• 제목/요약/키워드: women's clothing

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일부 한국여대생의 로마진단기준에 의한 변비 실태조사 및 변비에 영향을 미치는 생활요인 (Actual Status of Constipation and Life Factors Affecting Constipation by Diagnosis of Rome in Female University Students in Korea)

  • 정수진;채수완;손희숙;김숙배;노정옥;백상호;강명희;김건희;김미현;김현숙;박은주;허영란;차연수
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • 제44권5호
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    • pp.428-442
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    • 2011
  • 본 연구의 목적은 한국 일부 여대생 978명 대상으로 로마진단기준에 의한 변비 실태를 조사하고, 변비증상을 가진 자와 정상배변 습관을 가진자들의 생활습관, 배변상태, 월경불편감, 의생활, 주거생활, 식습관 및 식이섭취실태 등을 조사하여 변비와 관련성을 살펴보고 이를 영양교육 자료의 기초를 삼고자 실시하였다. 조사대상자는 인구비례에 근거한 전국 5개지역 소재 (서울/경기, 경상, 충청, 전라, 강원지역) 4년제 대학에 재학 중인 여대생 978명을 대상으로 2008년 5월부터 6월까지 조사를 실시하였다. 1) 조사대상자의 평균연령은 21.6세로 로마기준 II에 의한 변비실태 조사는 정상배변군과 변비군 각각 714명 (73.0%)과 264명 (27.0%)로 나타나 변비유병률은 27.0%로 나타났다. 2) 변비군에서 체중 (p < 0.05)과 체질량지수 (p < 0.05)는 정상배변군보다 더 높게 나타났고 비만도가 높을수록 변비발생 (p < 0.01)과 배변장애요인수 (p < 0.01)가 높았다. 3) 변비군의 경우 기능성대장질환 (p < 0.001)과 과민성대장질환 (p < 0.001), 치질 (p < 0.01)발생률과 대변모양이 비정상적 (p < 0.05)비율이 정상배변군보다 더 높게 나타나 배변상태와 변비여부와 관련성이 있는 것으로 나타났고 속쓰림증과 상복부 통증증상은 정상배변군에서 변비군보다 더 높게 나타났다 (p < 0.001). 4) 배변상태에 이상이 있고 변비가 있을 때 월경불편감을 느끼는 정도가 더 크게 나타났다. 5) 의류 (속옷류) 착용 시 인체에 나타나는 불편한 증상은 정상배변군보다 변비군에서 유의적으로 더 높았고, 의류착용시 편안함이 높을수록 변비 (p < 0.01), 배변장애요인수 (p < 0.01), 기능성대장질환 (p < 0.01), 과민성대장질환 (p < 0.01) 및 월경불편감 (p < 0.01)은 유의적으로 낮았다. 6) 조사대상자의 평상시 식사의 규칙성 조사결과 변비군에서 아침식사가 불규칙적인 경우는 30.3% (p < 0.05), 점심식사와 저녁식사의 불규칙적인 경우는 각각 33.3% (p < 0.05)와 30.8% (p < 0.05)로 나타나 정상배변군보다 더 높게 나타났다. 또한 규칙적인 식사를 할수록 변비증세 (p < 0.01), 배변장애요인수 (p < 0.01), 기능성대장질환 (p < 0.01), 월경불편감 (p < 0.01), 음주률 (p < 0.01) 및 외식률 (p < 0.05)이 낮았다. 7) 식품군다양성점수 (DDS)는 정상배변군에서 4.22점인 반면 변비군에서는 4.12점보다 더 높게 나타나 (p < 0.05) 변비군의 경우 식사의 다양성이 낮았다. 8) 조사대상자의 주생활 요인 인자와 변비여부와의 관련성은 나타나지 않았다. 9) 변비상태와 건강관련 항목과의 관련성을 조사결과 변비가 있을수록 배변장애요인수 (p < 0.01),기능성대장질환 (p < 0.01), 과민성대장증후군 (p < 0.01) 및 월경불편감(p < 0.01)이 높은 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구결과 여대생들의 변비 증세를 감소시키기 위해서는 식생활습관의 정정과 함께 규칙적인 하루 3끼 식습관유지가 중요하고 식품 선택 시 다양하게 골고루 규칙적으로 섭취하는 것이 필요하다. 의류 착용 시 편안한 옷차림을 유지하고 속옷착용 시에도 편안하고 쾌적함을 유지를 통해 신체증후에 나타는 증상을 최소화하는 것이 변비 개선에 중요할 것으로 사료된다. 추후, 가임기 성인여성 변비 예방을 위한 올바른 생활습관을 유지 및 개선 할 수 있는 실생활 교육지침과 기초자료 제공이 필요하다.

