• Title/Summary/Keyword: wooden construction

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A Study on the Creation and Development Process of Silla Stone Pagodas (신라석탑(新羅石塔)의 발생과 성립과정(成立過程)에 대한 고찰)

  • Shin, Yong-Chul
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.35-54
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    • 2010
  • This study aims to examine the development process of the early stone pagodas of Unified Silla. The history of stone pagodas traces back to both Baekje and Silla in the Three Kingdoms period, but the styles and structures of pagodas began differently. In other words, Baekje attempted to recreate the wooden pagoda style, while Silla attempted to recreate China' brick pagoda style. These different stone pagoda cultures, around the unification of Three Kingdoms, underwent new style changes, and after the mid-7th century, some changes in the five-storied stone pagodas in Tapri appeared, and the milestone perfection of Silla's stone pagodas was achieved through those of Gameusa Temple and Goseonsa Temple. After the mid-7th century, Silla's stone pagodas accommodated some of Baekje's wooden pagodas' elements, shifted from the wooden pagoda style and developed into its own stone pagoda style. This is shown in numerous stone pagodas. However, in Silla's stone pagodas, including the three-storied stone pagoda in Hwagboksa Temple in 692, the size of the pagoda became small and underwent sudden changes. In other words, a new direction of Silla stone pagodas was presented in terms of how massive stones could be reduced, but they differed only in the reduced stone amount; the basic developed style of the Gameunsa Temple stone pagoda and the Goseonsa Temple stone pagoda inherited the traditional style. Thus, the construction of these two pagodas is considered to be significant in the Silla's history of stone pagodas.

Indirect Detection of Internal Defects in Wooden Rafter with Ultrasound

  • Lee, Sang-Joon;Lee, Sangdae;Pang, Sung-Jun;Kim, Chul-Ki;Kim, Kwang-Mo;Kim, Ki-Bok;Lee, Jun-Jae
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.164-172
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this research was development of quantitative ultrasonic test methodology for detecting internal defects in members of ancient wooden building. Connection part between wooden members and/or contacted or hidden part by wall of ceiling or other construction materials make it hard to apply direct way of ultrasonic test. So indirect way of ultrasonic test needed to be applied. Test methodology with newly developed prototype of ultrasonic system was proposed. Homogeneous material with polypropylene was also tested for establishing the criterion. Results showed that TOF(time of flight)-energy and pulse length were found out to be proper ultrasonic parameters for predicting depth of defect in wood different from polypropylene. It was not possible to directly apply prediction equation derived from polypropylene. Newly established prediction equation shows coefficient of determination of 0.73 for wood. Finally, defect of replaced rafter members was predicted with the coefficient of determination of 0.32. Various aspects of ultrasound propagation in wood including anisotropy need to be carefully considered to raise up the prediction accuracy.

Resistance to Subterranean Termite (Reticulitermes speratus) in Wood Species Used as Members in South Korea's Major Wooden Building Heritage

  • Ik-Gyun IM;Gyu-Seong HAN
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.52 no.5
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    • pp.405-422
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    • 2024
  • This study investigated the resistance of domestic wood species used as wood members in general wood construction and Korean wood cultural properties to the termite Reticulitermes speratus using no-choice and two-choice tests. The results of the no-choice experiment confirmed that hardwood has higher termite resistance than that of softwood. In addition, R. speratus prefers softwood, including Abies holophylla, which has low density, is easy to feed on, and does not contain repellent extracts. In a two-choice test, Zelkova serrata was found to be the most termite-resistant wood species used in wooden cultural buildings. In addition, we investigated the effects of different wood extraction methods and their components on termite resistance. The cold-water extraction of softwood increased the feeding activity of termites; however, the cold-water extraction of hardwood had little effect on the feeding activity of termites. In natural environments with repeated exposure to moisture, such as rainfall, water-soluble extracts present in wood species are relatively more likely to dissolve and removed, making softwood more likely to be damaged by termites than hardwood. Untreated Quercus variabilis showed an extremely weak feeding activity of termites compared with that in other wood species; however, feeding termites with the alcohol-benzene extract of Q. variabilis had no inhibitory effect on their feeding activity. Therefore, we believe that the high density of Oriental cork oak wood inhibits the feeding activity of R. speratus. In contrast, the alcohol-benzene extracts of Z. serrata, Prunus sargentii, and Castanea crenata showed a strong inhibition of the feeding activity of termites.

