• 제목/요약/키워드: voice disorder

검색결과 131건 처리시간 0.028초

음악치료가 만성정신장애인의 자기표현 및 자아존중감 향상에 미치는 효과 (Musical Therapeutic Approch for Improving Self-expression and Self-esteem of Persons with Chronic Mental Disorder)

  • 김계원;정광조;최애나
    • 가정과삶의질연구
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    • 제29권3호
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    • pp.43-57
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    • 2011
  • Chronic mental-handicapped people are lacking in non-verbal expression such as eye contact, intonation, voice volume, facial expression, and gesture as well as the contents of speech, speak with a monotonous voice, fail to be vivid and clear in voice, and have absence of expression, thereby bringing about difficulty even for social adjustment and about low self-esteem. Accordingly, the purpose of this study was to examine effectiveness for enhancing self-expression and self-esteem by applying music therapy to the chronic mental-handicapped. The subjects were the chronic mental-handicapped who receive rehabilitation service at the community rehabilitation center, and who have over 10 years in the duration of disease. 1he music therapy activity was progressed with totally 14 sessions during 7 weeks with twice a week. This study confirmed t-test that is verification of difference in the mean, in order to examine difference between before and after music therapy in self-expression and self-esteem of the chronic mental-handicapped, and researched into qualitative case. The findings are as follows. First, as a result of score in self-expression scale, the significant improvement was shown after music therapy compared to before music therapy. The significant difference was indicated in verbal self-expression, phonetic self-expression, and non-verbal self-expression, which are its sub-spheres. Thus, the conclusion was obtained as saying that music therapy is effective for enhancing self-expression. Second, as a result of score in self-esteem scale, the significant difference was shown after music therapy compared to before music therapy. Thus, the conclusion was obtained as saying that music therapy is effective for enhancing self-esteem. Through the above results, the music therapy showed effectiveness of self-expression ability and self-esteem in the chronic mental-handicapped at the community rehabilitation center, thereby having been confirmed to be possibly utilized as rehabilitation program for the social skill ability and the social adjustment of the chronic mental-handicapped.

기계학습에 의한 후두 장애음성 식별기의 성능 비교 (Performance comparison on vocal cords disordered voice discrimination via machine learning methods)

  • 조철우;왕수건;권익환
    • 말소리와 음성과학
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    • 제14권4호
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    • pp.35-43
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    • 2022
  • 본 논문은 후두 장애음성 데이터의 식별률을 CNN과 기계학습 앙상블 학습 방법에 의해 개선하는 방법에 대한 연구이다. 일반적으로 후두 장애음성 데이터는 그 수가 적으므로 통계적 방법에 의해 식별기가 구성되더라도, 훈련 방식에 따라 과적합으로 인해 일어나는 현상으로 인해 외부 데이터에 노출될 시 식별률의 저하가 발생할 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 다양한 정확도를 갖도록 훈련된 CNN 모델과 기계학습 모델로부터 도출된 결과를 다중 투표 방식으로 결합하여 원래의 훈련된 모델에 비해 향상된 분류 효율을 갖도록 하는 방법과 함께, 기존의 기계학습 중 앙상블 방법을 적용해 보고 그 결과를 확인하였다. 알고리즘을 훈련하고 검증하기 위해 PNUH(Pusan National University Hospital) 데이터셋을 이용하였다. 데이터셋에는 정상음성과 양성종양 및 악성 종양의 음성 데이터가 포함되어 있다. 실험에서는 정상 및 양성 종양과 악성종양을 구분하는 시도를 하였다. 실험결과 random forest 방법이 가장 우수한 앙상블 방법으로 나타났으며 85%의 식별률을 보였다.