성인 여성의 하반신 체형분석과 염상처리를 이용한 플레어 스커트의 외관분석 (Analysis of Lower Somatotype on Adult Women and Appearance Analysis of Flare Skirts by using the Image Processing)

  • 이수정;홍정민
    • 한국의류산업학회지
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    • 제1권3호
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    • pp.252-258
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    • 1999
  • 미혼여성과 기혼여성을 대상으로 인체계측을 실시하여 직접 계측치와 지수치를 이용하여 주축요인분석을 한 결과 도출된 인자를 독립변수로 군집분석을 한 하반신 체형변인과 직물에 의한 플레어 스커트의 외관형상을 분석하기 위하여 영상처리를 이용하여 착용실험을 한 결괴는 다음과 같다. 1. 플레어 스커트의 헴라인 단면형상 분석 결과 체형변인에 의한 플레어 스커트의 드레이프 면적과 드레이프 계수는 드레이프의 면적이 크면 드레이프 계수도 큰 값을 나타내었다. 직물의 노드수는 드레이프성이 좋을수록 많이 형성되고 노드수가 많으면 노드지수 값은 작은 값을 가진다. 노드지수 값이 크면 노드의 고저가 균일하게 나타나고 작으면 노드의 고저가 불균일하게 나타난다. 또한 인체 측정치수의 허리둘레와 엉덩이둘레의 차이, 허리너비와 엉덩이너비의 차이 값이 큰 마름모형 체형변인에서 노드수는 많이 나타나고 노드지수 값은 작게 나타났다. 통형에 가까운 체형변인은 노드지수가 큰 값을 나타내므로 노드의 고저가 균일하게 나타났다. 직물의 노드수가 많으면 노드산 평균은 낮고, 노드지수 값이 큰 반면 노드수가 작으면 노드산펑균이 높으므로 노드산과 곡의 고저가 심하게 나타났다. 그러므로 직물의 드레이프성이 우수하다 할지라도 적정의 중량을 가지지 않으면 노드가 불균일하게 형성되어 의복 외관의 좋은 외관형상을 형성하지 못하는 결점이 나타나는 것으로 해석되었다. 2. 플레어 스커트의 헴라인 단면의 최대횡경은 인체측정값의 너비항목과 최대종경은 두께항목과 관련성이 높은 것으로 나타났다. 단면비의 값이 크면 최대횡경의 값이 크고 최대종경의 값이 작은 타원형에 가까운 단면형상이 나타나고, 단면비의 값이 작으면 최대횡경 값이 작고 최대총경 값이 큰 원형에 가까운 단변형상으로 나타났다. 3. 플레어 스커트의 외관형상 분석 결과 정면처짐분은 둘레항목, 너비항목 시아항목의 차이 값이 작을수록, 직물의 드레이프성이 좋을수록 크게 나타났다. 미혼여성과 기혼여성을 비교해 보면 기혼여성의 체형이 너비, 둘레항목사이의 치어 값이 적기 때문에 처짐분이 크게 나타났다. 측면처짐분은 인체측정값의 두께항목과 상관이 깊어 앞부분은 배두께가 클수록, 뒷부분은 엉덩이두께가 클수록 처짐분량이 크게 나타났다. 후면처짐분은 정면과 같이 S시료에서 드레이프성이 좋을수록 처짐분이 크고, 엉덩이너비는 크고, 엉덩이두께가 작올수록 처짐분이 크게 나타났다. 4. 플레어 스커트의 3차원 입체형상은 외관형상의 굴곡이 낮아 평평할 수록 이미지의 평균값은 높고 편차는 낮게 나타났다. 체형변인에 의한 플레어 스커트의 주름 형상을 정면, 측면, 후면에서 이미지 값 분포로 비교해 보면 정면, 후면보다 측면의 외관이 평활하여 이미지 분포폭이 좁게 나타나고 최빈값을 중심으로 회색에 가까운 쪽으로 치우쳐 있는 것을 불 수 있다. 5. 체형변인에 따른 플레어 스커트의 주름특성을 평가하기 위하여 영상처리법으로 얻은 결과를 3차원 업체형상으로 분석하기 위하여 6개의 영역을 측정한 결과 플레어 스커트는 체형유형에 따라 곡면을 형성하는 주름의 수와 주름강도가 다르게 나타나 위 아랫부분의 주름폭은 차이가 있었다. 위부분에서 아랫부분으로 내려올수록 주름높이 폭은 커졌다. 그러므로 주름의 높이와 플레어 스커트의 헴라인 단연형상의 노드각도와 밀접한 관련이 있는 것으로 나타났다. 즉, 주름의 높이가 높으면 노드 각도는 작은 값을 보이고, 주름의 높이가 낮으면 노드각도는 큰 값을 나타내었다.

