platypus population in Lake Hoengseong region, including the up-and downstream in Lake, were investigated from April to November, 2010. The results compared with regional dynamics of Z. platypus population showed a dominant population among the other fish population, and also upstream has relatively high as 1,707 (78.70%) individuals than those of other sites. The regression coefficient (b) in relation to length-weight on Z. platypus population were 3.28 which appeared relatively a stabilized habitat condition in Lake Hoengseong region and 3.28 at the upstream and 3.10 in Lake Hoengseong and 3.09 at the downstream. Condition factor on Z. platypus population in Lake Hoengseong region showed stabilized population as 0.003 value, and especially the condition factors at the upstream were relatively higher than those at the downstream and Lake Hoengseong, indicate that Z. platypus population at the upstream displayed to be maintained as the most good condition in relation to trophic states. As a results of compared with body size on Z. platypus population, was investgated as highly distribute between 30~50mm and 70~90mm at upstream; 60~80mm in Lake Heongseong; 70~100mm at downstream, respectively. As a results, Z. platypus population at the upstream among Lake Hoengseong region displayed the most stabilized growth condition, and Z. platypus population were inhabitable in lotic and lentic environments based on good habitat condition.

Infestation Characteristics of Parasite (Ligula intestinalis) in Abdominal Cavity of Zacco platypus in the Small Stream of Korea (국내 중소하천에서 피라미 (Zacco platypus)의 복강 기생충 감염특성)

  • Shin, Jae-Ki;Kang, Bok-Gyoo;Hwang, Soon-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.49 no.3
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    • pp.215-227
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    • 2016
  • In freshwater ecosystems, the types of fish parasites are diverse and routes of infection are complicated because they maintain the life cycle in a variety of host animals, The present study investigated the infestation characteristics of parasites occurring in abdominal cavity of Zacco platypus in Seom River from February to October 2007. At the same time, four streams (Gam Stream, Daepo Stream, Yangsan Stream, and Yulha Stream) were also surveyed for the reference of fish infection. Aquatic insects and shellfish predominated benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages by 90.4% and 7.7% of relative abundance, respectively. Aquatic insects were composed mostly of Ephemeroptera (46.8%) and Trichoptera (29.8%), and shellfish was Gastropods. Freshwater fish was most abundant Cyprinid and Z. platypus by 85.7% and 48.8%, respectively. Among waterfowl, Anas poecilorhyncha and Egretta garzetta were dominant in August. Fish parasites observed in the abdominal cavity of Z. platypus was classified as Ligula intestinalis, belonging to Phylum Platyhelminthes Cestoda Pseudophyllidae. L. intestinalis was observed from Z. platypus in October, as the number of one individual in the Seom River and fifteen individuals in the Yangsan Stream. Infection rate of plerocercoid ranged 1.4~15.8%. We discussed the relationship between the life cycle of the parasite and the host, and hope our results to be useful for understanding the ecology of the fish abdominal parasites in Korean river ecosystem.

Study of Freshwater Fish Fauna and Distribution of Introduced Species of Mankyeong River, Korea (만경강의 담수어류 및 외래어종의 분포)

  • Lee, Wan-Ok;Kim, Kyeong-Hwhan;Kim, Jong-Hwa;Hong, Kwan-Eui
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.198-209
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    • 2008
  • During studies of the fish fauna and communities of Mankyeong River, which flows to the Yellow Sea, 14 families in 44 genera and 63 species of freshwater fishes were caught. Zacco platypus (27.7%) was the dominant species and Z. koreanus (11.3%) the subdominant species in this river. Twenty-three species of Korean endemic fishes appeared, and two of these, Pseudopungtungia nigra and Liobagrus obesus, represented endangered Korea species. Community structure of each branch stream was stable, showing appropriate dominant species: Z. koreanus in Jeonju Stream, Z. platypus in Kosan and Soyang Streams, and Carassius auratus in Mankyeong main stream. Three introduced species appeared: C. cuvieri, Micropterus salmoides, and Lepomis macrochirus. Among these introduced species, M. salmoides expanded its territory from midstream to downstream because of its strong carnivorous tendency and it favoring of lentic waters. This distribution of M. salmoides affected the number and distribution of small native freshwater fishes, especially those in the subfamily Acheilognathinae.