Analysis of the Defects in Wooden Landscape Facilities according to the Type of Timber - Focused on the Defects in Pillars of Out Door Rest Furniture - (목재 조경시설물의 목재 종류별 하자분석 - 휴게시설물 목재기둥의 균열하자를 중심으로-)

  • Park, Won-Kyu;Shin, Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.81-90
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    • 2012
  • Improvements in the quality of life have resulted in a heightened awareness of safety and the environment. As a result, timber as an environmentally friendly material, is used for landscape facilities and a wide range of purposes. But there are a large number of defects since there are twists and cracks that can be found in wooden landscape facilities. This has led to the use of imported hardwood instead of the Western Hemlock which has been in widespread use. Hardwood is expensive. However, it is being used without any information or research on how much it reduces the actual defects. Construction contractors are in great need of information on the characteristics and defect rates of different types of timber. This study investigated and analyzed the cracks in four types of timber - namely the Western Hemlock, Burckella, Nyatoh and Malas - in order to provide basic information to construction contractor for them to be able to select and use the appropriate type of timber. The main results of this study are as follows. First, the Western Hemlock had 1.90 $cracks/m^2$, Malas had 0.83 $cracks/m^2$, Burckella had 0.14 $cracks/m^2$, and the Nyatoh had the least number of surface defects at 0.04 $cracks/m^2$. Second, while Malas has the highest degree of strength timber, Nyatoh had the smallest defect rate. This showed that having high timber strength does not necessarily mean it has less defects. Third, the Western Hemlock was the least expensive and Burckella was the most expensive. However, considering the cost of repairing defects, it would be economically advantageous to use Burckella and Nyatoh which have low defect rates. This study aimed to provide basic information to landscape construction contractors for them to be able to select and use the appropriate type of timber when constructing wooden outdoor rest furniture. The results are expected to contribute to quality enhancements and defect reduction in landscape facilities.

An Analysis of Wooden Wells from the Three Kingdoms Period in the Yeongsan River Basin (영산강유역 삼국시대 목조우물에 대한 검토)

  • CHOI Misook
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.57 no.3
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    • pp.6-22
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    • 2024
  • This paper examines the characteristics of wooden wells from the Three Kingdoms period that were discovered in the Yeongsan River basin, in addition to their functions based on the distribution of the remains and excavated artifacts found near the wells. A total of 11 wooden wells have been found at six archeological sites along the middle and upper reaches of the Yeongsan River basin. These wooden wells were built in a wider variety of forms than wells made of other materials due to the ease of processing resulting from the physical properties of wood. However, due to the limited geological conditions in which these wells can be installed and their rapid decay, the discovery of such wells is rare. They tend to be located in the clay and mud layers of old river channels or near river channels where it was relatively easy to obtain water from the riverbed. The wooden wells are mostly square or rectangular in shape and were assembled transversely, and some include support beams in their construction. The backfill was reinforced with either stone, a mixture of stone and clay, or a mixture of clay and pottery shards. The material mainly used was pine wood boards, with wood from chestnut trees being used as a sub-material. Various artifacts, such as pottery and wooden containers, animal bones, and seeds, have been excavated in small quantities. The excavated pottery items consist mostly of flat cups with a cover, mounted cups, pottery stands, wide-mouthed jars with a hole, and round pottery. Based on the environment and remains of the sites, the wells are thought to have been used for domestic and production purposes. The assumed primary function was to obtain domestic water, as most of the wells were located within residential spaces where the area's inhabitants lived. The wells were also used to obtain water for agricultural purposes, as well as for productive purposes such as for operating kilns and smelters. Lastly, the wooden wells were also found to be strongly associated with rites, as evidenced by the artifacts found inside them.

The Establishment Year of 'Jeongnimsa' Temple in Buyeo (백제(百濟) '정림사(定林寺)'의 창건연대(創建年代))

  • Kim, Nak Jung
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.38-53
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    • 2012
  • This paper investigated the construction year of 'Jeongnimsa(定林寺)temple in Buyeo(扶餘) through the recent archaeological records. First, the composition of land for the construction of temple was linked with Gwanbukri(官北里) sites which is estimated as palace. The composition of land for the palace was formed at late 6th century. Second, the several furnace sites was discovered under the foundation soil layers for the construction of temple. Reference to the pottery excavated from the previous surface indicates that the workshops having been operated a period of time after the transfer of the capital to Sabi(泗?). These workshops having been operated before the construction of roof-tile buildings which were followed by the large-scale composition of land for the palace at Gwanbukri sites adjacent to the north of 'Jeongnimsa. The pottery, roof-tiles and chinese porcelain which were included in the earth laid on the ground for the construction of temple also indicates that the construction year of temple do not go up to shortly after the transfer of the capital to Sabi. This is related with that wooden pagoda would have been present before stone pagoda and the foundation of the wooden pagoda would have soared into the ground. Last, the building layout of temple is familiar to Iksan(益山) Mireuksa(彌勒寺址) temple site than the temples of Buyeo such as Wangheungsa(王興寺址) temple site. This imply that Jeongnimsa temple was not constructed shortly after the transfer of the capital to Sabi like the opinion of the existing. Jeongnimsa temple was probably constructed at late 6th century when composition of the Sabi city was actively made.