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평안감사(平安監司) 환영도(歡迎圖)의 복식(服飾) 고찰(考察) (A Study on Dress and its Ornament seen on the Picture of Welcoming the Governor of Pyongan Province)

  • 이주원
    • 복식
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    • 제4권
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    • pp.39-59
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    • 1981
  • This article briefly researched the Picture of Welcoming the Governor of Pyongan Province painted by Kim Hong-do, penname Danwon(1745-1818?). The Picture was composed of three parts and its historical and pictorial back-ground were reviewed firstly. And later the dress and its ornament appearing on the Picture were studied. In the historical viewpoint of dress and its ornament, the Picture shown all sorts of dress from lower class maids and servants to higher officials-dignatories and governor, and dealt with nearly all dresses. In order to support and to make better understand the dresses of that age, some Korean literary works of the same period depicting the dress and its ornament were also selected. This article dealt with the dress and its ornament. especially that of 18th century of the Yi Dynasty, and comparatively studied for our folk painting with literary works. Also the picture enabled to make this study was an important data of our old dress and its ornament. This painting was considered as one of our cultural treasures. Several conclusions drawn out from this study as followings: 1) In male and female dress of lower class people; male dress was consist of trouser and coat, and coat, and over the coat SOCHANGYI were used. Female dress was basically consist of skirt and these were white color of their favourite. Mainly simple color was used for clothing and its dress style were CHAKSOO-HYONG (narrow sleeve style) which convenient for a work. 2) Yangban's dress was consist of trouser, coat and over the coat, usually DOPO(over-coat) were used and some case JICKRYONGPO (a sort of over-coat) or CHANGYI were also used. These were GWANGSOO-HYONG (wide sleeve style) of inconvenient for a work. 3) In head-gear, there was no difference of the higher and the lower. They usually used HEUC-KRIP (black Korean hat). The OCKJUNGJA, GONJAKMI (peacock tail), HOSOO (tiger beard), and YOUNGJA (chin strip) were used according to officials ranks as head-gear's oraments. 4) Local petty officials used ordinary dress and CHUPRI (warn-dress) were also used by them, and military officials used war-dress of tight sleeve. 5) The belting of over-coat are different in color according to official grade. The higher grade wore red-wide belt, but generally black narrow belt for ordinary officials. 6) All KISAING girl wore SAMHYEOIJANG upper coat. And their head ornament were black KARIMA for grown KISAING. SAYANG hair for DONGKI or maiden KISAING and BINYEO (an ornamental rod of women's hair) were inserted into the hair of rear down part of head. The water carring maid wore BANHYEOIJANG upper coat and no KARIMA were on head and their coat were gloomy color. Above mentioned are several conclusions, and there migh be a false or erroneous explanations of 18th century dress and its ornament, however I considered they were data for blank period of quite unknown.

