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A Study on the Limit of Anchor Dragging for Ship at Anchor( I ) (묘박 중인 선박의 주묘 한계에 관한 연구( I ))

  • Lee Yun-Sok;Jung Yun-Chul;Kim Se-Won;Yun Jong-Hwui;Bae Suk-Han;Nguyen Phung-Hung
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.29 no.5 s.101
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    • pp.357-363
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    • 2005
  • When typhoon approaches, ship normally drops her anchor at proper anchorage for sheltering. If an anchored ship is under the influence of typhoon, she can keep her position when the external force and counter force is balanced. Where, external force is induced by wind, wave and tidal currents while counter force is induced by holding power of anchor/chain and thrust force of main engine. In this study, authors presented a method to analyze theoretically the limit of external force for the ship to keep her position without being dragged and, to check the validity of the method, applied this to the ship which had been anchored in Jinhae Bay when the typhoon MAEMI passed on September 2003.

A Study on the Design of the Grid-Cell Assessment System for the Optimal Location of Offshore Wind Farms (해상풍력발전단지의 최적 위치 선정을 위한 Grid-cell 평가 시스템 개념 설계)

  • Lee, Bo-Kyeong;Cho, Ik-Soon;Kim, Dae-Hae
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.24 no.7
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    • pp.848-857
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    • 2018
  • Recently, around the world, active development of new renewable energy sources including solar power, waves, and fuel cells, etc. has taken place. Particularly, floating offshore wind farms have been developed for saving costs through large scale production, using high-quality wind power and minimizing noise damage in the ocean area. The development of floating wind farms requires an evaluation of the Maritime Safety Audit Scheme under the Maritime Safety Act in Korea. Floating wind farms shall be assessed by applying the line and area concept for systematic development, management and utilization of specified sea water. The development of appropriate evaluation methods and standards is also required. In this study, proper standards for marine traffic surveys and assessments were established and a systemic treatment was studied for assessing marine spatial area. First, a marine traffic data collector using AIS or radar was designed to conduct marine traffic surveys. In addition, assessment methods were proposed such as historical tracks, traffic density and marine traffic pattern analysis applying the line and area concept. Marine traffic density can be evaluated by spatial and temporal means, with an adjusted grid-cell scale. Marine traffic pattern analysis was proposed for assessing ship movement patterns for transit or work in sea areas. Finally, conceptual design of a Marine Traffic and Safety Assessment Solution (MaTSAS) was competed that can be analyzed automatically to collect and assess the marine traffic data. It could be possible to minimize inaccurate estimation due to human errors such as data omission or misprints through automated and systematic collection, analysis and retrieval of marine traffic data. This study could provides reliable assessment results, reflecting the line and area concept, according to sea area usage.

A Study on Effect of Recirculated Exhaust Gas upon Performance and Exhaust Emissions in a Power Plant Boiler with FGR System (FGR 시스템 동력 플랜트 보일러의 성능 및 배기 배출물에 미치는 재순환 배기의 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Bae, Myung-whan;Jung, Kwong-ho;Park, Sung-bum
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.263-273
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    • 2016
  • The effect of recirculated exhaust gas on performance and exhaust emissions with FGR rate are investigated by using a natural circulation, pressurized draft and water tube boiler with FGR system operating at several boiler loads and over fire air damper openings. The purpose of this study is to apply the FGR system to a power plant boiler for reducing NOx emissions. To activate the combustion, the OFA with 0 to 20% is supplied into the flame. When the suction damper of two stage combustion system installed in the upper side of wind box is opened by handling the lever between 0 and 90, also, the combustion air supplied to burner is changed. It is found that the fuel consumption rate per evaporation rate did not show an obvious tendency to increase or decrease with rising the FGR rate, and NOx emissions at the same OFA damper opening are decreased, as FGR rates are elevated and boiler loads are dropped. While a trace amount of soot is emitted without regard to the operation conditions of boiler load, OFA damper opening and FGR rate, because soot emissions are eliminated by the electrostatic precipitator with a collecting efficiency of 86.7%.

Variable Gain Current Controller Considering Inductance Variations after the Connection of DFIG Stator to the Grid (DFIG 고정자의 계통연계시 인덕턴스 변동을 고려한 가변이득 전류제어기)

  • Shin, Soo-Cheol;Yu, Jae-Sung;Hong, Jung-Ki;Suh, In-Young;Song, Seung-Ho
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.293-298
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    • 2009
  • This paper presents a variable gain current control algorithm for the stabilized grid connection between the grid and a doubly fed induction(DFIG) as a wind power generator. The performance of a RSC current controller depends highly on accurate machine parameters, and especially requires a fast and robust response regardless of the disturbances such as voltage sag. However, parameter variations of a DFIG occur at the point of grid connection, which affects the current controller gains based on DFIG parameters after a DFIG is connected to the grid. Thus, performance degrades when actual machine parameters depart from values used in the control system. In the proposed algorithm, current controller gains of the rotor side converter(RSC) are changed after a DFIG is connected to the grid. The simulation results and experimental results for a 750kW are shown to illustrate the feasibility of the proposed algorithm.