Neoplagioporus zncconis (Trematoda: Opecoelidae) from the intestine of the pale chub, Zocco platypus, in Korea (한국산 피라미 장에 기생하는 흡충류 Neoplagioporus zacconis (Trematoda Opecoelidae))

  • Kim, Gi-Hong;Jo, Jae-Beom;Im, Han-Jong
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.199-202
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    • 1998
  • Neoplasioporus zocconis (Yamaguti, 1934) (Trematoda: Opecoelidae) was found from the intestine of the pale chub, Zacco platypus, for the first time in Korea. The worms were characterized morphologically by oval body shape, bipartited seminal vesicle, sinistrally located genital pore, and lobed ovary, and distinguished from the two other species of Neoplagioporous by body shape and distribution of vitelline follicles. The morphological characteristics, except the ovary, well corresponded to those of the previous descriptions. The morphological difference of the ovary was considered as a character of geographical phenotypic variation.

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Abnormality of Reproduction and Organ Structure of the Pale Chub, Zacco platypus from Isa Stream (이사천에서 채집된 피라미, Zacco platypus의 생식과 기관계 구조 이상)

  • Jin Young-Guk;Shin Soon-Ho;Lee Jae-Bong;Lee Jae-Woo;An Cheul-Min;Lee Jung-Sick
    • Environmental Analysis Health and Toxicology
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    • v.21 no.1 s.52
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    • pp.35-43
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    • 2006
  • Reproduction and organ structure of the pale chub, Zacco platypus in Isa stream were investigated by means of histological methods. The results of the study confirmed reproductive abnormality and histopathological features in the pale chub. The gonadosomatic index (GSI) of the fish showed two peak in April and August. In summer season, GSI of the male was about two times of the female's GSI. Monthly variation of the gonadal development was very irregular. From the histological analysis of the organ structure, epidermal atrophy, necrosis and hyperplasia of pigment cell were observed in the skin. Epithelial layer lifting and clubbing of the lamella and bifurcation of the filament were observed in the gill. Also histological changes as congestion, cytoplasmic degeneration of hepatic cell, degeneration of bile duct, glomerular dilatation, degeneration of renal tubule and pycnosis of interstitial cell were identified in the liver and kidney, respectively.

Geographic Variation of Body Color and Morphological Characteristics of Pale Chub, Zacco platypus (Cyprinidae, Pisces) (피라미, Zacco platypus (Cyprinidae, Pisces)의 체색과 형태의 지리적 변이)

  • Yoon, Hee Nam;Chae, Byung Soo;Bae, Yang Seop
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.167-176
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    • 2012
  • In comparison of the body color of Zacco platypys from Korea, it was found that there were significant differences among geographical populations in the color of upper eye, snout tip and anterior margin of pectoral fin. In individuals with red upper eye the snout tip was red but in those with black upper eye red color did not appeared on the snout tip. There was no difference between male and female in this characteristic and it was expressed uniformly within the same population. So we divided Z. platypus into two types by the color of upper eye; R type with red upper eye and B type with black upper eye. Red band on anterior margin of pectoral fins appeared in all males of both R and B type populations but in females it appeared only in B type individuals. The two types shown different distribution pattern in Korean Peninsula. R type distributed in almost whole area but B type distributed only in southeastern part of the peninsula: Nakdong, Hyeongsan, Taehwa, Suyeong and Jinjeon River. In analysis of external morphology among two types of Z. platypus from Korea and Z. platypus from Japan, there were no significant differences. But they were relatively well separated in discriminant function analysis.

Length-weight Relationship and Condition Factor of Zacco platypus in the Lake Hoengseong (횡성호에 분포하는 피라미 (Pale chub: Zacco platypus) 개체군의 Length-weight Relationship 및 Condition Factor)

  • Jang, Young-Su;Choi, Jae-Seok;Lee, Kwang-Yeol;Seo, Jin-Won;Kim, Bom-Chul
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.412-418
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    • 2007
  • The dynamics of Zacco platypus population of upstream and downstream in the lake Hoengseong, Korea were investigated from April to October 2005. Length-weight relationship, condition factor (K) and relative condition factor $(K_n)$ of Z. platypus were compared by the study stations. The equations based on length-weight relationship in the lake Hoengseong were $Log(T_w)=-2.2s+3.18{\cdot}Log(T_L)\;(r^2=0.99)$. The result in comparison of variations of Z. platypus populations, in lake was more remain to better than in upstream and downstream them. Also the b value, assessed by Length-weight relationship in lake was 3.36, in upstream and downstream were 3.09, 3.15, respectively indicating the fish in lake better than stream. The slopes of population condition controlled by K factor also showed positive relationship. It was higher in lake environment than in stream sample, reflecting that population of Z. platypus distributed in lake Hoengseong was favorable and stable condition. The lake environment seems to be providing more favorable condition for Z. platypus population.