호흡명상기공테라피가 파킨슨병 환자의 후각 및 음성 기능장애 개선에 미치는 효과 (The Effect of Breathing Meditation Qigong Therapy on the Recovery of Olfactory Disorders and Voice Handicap Index in Parkinson's Disease Patients)

  • 안소정;안훈모
    • 대한의료기공학회지
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    • 제23권1호
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    • pp.10-29
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    • 2024
  • Objective : The purpose of this study is to determine whether An's breathing meditation qigong therapy (ABMQT) delivers bioenergy to the frontal lobe, prefrontal lobe, the olfactory tract in the mesolimbic pathway, olfactory bulb, CV22, CV21, olfactory area and vocal-related areas in Parkinson's disease (PD) patients to help improve olfactory disorders (anosmia) and vocal functions. Methods : The subjects of this study were 4 patients with idiopathic PD (3 males/1 female, 65.0±NA/68.7±10.2 years old). ABMQT was applied once a week, 120 minutes per session for 12 weeks in a non-invasive and noncontact manner, and the test before and after ABMQT application included olfactory impairment test the Korean version of Sniffin' stick test (KVSS), voice acoustic test, aerodynamic test, vocal handicap index (VHI-30), and auditory perception scale test tools. The results before and after the experiment were analyzed assuming a normal distribution, and a chi-square test was performed using a continuity correction, and the significance level was set to p<0.05. And the medical diagnosis and findings of the examiner (doctor in charge) before and after the experiment were described. Results : KVSS was significant as 0.2±0.5 and 9.0±0.0 before and after the experiment. There was no significant difference between the voice acoustic test FO and Jitter, the vocal aerodynamic test MPT, SP, AE, the vocal disorder index test, and the auditory perception test. However, the medical diagnosis findings of four study subjects showed that olfactory disorders, voice disorders, and laryngeal function were improved before and after the application of ABMQT. Conclusions : The breathing meditation qigong program showed significant effects on improving the olfactory disorders (anosmia) and speech function of each study subject. However, to produce meaningful results, it is thought that experiments involving a larger number of research participants are necessary, and additional blood and FMRI tests are conducted to verify metabolic activities and the olfactory neuron signal transmission system.

본태성 수전증 환자의 미토콘드리아 DNA 분석 (Analysis of Mitochondrial DNA in Patients with Essential Tremor)

  • 이언;유영미;유찬종
    • Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society
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    • 제29권2호
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    • pp.188-195
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    • 2000
  • Objective : Essential tremor(ET) is the most common movement disorder, however, there has been little agreement in the neurologic literature regarding diagnostic criteria for ET. Familial ET is an autosomal dominant disorder presenting as an isolated postural tremor. The main feature of ET is postural tremor of the arms with later involvement of the head, voice, or legs. In previous studies, it was reported that ET susceptibility was inherited in an autosomal dominant inheritance. As previous results, it would suggest that ET might be associated with defect of mitochondrial or nuclear DNA. Recent studies are focusing on molecular genetic detection of movement disorders, such as essential tremor and restless legs syndrome. Moreover, authors have analysed mitochondrial DNA(mtDNA) from the blood cell of positive control(PC) and ET patients via long and accurate polymerase chain reaction(LA PCR). Materials & Methods : Blood samples were collected from PC and 9 ET patients. Total DNA was extracted twice with phenol followed by chloroform : isoamylalcohol. For the analysis of mtDNA, LA PCR was performed by mitochondrial specific primers. Results : With this technique, deletions of large quantities were detected within several regions of mtDNA in ET patients except for D-loop and CO I regions. Conclusion : The authors believe that ET is a genentic disorder with deficiency of mitochondrial DNA multicomplexes and mitochondiral dysfunction could be one of major causative factors of ET. Mitochondrial dysfunction may play an important role in the pathogenesis and possibility of disease progression among familial group with ET patients.

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자폐성 장애인을 자녀로 둔 부모의 돌봄 경험에 관한 연구 - 성인기 자녀를 둔 부모의 경험을 중심으로 - (A Study on Experiences of Caring for Children with Autistic Disorder - Focused on Experiences of Parents of the Adult Children -)