A Study on the Generating Characteristics Depending on Driving System of a Honeycomb Shaped Piezoelectric Energy Harvester (벌집형 압전 발전 소자의 구동방식에 따른 출력 특성)

  • Jeong, Seong-Su;Kang, Shin-Chul;Park, Tae-Gone
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.69-74
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    • 2015
  • Recently, energy harvesting technology is increasing due to the fossil fuel shortages. Energy harvesting is generating electrical energy from wasted energies as sunlight, wind, waves, pressure, and vibration etc. Energy harvesting is one of the alternatives of fossil fuel. One of the energy harvesting technologies, the piezoelectric energy harvesting has been actively studied. Piezoelectric generating uses a positive piezoelectric effect which produces electrical energy when mechanical vibration is applied to the piezoelectric device. Piezoelectric energy harvesting has an advantage in that it is relatively not affected by weather, area and place. Also, stable and sustainable energy generation is possible. However, the output power is relatively low, so in this paper, newly designed honeycomb shaped piezoelectric energy harvesting device for increasing a generating efficiency. The output characteristics of the piezoelectric harvesting device were analyzed according to the change of parameters by using the finite element method analysis program. One model which has high output voltage was selected and a prototype of the honeycomb shaped piezoelectric harvesting device was fabricated. Experimental results from the fabricated device were compared to the analyzed results. After the AC-DC converting, the power of one honeycomb shaped piezoelectric energy harvesting device was measured 2.3[mW] at road resistance 5.1[KΩ]. And output power was increased the number of harvesting device when piezoelectric energy harvesting device were connected in series and parallel.

Structure Analysis and Scale Model Test for Strength Performance Evaluation of Submersible Mooring Pulley Installed on Floating Offshore Wind Turbine (부유식 해상풍력발전기용 반잠수식 계류 풀리의 강도 성능평가를 위한 구조해석과 축소 모형시험)

  • Chang-Yong Song
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.29 no.5
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    • pp.479-487
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    • 2023
  • Recently, the destructive power of typhoons is continuously increasing owing to global warming. In a situation where the installation of floating wind turbines is increasing worldwide, concerns about the huge loss and collapse of floating offshore wind turbines owing to strong typhoons are deepening. A new type of disconnectable mooring system must be developed for the safe operation of floating offshore wind turbines. A new submersible mooring pulley considered in this study is devised to more easily attach or detach the floating of shore wind turbine with mooring lines compared with other disconnectable mooring apparatuses. To investigate the structural safety of the initial design of submersible mooring pulley that can be applied to an 8MW-class floating type offshore wind turbine, scale-down structural models were developed using a 3-D printer and structural tests were performed on the models. For the structural tests of the scale-down models, tensile specimens of acrylonitrile butadiene styrene material that was used in the 3-D printing were prepared, and the material properties were evaluated by conducting the tensile tests. The finite element analysis (FEA) of submersible mooring pulley was performed by applying the material properties obtained from the tensile tests and the same load and boundary conditions as in the scale-down model structural tests. Through the FEA, the structural weak parts on the submersible mooring pulley were reviewed. The structural model tests were conducted considering the main load conditions of submersible mooring pulley, and the FEA and test results were compared for the locations that exceeded the maximum tensile stress of the material. The results of the FEA and structural model tests indicated that the connection structure of the body and the wheel was weak in operating conditions and that of the body and the chain stopper was weak in mooring conditions. The results of this study enabled to experimentally verify the structural safety of the initial design of submersible mooring pulley. The study results can be usefully used to improve the structural strength of submersible mooring pulley in a detailed design stage.

