• Title/Summary/Keyword: work uniform

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An Experimental Study on the Thermal Characteristics of the Working Uniform Exposed to the Radiation Heat (복사열에 노출된 작업복의 열적특성에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • 방창훈;이진호;예용택
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.56-60
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study was to present the thermal characteristics of the working uniform exposed to the radiation heat. The effect of exposure time and exposure distance on the changes and the relationship between physical properties were investigated experimentally. Regardless of the kind of working uniform, the surface temperature of the working uniform with exposed time sharply increases as exposed distance is more close and the reaching time of steady state is shorter. The surface temperature of working uniform exponentially decreases as exposed distance become more distant. For the safety of the working man, it is necessary that he work far away at a fixed standard distance from the radiant heat source.

Teachers’Attitudes toward the Middle and High School Student Uniform (중.고등학교 교복에 대한 교사들의 태도)

  • 이경자;김용숙
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 1995
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the teachers’attitudes toward the middle and high school student uniform. The questionnaire included independent variables about teacher themselves and school surroundings, and questions about teachers’attitudes toward school uniform. The participants were 316 middle and high school teachers in Chonbuk province. Means, standard deviations, frequencies, and percentages were calculated. ANOVA test was used for differences and scheffe-test was followed. The results were: 1. Teachers were content with “Students in uniform are upright and look more studentlkie.”“It’s easy to supervise students outdoors.”, and “There’s few efficiencies in coping with the temperature alternating.”, “Students in uniform hardly can reveal their originality.”and “It’s inconvenient for the students to be dynamic in uniform.” 2. Teachers in high schools and in private schools showed more positive attitudes toward uniform. And the male teachers, teachers graduated from general college, married teachers, and teachers who have a career of more than 20 years showed more positive attitudes toward uniform. More variables concerned about teacher themselves showed more significant differences than those about school surroundings. 3. Most of teachers showed positive attitudes toward uniform. The rank order of the reasons for the teacher’s positive attitudes were “Students in uniform are upright and look more studentlike.”, “It’s easy to supervise students outdoors.”, and “There’s no noticible distinction between the rich and the poor students.”The rank order of the reason for the teachers’negative at titudes were “Student in uniform could hardly reveal their originality.”, “It’s inconvenient for the student to be dynamic in uniform.”, and ”As they have to get the street clothes besides, economic burden becomes double in reality.”4. More than half of the teachers who are working at schools with uniform showed positive attitudes toward uniform. The rank order of reasons for the teachers’positive attitudes were “Students in uniform are upright and look more studentlike.”,“It’s easy to supervise students outdoors.”and “Economic burden could be decreased.”“The rank order of the reasons for the negative attitudes were “It’s inconvenient for the student to be dynamic in uniform.”, “Students in uniform could hardly reveal their originality.”, and “Students cannot feel free in mind with uniform.”5. Teachers overall showed positive attitudes toward uniform whether they work ar schools with uniform or without it.

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A Study on the Characteristic of Work Roll texturing for the Temper Rolling (조질압연용 Work roll의 조도가공 특성에 관한 연구)

  • 전태옥;전언찬;김순경
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 1993.10a
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    • pp.505-511
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    • 1993
  • The results were obtained with changes according to the surface roughness of work roll and method to make the peak count on the roll in the temper rolling, and factors to affect to the work roll surface in actual rolling machine(ie. Temper mill). Conclusions are as follows. 1. E.D.T(Electro-discharge texturing)roll is more uniform roughness distribution than shot blasted roll and it's life time is two timees longer than that of shot blasted because it has more sine wave roughness. 2. The higher peak count of surface roughness, the more time is necessary to work roll texturing In shot blasting method, Surface roughness is relating to the grit size,impeller speed and hardness of roll material, But is can't control the peak count. 3. In shot blast texturing, Surface roughness of temper rolled strip which is transfered surface roughness of work roll is more ununiform than that of E.D.T roll 4. E.D.T roll has more uniform than the shot blasted roll and has more peak count than that of shot blasted roll. The surface of painted strip to image clarity is superior to that of shot blasted roll because E.D.T roll has more peak count and smooth surface.