  • 임해영;송금열
    • 한국사회복지학
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    • 제67권3호
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    • pp.227-252
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    • 2015
  • 본 연구는 20세 이상 성인기 자폐성 장애인을 자녀로 둔 부모의 돌봄 경험의 총체적 의미를 이해하기 위해, 7명의 부모를 심층 면담하고 질적 사례연구 방법을 활용하여 분석 하였다. 분석 결과, 부모들의 돌봄 경험은 '수용 경험', '기대 경험', '절망 경험', '저항 경험'이란 4가지 핵심 주제아래, '현실 인정', '긍정 체험', '호전 현상', '더 나은 삶의 질을 제공해주고 싶은 욕구', '세상을 향한 기대', '힘에 부치는 일상', '심리적 소진', '예기 불안', '방어 심리', '복지에 대한 불신', '부당한 처사에 맞서기', '적극적으로 나서기'란 12개 하위 범주를 구성되었다. 이를 통해 부모들의 돌봄 경험은 장애 자녀에 대한 수용과 기대, 절망과 저항이 복잡하게 얽혀 있는 역동적 경험이라는 것을 알 수 있었다. 따라서 성인기 자폐성 장애인 부모들을 지지하기 위해서는 이들의 절망감 해소, 긍정의 힘을 실어주는 것, 건강한 저항의 목소리를 낼 수 있도록 하는 것이 필요하다고 보았다. 이를 바탕으로 성인기 자폐성 장애인 부모와 그 자녀를 지원하기 위한 사회복지적 개입 방안을 제언하였다.

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성대구증에 관한 임상적 고찰 (The Clinical Analysis of Sulcus Vocalis)

  • 김광문;서장수;오혜경;최홍식;김기령
    • 대한기관식도과학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한기관식도과학회 1982년도 제16차 학술대회연제순서 및 초록
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    • pp.11.2-12
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    • 1982
  • 최근 우리나라에 있어서도 후두미세수술의 발달로 음성외과 분야에 대한 관심이 높아졌으며 음성장애 환자의 진단 및 치료면에서도 괄목할 만한 발전을 가져왔다. 우리는 작금의 음성외래에서 진단되는 음성장애 환자중에서 특히 성대의 유리연(遊離緣)을 따라서 평행하는 선상(線狀)의 성대구 (聲帶溝)를 보게되는데 이와같이 성문의 폐쇄부전을 동반하는 성대구증 (Sulcus Vocalis)은 1901 년 Salvi에 의해서 처음으로 명명보고된 이래로 유럽과 일본등에서 다수 보고된 바있으나. 우리나라에서는 비교적 관심이 적었던 질환으로 그 뚜렷한 원인과 치료에 대해서는 아직도 정설이 없는 상태이다. 이에 본 교실에서는 1981년 5월부터 1982년 3월까지 본원 음성언어연구실로 내원한 성대구증환자 35예에 대하여 일련의 음성검사를 시행하여 약간의 치험을 고찰한 바 있기에 그 결과를 보고하는 바이다. 1 ) 발생 빈도는 음성 장애를 주소로 내원한 290 예의 환자 중 35예로써 약 12 %였다. 2) 발병연령은 10세 이하에서 19예 (54%)로 가장 많았으며 다음은 10대, 20대의 순이였다. 3 ) 발병연령은 대부분의 예에서 불명이었으나 4예에서는 홍역 후에, 3예에서는 심한 감기 후에 병발했으며, 2 예는 선천적인 것으로 사려되었다. 4) 예중 25예 (71 %)에서 양측성이었고, 좌,우 편측성인 경우가 각각 8예 (23 %), 및 2예 (6 %)였다. 5 ) 임상증상은 거의가 애성을 주소로 하고 있었으며 7 예에서는 만성후두염을 동반하고 있었다. 6 ) 공기역학적검사에서는 20 예(57 %)에 서 최대발성지속시간 (Maximal Phonation time)이 감소되어 있었고, 발성율(發聲率, Phonation Quotient)은 22예(63 %)에서 증가되었으며, 발성시평균호기유율(Mean Air Flow Rate)은 23예 (66 %)에서 증가되었다. 7 ) 스트로보스코피(Stroboscopy) 를 시행할 수 있었던 33예 중 31예 (93%)에서 성문폐쇄부전 (glottic chink)이 있었으며 양측성대의 진동성은 거의 전례에서 규칙적 (regular)이었고, 4예(12 %)에서 비대칭(asymmetric)이었으며, 진폭 (amplitude) 은 5 예 (21 %)에서 감소되었으며, 점막파동(mucosal wave) 은 24 예 (73 %)에서 감소되었다. 8) 치료로서 상기 환자중 5예에서 성대내 테프론(Teflon) 주입을 실시하였고 1예에서 성대구절제술(Sulcusectomy)를 실시하였는데 테프론을 주입한 1예에서 증상의 호전이 있었을 뿐 다른 예에서는 효과가 뚜렷치 않아서 앞으로의 원격성적이 요망되었다.