The Optimal Energy Mix in South Korea's Electricity Sector for Low Carbon Energy Transition in 2030: In Consideration of INDC and Sequential Shutdown of Decrepit Nuclear Power Plants (저탄소 에너지 전환을 위한 2030년 최적전력구성비: 노후 원전 단계적 폐쇄와 INDC를 고려한 시나리오)

  • Kim, Dongyoon;Hwang, Minsup
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.479-494
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    • 2017
  • After Fukushima incident, negative sentiment towards nuclear power has led to transition in policies that reduce the dependency on nuclear power in some countries. President Moon of Republic of Korea also announced a national plan of decommissioning retired nuclear power plants stage by stage. Therefore, nuclear power that once was considered the critical solution to energy security and climate change is now a limited option. This study aims to find an optimal energy mix in Korea's electricity system from 2016 through 2030 to combat climate change through energy transition with minimum cost. The study is divided into two different scenarios; energy transition and nuclear sustenance, to compare the total costs of the systems. Both scenarios show that electricity generated by wind technology increases from 2018 whereas that of photovoltaic(PV) increases from 2021. However, the total cost of the energy transition scenario was USD 4.7 billion more expensive than the nuclear sustenance scenario.

Semantic Segmentation for Roof Extraction using Official Buildings Information (건물 통합 정보를 이용한 지붕 추출 의미론적 분류)

  • Youm, Sungkwan;Lee, Heekwon;Shin, Kwang-Seong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2021.10a
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    • pp.582-583
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    • 2021
  • As the production of new and renewable energy such as solar and wind power has diversified, microgrid systems that can simultaneously produce and consume have been introduced. . In general, a decrease in electricity prices through solar power is expected in summer, so producer protection is required. In this paper, we propose a transparent and safe gift power transaction system between users using blockchain in a microgrid environment. A futures is simply a contract in which the buyer is obligated to buy electricity or the seller is obliged to sell electricity at a fixed price and a predetermined futures price. This system proposes a futures trading algorithm that searches for futures prices and concludes power transactions with automated operations without user intervention by using a smart contract, a reliable executable code within the blockchain network. If a power producer thinks that the price during the peak production period (Hajj) is likely to decrease during production planning, it sells futures first in the futures market and buys back futures during the peak production period (Haj) to make a profit in the spot market. losses can be compensated. In addition, if there is a risk that the price of electricity will rise when a sales contract is concluded, a broker can compensate for a loss in the spot market by first buying futures in the futures market and liquidating futures when the sales contract is fulfilled.

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A Study on Real-time State Estimation for Smart Microgrids (스마트 마이크로그리드 실시간 상태 추정에 관한 연구)

  • Bae, Jun-Hyung;Lee, Sang-Woo;Park, Tae-Joon;Lee, Dong-Ha;Kang, Jin-Kyu
    • 한국태양에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2012.03a
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    • pp.419-424
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    • 2012
  • This paper discusses the state-of-the-art techniques in real-time state estimation for the Smart Microgrids. The most popular method used in traditional power system state estimation is a Weighted Least Square(WLS) algorithm which is based on Maximum Likelihood(ML) estimation under the assumption of static system state being a set of deterministic variables. In this paper, we present a survey of dynamic state estimation techniques for Smart Microgrids based on Belief Propagation (BP) when the system state is a set of stochastic variables. The measurements are often too sparse to fulfill the system observability in the distribution network of microgrids. The BP algorithm calculates posterior distributions of the state variables for real-time sparse measurements. Smart Microgrids are modeled as a factor graph suitable for characterizing the linear correlations among the state variables. The state estimator performs the BP algorithm on the factor graph based the stochastic model. The factor graph model can integrate new models for solar and wind correlation. It provides the Smart Microgrids with a way of integrating the distributed renewable energy generation. Our study on Smart Microgrid state estimation can be extended to the estimation of unbalanced three phase distribution systems as well as the optimal placement of smart meters.

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An Anti-Sway Control System Design Based on Simultaneous Optimization Design Approach (동시최적화 설계기법을 이용한 항만용 크레인의 흔들림 제어계 설계)

  • Kim, Young-Bok;Moon, Duk-Hong;Yang, Joo-Ho;Chae, Gyu-Hoon
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.66-73
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    • 2005
  • The sway motion control problem of a container hanging on the trolley is considered in this paper. In the container crane control problem, the main issue involves suppressing the residual swing motion of the container at the end of acceleration, during deceleration, or for an unexpected disturbance input. For this problem, in general, many trolley motion control strategies are introduced and applied. In this paper, we introduce and synthesize a swing motion control system, in which a small auxiliary mass is installed on the spreader. In this control system, the actuator reacting against the auxiliary mass applies inertial control forces to the container to reduce the swing motion in the desired manner. In many studies, the controllers used to suppress the vibration have been synthesized for the given mathematical model of plants. In many cases, the designers have not been able to utilize the degree of freedom to adjust the structural parameters for the control object. To overcome this problem, so called "Structure/Control Simultaneous Method" is used. From this, in this paper the simultaneous design method is used to achieve optimal system performance. And the experimental result shows that the proposed control strategy is useful, to the case of that the controlled system is exposed to the uncertainties and, robust to disturbances like wind.