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의류제조업체의 패션 정보활동에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Fashion Information Activities of Clothing Manufactures)

  • 송미령
    • 복식
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    • 제22권
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    • pp.135-158
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    • 1994
  • The fashion industry of today is closely re-lated with the information activity. This study investigates now they take advantage of the fashion information by analysing some related fields including fashion design. Furthormore this study identify the factor which makes the design activity distinctive and predict and fu-ture trend in design. The purposes of this study through analysis are : to help find the way to facilitate the fashion industry and to develop the fashion merchandising in order to activate the re-cession of manufacturers and to improve competitiveness in the world market and to contribute to the academic achievement in the study of fashion merchandising. In the experimental approach the tasks of research are as follows: Research 1: The application of fashion infor-mation is discussed in terms of process and level. Research 2: The differences of the fashion design activities are captured on the basis of the characteristics of manufactures and fashion specialists and fashion information ac-tivities. The factors are identified which pre-dict and discriminate the results of fashion de-sign activities. The questionaire and interview were conduc-ted among women's clothing manufactures in Seoul and their fashion specialists in charge of merchandise development. The methods of survey were designed on the basis of theories developed so far and on he advice from the social scientists and fashion specialists. the methods were corrected and complemented through the 1st and 2nd preliminary investigations before their application For data analysis cronbach's a coefficient fre-quency percentage average standard devi-ation pearson's correlation coefficient were calculated and t-test F-test(ANOVA) Duncan's multiple range test regression and Discriminant analysis were conducted. The results of analysis throughout the experimen-tal studies were as follows: 1. The analysis of fashion in formation (1) the present application of information a. The source of information : Both the foreign and the domestic information came mostly from fashion journals magazines newspapers and other periodicals, the main source of market information was collected from the survey of popular items in recent years the data about the life-style of customers and their tastes for wearing were widely used as the information about consumers. b. The applicaton of information : The most widely used information was about fabrics. The foreign information was prefered on the whole. The domestic problems pointed out in this investgation were that the domestic journals showed the lack of specialty and the special organizations for fashion informatino were in urgent need. (2) The research of fashion information a. The various processes and levels of in-formation activities: Among the process of collection analysis and distribution the collec-tion process showed a good acheivement whereas the distribution whereas the distribution didn't. In levels of the systematic activities the acceptance of support and the utility of supported instruments the first indicated a high degree whereas the second showed lowest. b. The correlationship among subvariables : There was a significant correlation between the collection and the analysis process. The systematic activities revealed close relation-ship with the analysis process and the accept-ance of support with the distribution process. The close correlation was found between the utility of supported instruments and the analy-sis process. 2. The analysis of the fashion design activities (1) No significant differences were found in the design activities when the characteristics of companies were compared only. (2) According to the characteristics of fashion specialists the one with age experi-ence and high income showed rather good achievement but no significant differences were captured among sex department in charge title academic background education in abroad and field experience (3) The fashion information activities were strongly correlated with the design achieve-ment : The analysis process and the system-atic activity level had a great influence on the design activities. (4) In order to examine which cha-racteristics in (1-3) made it possible to pre-dct and discriminate the achievement in de-sign activities the Discriminant analysis was carried out. The results were as follows: the fashion information activities showed the highest discriminant rate. Next came the in-come level experience and age in that order Those four variables discrimated 37 from 50 who showed great achievement in design area (74%) and 51 from 83 in low achievement group (81%) Thus the total discriminant rate was 77.5%.