Sound Absorption Performance of Korean Traditional Window Papers (창호지의 흡음성능에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Choi, Eun-Seok;Lee, Tai-Gang;Kim, Hang;Kim, Sun-Woo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 2006.11a
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    • pp.17-20
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    • 2006
  • Korean traditional houses have been developed in sympathy with natural environment and formed comfortable indoor condition by properly using surrounding natural resources including building layout, space construction and material our traditional wooden windows adjusting ambient temperature and humidity have both the functions of window and door, although they are clearly divided in the West. While window paper is attached from the outside in China and Japan, it is attached from the inside in Korea. The opening and closing mode of windows is similar and their dimensions are shown not to he standardized but diverse in terms of the characteristic of wooden furniture and that of components placed between columns. Thus this study is to look into the performance of band-lattice door of a typical traditional one by observing changes in sound absorption characteristics according to difference in thickness and finishing method of window paper and those in sound absorption characteristics with the changed thickness of air layer in traditional windows and doors.

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Construction and a Chronological Examination of the Fabrics in the Buddhist (불복장 직물의 구조특성 및 연대규명)

  • Kim, Sun-Kyung;Cho, Hyo-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.55 no.8 s.99
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    • pp.73-84
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    • 2005
  • Collections in the buddhist statue owned by Dr. Jong-Hm Baik(白宗欽) included 3 ancient documents and 2 wooden cylinders that showed a clear historical order. The temple and buddhist statue that these objects were belonged to were not known, however, according to the document, it could be inferred as Chunsukwaneumsang(천수관음상) created in 1322 and reformed in 1614 from the list of donator for the statue. Inside a wooden cylinder, a bundle of ivory, yellow, green, orange, and dark brown fabrics that were folded up and tided up with 5 different colored thread strands and aromatic trees and rice plant was placed on the bottom. All the fabrics were silk. Three thread strands were silk. The white and blue strands were cotton fibers as a result of analysis of IR spectrum and the microscope. According to a radioactive carbon isotope dating by accelerator mass spectroscopy, years before present was 160$\pm$40, and cablibrated ages were 1680-1890 (79.3$\%$), 1910-1960(16.1$\%$) in 95.4$\%$ probability. Accordingly, the fabrics in the buddhist statue proved to be reformed in 1614 not the original ones in 1322.

A study on the Sound Insulation Characteristics of Korean Traditional Windows (전통창호의 차음 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Hang;Lee, Tai-Gang;Kim, Sun-Woo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 2007.05a
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    • pp.1147-1150
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    • 2007
  • Korean traditional houses have been developed in sympathy with natural environment and formed comfortable indoor condition by properly using surrounding natural resources including building layout, space construction and material. Or traditional wooden windows adjusting ambient temperature and humidity have both the functions of window and door, although they are clearly divided in the West. While window paper is attached from the outside in China and Japan, it is attached from the inside in Korea. The opening and closing mode of windows is similar and their dimensions are shown not to be standardized but diverse in terms of the characteristic of wooden furniture and that of components placed between columns. Thus this study is to look into the performance of band-lattice door of a typical traditional one by observing changes in sound insulation characteristics according to difference in thickness and finishing method of window paper and those in sound insulation characteristics with the changed thickness of air layer in traditional windows and doors.

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A Study on Architectural tools and Woodworking in Baekje (백제의 건축연장과 치목기술에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Wang-Kee
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.55-76
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    • 2006
  • History of architecture technology is the area where further studies are the most needed in Korean architecture history. This present study deals with architectural tools and woodworking of Baekje as a first step in exploration of Korean architecture technology history especially, that of Baekje dynasty. Based on the study of real artifacts and archeological sites showing the trace of tool use, function and forms of architectural tools were classified, characteristics of tools investigated, and woodworking technology analyzed. The main tools of analysis include Square, Black Inkpot, Hatchet, Saw, Chisel, Wood Hammer, Axe, and Plane. It is assumed that architectural technology during Baekje dynasty might have leapt into the new stage thanks to the regular use of iron tools. Compared to those of previous eras, iron tools of Baekje are more elaboratedly-designed and well-defined in function. In addition, wooden architectural tools from Baekje demonstrate the superiority of its woodworking technology Historical record also shows the fact that craftsman from Baekje participated in construction of temples of Shilla and Japan. Precise assessment of Baeje architecture technology is difficult because no Baekje wooden architecture is still remaining. The facts mentioned above, however, surely prove the excellence of architecture technology of Baekje.

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