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통신보조기기의 기본설계 (Foundational design of assistive communication system)

  • 황인정;이은실;민홍기
    • 대한전자공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한전자공학회 1998년도 하계종합학술대회논문집
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    • pp.577-580
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    • 1998
  • In this paper, we psresent the design strategy of the assistive communication system for the mute and speech disorder to be able to communicate with people under the restricted circumstances. First, it should be used conventiently in daily life and a specific domain should be set accoridng to the circumstance. Second, proper words in each domain should be selected according to the physical and mental ability of users. This paper seeks to highlight some of the issues involved in using semantic compaction in adynamic environment. (e.g. noun and verb explorable system). In additon, symbols are used in this system in order to make users recognize clearly the meaning of a words. The sentences are compounded from symbols. The compounded sentences are shown on the display monitor in letter,s and synthesized naturally in voice in order to be understood easily.

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Acoustic Analysis of Speech Disorder Associated with Motor Aphasia - A Case Report -

  • Ko, Myung-Hwan;Kim, Hyun-Ki;Kim, Yun-Hee
    • 음성과학
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    • 제7권1호
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    • pp.97-107
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    • 2000
  • Motor aphasia is an affection frequently caused by insult of the left middle cerebral artery and usually accompanied by a large lesion involving the Broca's area and the adjacent motor and premotor areas. Therefore, a patient with motor aphasia commonly shows articulatory disturbances due to failure of the motor programing of speech sound. Objective assessment and treatment of phonologic programing is one of the important aspects of speech therapy in aphasic patients. We analyzed the speech disorders acompanied with motor aphasia in a 45-year-old man using a computerized sound spectrograph, Visi-$Pitch{\circledR}$, and Multi-Dimensional Voice $Program{\circledR}$. We concluded that a computerized speech analysis system is a useful tool to visualize and quantitatively analyse the severity and progression of dysarthria, and the effect of speech therapy.

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의미심볼에 의한 통신보조기기의 설계 (Design of the Assistive Communication system by using symbols)

  • 황인정;권경혁;이은실;민홍기
    • 대한의용생체공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한의용생체공학회 1997년도 추계학술대회
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    • pp.493-496
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    • 1997
  • In this paper, we present the design strategy of the assistive communication system to be able to communicate or the mute and speech disorder under the restricted circumstances. To be used conveniently in daily life, first, a specific domain should be set according to circumstance, and second, proper words in each domain should be selected according to physical, mental ability of user. As the design process of this system should be reflected by the abilities of user, each word is represented as symbols, transparently. The sentences are compounded from symbols. Compounded sentences are showed on display in letters, and synthesized naturally in voice in order to be understood easy.

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후두운동장애 (Movement Disorders Affecting the Larynx)

  • 권택균;손희영
    • 대한후두음성언어의학회지
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    • 제21권1호
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    • pp.22-26
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    • 2010
  • Neuromuscular Disorders Affecting the Larynx are steadily important topics at laryngology. Physiology of larynx is controlled by the frame structure and neuromuscular dynamics to acting on the specialized soft tissue, Therefore, for a proper understanding of the larynx, it is needed the voice and swallowing, a series of prayers on the regulation of neurologic function and the correlation between systemic neuromuscular disease and laryngeal symptoms and clinical knowledge, We described that clinical findings and treatments of the 3 neurological diseases causing dysphonia well (Parkinson's disease, laryngeal tremor, spasmodic dysphonia) and vocal impairments for stoke patients.

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