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이너 웨어(Inner Wear) 로고의 특성에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Characteristics of Logos in Inner Wear Brand)

  • 이민경;나수임
    • 복식문화연구
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    • 제14권5호
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    • pp.790-801
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    • 2006
  • This study analyzed features of elements that compose a logo of inner wear brands to get the following results: First, it was found that "elegance" was the most frequently used word to express the concept of inner wear brands to be followed by words like dignity, high-end and aristocratic, words emphasizing femininity, such as feminine, romantic and sexy, words emphasizing practicality, such as convenient, practical, modern, functional and reasonable, and words emphasizing hygiene, such as clean, healthy and hygienic. This suggests that consumers nowadays pursue image more than functional aspects in the shopping of inner wear and consumers' pursuit of such values is reflected in the concept of inner wear brands. Second, unlike logos for outerwear brands that generally used initials of brand name, word-type logos for inner wear brands used the full name of brands, thus suggesting that they put more emphasis on delivery of information rather than on the symbolic aspect. In case of combining characters with concrete objects, they were found generally to use objects that give an soft, elegant and feminine image, such as flowers, woman's head and ribbons. Third, colors in the series of pink and red seemed to be used to convey the concept of inner wear brands that pursue such images as romanticism, femininity, elegance and sensibility, while colors in the series of blue, black and grey for such concepts as functionality, practicality, simplicity, health, hygiene and refinement. With reference to typeface used in the design of logos, unlike outerwear brands of which 83% use sans serif typeface for logos, relatively high percentage of inner wear was found to use typefaces of serif series to stress feminine flexibility and delicacy and give the image of elegance and classical tenderness. With reference to language used in logo naming for inner wear brands, 33 brands were found to use English and only three brands used Korean among the 36 brands surveyed. Even with inner wear brand logos that have Korean name, it was found that they used English in the use of logo marks. Like the result of previous studies, the result of this study indicates that methods to design brand logos for clothing should be incessantly sought in a way to build brand power as an important component to represent concept or function of brands and reinforce brand image.

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영ㆍ정조 시대의 속화에 나타난 18C 복식에 관한 연구 -오명현, 윤용, 이인상, 강희언, 작품을 중심으로- (A Study of Costumes of the 18th Century, Appearing in Genre Paintings from the King Young-Cho Period to the King Jung-Cho Period: Focused upon the Works of Focused upon the Works of Mung-Hyun Oho, Yong Yun, In-Sang Lee, Hee-Eon Kang)

  • 최은주
    • 복식문화연구
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    • 제12권5호
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    • pp.859-879
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    • 2004
  • As a result of research, the characteristics of the general costumes from the king Young-Cho period to the king Jung-Cho period in Genre Paintings of Mung-Hyun Oho, Yong Yun, In-Sang Lee, Hee-Eon Kang follows. First, the typical man wore his hair in a topknot(sangtu), and put on 'Bung-gu-ji', 'Lip', or a scarf on his head. The length of the 'Jeogori'(Korean traditional jacket) was long enough to cover the waist. Dress for work had side slits, and had half length sleeve Jeogori, and short pants looked like 'Jam-bang-i'. They went barefoot and wore 'Jipsin'(Korean traditional straw shoes). Dress for outdoor was 'Po' that knot at front of chest by band. 'Baji'(slacks) were with knot below knee, worn 'Hang-jun'(ankle band) and the width of slacks was suitable. They were 'Beoseon'(Korean traditional socks) and shoes. Second those in the upperc1ass and those in the military put on 'Mang-geon', 'Gat', 'Sa-bang-gan', 'Tang-geon', 'Bok-geon' on their head on a topknot. Most of them wore 'So-chang-i', 'Jung-chi-mag' or 'Do-po'. The length of Jeogori covered the waist or the hip and were tied with 'Go-rum'(ribbon). Baji was tied with Hang-jun and 'Dae-nim'. The waist of the slacks were tied with a dark colored waist-band and folded down their waist of slacks. They wore white color Beoseon and 'Hye' or dark color leather shoes. They wore 'Sup'(assistant of arm) for bow. It showed the lifestyle of the 18C with fan, 'Be-ru', 'Mug', 'Yun-jug', teacup, pot, etc. Third, child's hair was short or knotted to the back of the head. The length of Jeogori reached waist line, Git of Jeogori was 'Dunggurai-Kit'(shape of round) and other style Jeogori, which reached the hip line, had side-slit. Baji was tied with Dae-nim, and the width of the slacks is suitable. They hang 'Yum-nang'(Pocket). Final, most women worked outdoors wearing their hair in a high twisted style, or covered it with scarf. They wore Jeogori and 'Chima'(Korean traditional skirts), Bagi. They folded up the sleeves of the Jeogori. And they folded the 'Jambang-i-styled' pants to just above the knees, fastening at the waist. When they wore skirts, they also wore underpants under the skirt that went down to the knees. Most of them went barefoot and wore straw shoes, Jipsin. Through genre paintings, we can understand the ways and forms of our ancestor's clothing. And with our understanding, interest, and passion, we can be familiar with Hanbok in our daily life by succeeding and creating its peculiar style. And then we can promote the globalization of Hanbok.