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A Case Study on the Uniform Design of Fashion Designer for Domestic Corporations in Korea (패션 디자이너의 국내 기업 유니폼 디자인 사례 연구)

  • Na, Hyun-Suk;Bae, Soo-Jeong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.63 no.1
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    • pp.64-80
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the cases of Korean requesting fashion designers for uniform design, that were created from the combination of designer's ideas with company identity, and analyze its design characteristics. For research methods, the uniform design cases were investigated and analyzed from 2000 to 2012. Uniform design cases were classified by job categories( airlines, banks, distributions, constructions, communications and restaurants). The most frequently applied trait on the part of uniform design proved to be for the fashion trend, followed by emblematic and functional factor and lastly, by korean tradition. This might be ascribed to the occupational characteristics of the fashion designers, which is the most emphasis on the fashion trend. The uniform of the construction and the distribution companies showed very fashionable designs that would be regarded to be associated with the trendy life styles in these companies' consumers. To the contrary, the uniform of the financial and communication companies showed the functional and emblematic trend that might be due to work conditions with long hours of sitting, coming from the occupational characteristics of these companies.

Dilutant flow characteristics model of coarse particle suspensions with uniform size distribution

  • Ookawara, Shinichi;Ogawa, Kohei
    • Korea-Australia Rheology Journal
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.35-41
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    • 2003
  • It is expected that particle size distribution of any portion obtained through screening, is of more uniform than that of the original mixture, typically following such as log-normal, Rosin-Rammler distributions and so on. In this study, therefore, a new relation between parameters of the uniform distribution and flow characteristics of the coarse particle suspensions is derived based on the continuous polydisperse model (Ookawara and Ogawa, 2002b), which is derived from the discrete polydisperse model (Ookawara and Ogawa,2002a). The derived model equation predicts a linear increase of viscosity with shear rate, viz., dilutant flow characteristics. Further, the increase of viscosity is expected to be proportional to the square of volume fraction of particles, and to show the linear dependency on density and average diameter of particles. It is also shown that the uniform distribution model includes additional term that expresses the effect of distribution width. For verification of the model, the experimental results of Clarke (1967) are cited as well as in our previous work for the monodisperse model (Ookawara and Ogawa,2000) since most parameters were varied independently in his work. It is suggested that the newly introduced term expands the applicable range compared with the monodisperse model.

A Research of Worker's Uniform in the Mechanical Industry (기계공업 종사자의 작업복 착용 실태조사 연구)

  • 김혜령;서미아
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.718-734
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study is to provide basic data f3r improvement in Working Uniform in both scientific and efficient ways. The study were enforced by questionnaire and personal interview. The subject of the survey were the workers of 264 in mechanic industry in Seoul. The results obtained from the researches by methods above are as follows. 1. In general, Working Uniform could be classified types of two. One is loose-fitting one-piece garment covering the body and legs, the other is two-piece garment. The latter is a jacket with either sports collar or soutein collar, fastened with either buttons or a zipper and its sleeve is finished by cuffs and tapes. Regarding to color. inkblue, dark navy, khaky, dark beige are favourable ones. 2. In regard to the necessity of uniform that workers suppose, most of them were aware of it and agreed wearing uniform could play an important part. The reason why are on the basis of safety-first and work efficiency and also to protect a body from harmful or toxic dirt specially in machinery workplace. 3. The purpose of wearing an uniform according to statistics of population make some difference in age, gender. categories of industry, and the scale of factory. 4. In regard to care of uniform, front hem, edge of sleeve in a jacket, and knee, hip part in pants were most vulnerable spots for dirt. The parts damaged easily are edge of sleeve in a jacket and a zipper in pants. On the average, laundry have been done by water and was once a week frequency.

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A Study on the Changes of the Women's Uniform in England

  • Kim, Kyung-Hee
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.15-27
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    • 2002
  • A uniform is generated in the course of confirming a singular mode of dress that is adopted by a community for a specific purpose. In particular, women's uniform has a close relations to their position in the community they belong to. And women's uniform has closely been associated with finding ways into their communities over the centuries, and is part of women's development process. Women's history of using organized uniforms has not been longer than men's. Their realm of activities began to be enlarged due to the World War, and women's uniform has gradually settled down and moved toward diversity. The origin of many uniforms worn by today's women can be traced back to the end of the last century, and this fact indicates that women started to find their ways into many new fields at that time. There has been a lot of changes until current women's uniforms come out. It's intended in this study to contribute to designing more creative and productive women's uniform, by taking a careful look at typical early uniforms for service personnels, nannies, nurses and soldiers that are an indication of their work and working environment.