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연속 평판열처리에 의한 폴리(트리메틸렌 테레프탈레이트) 섬유의 미세구조 변화 (Morphological Structure of Poly(trimethylene terephthalate) Fibers Annealed by Passing on the Plate Heater)

  • 홍성학;김용;최창남;최희;이웅의;조성용
    • 폴리머
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    • 제27권2호
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    • pp.106-112
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    • 2003
  • 연속순간 평판열처리가 폴리(트리메틸렌 테레프탈레이트) (PTT) 섬유의 미세구조 및 물성에 미치는 영향을 고찰하기 위해 열처리 온도 및 시간을 변화시키면서 PTT섬유를 처리하였다. X-선 회절 분석 결과 적도선 방향에서 (010)면의 회절 피크가 2$\theta$ = 15.6$^{\circ}$에서 관찰되었으며, 열처리 온도 및 열처리 시간의 증가에 따라 X-선 회절 강도 분포 곡선은 예리해졌다. 또한 열처리 시료의 결정 크기 및 중량분율 결정화도도 열처리 온도와 열처리 시간의 증가에 따라 모두 증가하였다. 동적 점탄성 특성을 분석한 결과 열처리 온도 및 열처리 시간의 증가에 따라 T(tan $\delta$$_{max}$)는 크게 감소하였으며, 복굴절률과 유리 전이 온도도 감소 하였고, 용융 온도는 변화가 없었다. 이로부터 열처리 온도 및 열처리 시간의 증가에 따라 비결정 영역 중 분자 사슬의 충전 밀도는 낮아지고, 분자 사슬은 긴장이 완화되는 것으로 생각되었다.

노년기 여성의 하반신 체형분석에 따른 스커트 원형 제작에 관한 연구 (A research on the pattern fabrication of skirt due to the lower body type of the old aged woman)

  • 김경희;이건희
    • 패션비즈니스
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    • 제15권5호
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    • pp.178-194
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    • 2011
  • Due to the population growth of the old aged, Korea is also entering into an aging society. But a research on the pattern design to the old aged is much to be desired. The purpose of this research is to design skirt pattern fitted for each body type by categorizing the lower body type of the old aged woman. For the way of research, categorized the body type by using the female measuring size from the 65 years old to 99 years old which has been measured by the Korean body size research as an assay data, and base on this data, a suitable skirt pattern for each body type of the old aged woman was designed by practicing the exterior evaluation. The data analysis was done with the statistical treatment in SPSS 12.0, and the results are as follows. The lower body type of the old aged woman were divided into the type 1. The circumference article is the biggest compared to the height article regarding to the lower body type of the old aged woman. The type 2. The height article and the circumference and thickness articles are the poorest. The type 3. The height article is the biggest and the hip width and calf circumference are thicker than the waist width. The type 4. The height article is the lowest and the waist width is thicker instead the hip and leg are thinner. In type 1, The pattern was modified by increasing 1cm a length of the dart and raising up 1.2cm at the cross point between side line and waist line. In type 2, the basic pattern was used, and in type 3, using the outline of the basic pattern however, increased 1cm a length of the dart and modified the amounts of dart by handling the art in curve, and modified the waist line to be more three-dimensional curves by raising up 1 cm at the cross point between waist line and side line and falling down 0.5cm at the cross point between the back center line and the waist line. In type 4, modified the amounts of front and back dart to 1.25cm, and raised up 0.8cm at the cross point between side line and waist line, and modified the waist line and the side seam line in a gentle curve by reducing circumference of the skirt tail to 1cm from the side seam line.