Endowment of Traditionality to the New Style Taekwondo Uniform and a Proposal of Its Design Modification (신형 태권도 공인도복의 전통성 제언 및 디자인 수정 제안)

  • Choi, Yeon-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.19-32
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    • 2014
  • The Taekwondo uniform has remained consistent since it was officially designed in a V-neck form in 1976. Taekwondo is a martial art that emphasizes social etiquette; therefore, it is necessary to dress in a uniform that reflects Korean traditions and ancient oriental philosophy. However, the current official uniform has limitations in endowing traditionality and many usability problems. Thus, recognizing the problems raised with the uniform, the Kukkiwon (World Taekwondo Headquarters) developed a new style official uniform in 2011. This study is to endow traditional meaning to a new style uniform and proposes some design modifications that can convey a more traditional adequacy. The development of the new official uniform began with a specific plan for change from the existing uniform, this study as subsequent work is significant in that its endowment of symbolism and modification proposal is for the actual execution and global dissemination of traditional Taekwondo culture. The results of this study are as follows. First, we can endow Korea's traditional historicity and symbolism to the new uniform in form and colors. All contents of the design (in which the front side is open, the top is adjusted rightward, the rear length is shorter than the front length, comfort provided by side vents, dual collars for children's uniforms, and a belt) are adapted from the Korean traditional costume. Consequently, historicity can be endowed to the uniform. It is also confirmed that the traditional oriental philosophy including heaven and earth (天地), Yin-Yang (陰陽), and Five Elements (五行) can be endowed in the use of colors. Second, in order to project deeper historicity and symbolism to the form of the new uniform, this study proposes design modifications based on the selection as an item of Simui (深衣), a type of traditional clothing that contains a high symbolism similar to the Taekwondo uniform. It proposes giving shape to the practice of manners, the righteous life, and the straightforward mind by modifying the design of the uniform in the fish belly part of the sleeves, collars, back stitches, and side seams.

The Case Study on Design Development of Working Uniform in the Industrial Complex (공단 기업체의 근무복 디자인 개발 사례 연구)

  • Park, Hye-Won
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.132-142
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this case study was to design development of Working Uniform in 10 enterprises which were located in Changwon national industrial complex. The 10 enterprises were small-medium business in machinery. For finding actual conditions and preferences by employers, interview with employers was accomplished and their uniforms were collected. The uniforms were analyzed by Design elements ; shapes, colors, details. From the results, working uniforms were designed by each enterprise. The design was suggested CAD work sheets and send to each enterprise. After discussion and correction, design were made in fabric. Total 50 items(winter jacket and pants, spring & fall jacket and pants and summer T-shirts) were made by P/C, P/A and polyester coolon materials. The new designs have worn by the enterprises, now. This case study could be one of academic - industrial relationship cooperation.

A Survey on Uniforms and Development of New Design (유니폼 실태조사 및 디자인 개선을 위한 연구(II))

  • 김경인
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.33
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    • pp.229-253
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    • 1997
  • Uniform is getting increased importance as one of the symbols which represent the characteristics of company as well as gives good impression to the customers. Uniform shows the kinds of companies and forms of jobs and it makes the people who is putting on the uniform feel the sense of unity a security of one's position and the companion-ship and also it gives him a sense of responsi-bility and elevates the efficiency of tasks. It is required to be designed for a uniformity and it can contribute in the increase of work ef-ficiency and help the company get the good results of the management by inspiring the workers with conceit and belongingnesses. The purpose of this study is as the followings 1) Through the practical survey we analyze workers' staffs' and consumers' preference of uniform design 2) We analyze the fashion trend for 97/98 A./W 3) We present each uniform design for seven different types of company on the basis of 1) (design preference) and 2)(fashion trends).

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