천연염색포의 습식세척에 의한 색상변화 (Effects of the Wet Cleaning to the Color Change of the Dyed Fabrics with Natural Dyes)

  • 백영미
    • 보존과학회지
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    • 제28권1호
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    • pp.21-27
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    • 2012
  • 조선시대 양반가의 장례시 매장방식은 회곽묘제를 사용하였으며, 그 유물들이 현대에 형태를 유지한 채로 출토되는 경우가 종종 있다. 그러나 그 내부에서 발견되는 섬유유물들은 예전에는 염직물이었을 것으로 예상되나 오랫동안 시즙과 수분에 의해 오염되어 고유의 색상 및 물성에 변화를 일으킬 수 있다. 이러한 오염은 출토 후에도 계속적으로 유물의 변퇴색 및 열화에 영향을 미칠 것으로 예상되므로 적합한 세척이 요구된다. 따라서 본 연구는 습식세척 후 출토염직물의 색변화를 최소화할 적합한 세정조건을 조사하기 위하여 적색계 7종, 청색계 1종, 황색계 6종, 녹색계 4종, 자색계 4종의 천연염색 염색포(견과 면)을 만들어서 이를 돈육과 함께 6개월간 냉장보관한 후 꺼내어 물, 음이온계면활성제(SDS), 비이온계면활성제(TritonX-100), 천연계면활성제(Saponin) 등 4종의 세정액를 이용하여 $20^{\circ}C$$40^{\circ}C$의 온도에서 습식세척하여 염직품들의 색상변화에 대한 영향을 조사하였다. 그 결과 색상의 변화는 세정온도, 섬유소재, 세정제, 이용한 염료의 종류에 따라 차이를 나타내었다.

인터넷 점포에서의 구매후기 작성 동기 및 점포 고객 유형화 (Motives for Writing After-Purchase Consumer Reviews in Online Stores and Classification of Online Store Shoppers)

  • 홍희숙;류성민
    • 한국유통학회지:유통연구
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    • 제17권3호
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    • pp.25-57
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    • 2012
  • 본 연구에서는 인터넷 점포에서 의류상품 구매후기를 작성하는 동기의 유형을 규명하는 한편 작성 동기 유형에 따라 인터넷 점포 고객들을 범주화하고, 각 집단의 작성행동, 인터넷 구매 행동, 인구사회적 특성의 차이를 규명하였다. 초점집단 면접과 온라인 서베이를 통해 연구되었으며, 정량적 연구에서는 의류상품 구매후기를 읽은 경험과 작성한 경험이 많은 국내 인터넷 점포 여성 고객 252명을 대상으로 자료가 수집되었다. 연구결과, 인터넷 점포에서 구매후기를 작성하는 동기 유형은 이타적 정보 공유, 불만해소 및 보복, 경제적 보상 추구, 상품 개발 지원, 감동 표현으로 나타났다. 특히, 작성행동에 대한 영향력이 큰 동기는 이타적 정보 공유 동기와 경제적 보상 추구 동기였다. 인터넷 점포 고객은 작성동기 유형에 따라 소비자 옹호 집단, 이익 추구 집단, 중도적 집단으로 범주화되었으며, 세 집단은 구매후기 작성행동, 인터넷 구매빈도, 인구사회적 요인들에서 차별적 특성을 보였다. 소비자 옹호 집단과 이익 추구 집단을 대상으로 인터넷 점포 구전 채널 관리 방안이 제시되었다.

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