• Title/Summary/Keyword: visually impaired person

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Walking Assistive Shoes for Visually Impaired Person Using Infrared Sensor and Pressure Sensor (적외선 센서와 압력센서를 이용한 시각장애인용 보행보조신발)

  • Yang, Chang-Min;Jung, Ji-Yong;Kim, Jung-Ja
    • Journal of rehabilitation welfare engineering & assistive technology
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.147-156
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    • 2017
  • The white cane, walking assistive device of visually impaired person, has disadvantages for acquiring the information by contacting obstacles directly and detecting low obstacle on the ground. Recently, new devices have been developing to solve these problems, but these were not widely used due to high price and appearance. Therefore, in this study, we developed two types of walking assistive shoes which were manufactured with infrared sensors, pressure sensors and vibrating motors. Two types of shoes were classified with single sensor (SS) and double sensor (DS) type according to the number of infrared sensor. To evaluate the effectiveness, we compared required time and number of collisions during walking with walking assistive shoes and white cane on obstacle area. As the results, required time was increased than white cane while number of collisions was decreased when walking with developed walking assistive shoes. In addition, required time and number of collisions was more reduced when using walking assistive device than white cane. Therefore, we suggests that developed walking assistive shoes can a great help to provide safe walking condition and reducing time to adapt new types of walking assistive shoes.

A Study of Document Creation and Management in Braille Libraries (점자도서관의 문서 생산과 관리에 관한 연구)

  • Seok, Jeong Eun
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.40
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    • pp.181-223
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    • 2014
  • This study aims to present a Braille Library document creation and management status, and to identify ways to improve. This research field surveys and interviews were conducted three institutions, the quality requirements of the ISO 15489 standards. As a result, the Braille Library document management improvement plan is as follows. First, the policy and regulatory maintenance is needed. Copy of the regulations on the creation and management, access rights and related document management policies should be developed. Second, the document creation process needs to be improved. Electronic approval system responsible for the creation of persons who are visually impaired, visually impaired people can read documents created during document creation, and introduced measures and braille labels on the files attached to will have to be prepared. Third, the document management process needs to be improved. Changes in the creation copy of the records, and preserved along with the preservation of the original and the copy to have the same period, appointed to manage one set of all copies of the authentic copy of the plan is also required. Finally, for document management system should be introduced. Systematic document management system that can be introduced is required. This system will be designed to be accessible to the visually impaired, the search.

Implementation of Low-Cost Baby Monitor for deaf and Visually Impaired Person (시각·청각장애인을 위한 저비용 베이비 모니터 구현)

  • Oh, Pa-Do;Kim, Hyeon-Hui;Lee, Boo-Hyung
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2015.10a
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    • pp.159-162
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    • 2015
  • In this paper, implement a baby monitor using the arduino for deaf and Visually Impaired. The proposed baby monitors are divided into measuring part & transmit part and linked with the application. The measuring part consists of a sound volume sensor, a transmit part consists of a bluetooth module. The measuring part and transmit part are controlled by the Arduino board. Measure the value of the sound by the sound sensor and delivers value to the arduino board. The measured value is sent to the application by the bluetooth module of transmit part. The application determines the received value and control the smart phone, and outputs the light from the sound and vibration for the value. It showed that the proposed baby monitor and an application is correctly operating in accordance with the value.

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Traffic Signal Recognition System Based on Color and Time for Visually Impaired

  • P. Kamakshi
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.48-54
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    • 2023
  • Nowadays, a blind man finds it very difficult to cross the roads. They should be very vigilant with every step they take. To resolve this problem, Convolutional Neural Networks(CNN) is a best method to analyse the data and automate the model without intervention of human being. In this work, a traffic signal recognition system is designed using CNN for the visually impaired. To provide a safe walking environment, a voice message is given according to light state and timer state at that instance. The developed model consists of two phases, in the first phase the CNN model is trained to classify different images captured from traffic signals. Common Objects in Context (COCO) labelled dataset is used, which includes images of different classes like traffic lights, bicycles, cars etc. The traffic light object will be detected using this labelled dataset with help of object detection model. The CNN model detects the color of the traffic light and timer displayed on the traffic image. In the second phase, from the detected color of the light and timer value a text message is generated and sent to the text-to-speech conversion model to make voice guidance for the blind person. The developed traffic light recognition model recognizes traffic light color and countdown timer displayed on the signal for safe signal crossing. The countdown timer displayed on the signal was not considered in existing models which is very useful. The proposed model has given accurate results in different scenarios when compared to other models.

Correlationship between Satisfaction of Disabled Females with Mental, Visual and Hearing Disability in Raising Children : Mediating Effect of Communication between Parent and Child (시각, 청각, 지적 여성장애인의 양육부담과 부모역할만족도와의 관계 : 자녀와의 의사소통 매개효과)

  • Jeon, Sunyoung;Lee, Seonggyu;Jung, Eunjue;Kim, Junghee
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.66 no.3
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    • pp.297-319
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    • 2014
  • This research seeks to clarify correlationship between satisfaction of visually impaired, hearing impaired and mentally disabled mothers and their burden of raising their children and whether communication between their children mediates their relationship. This research tries to set a standard performing method to alleviate burden of raising children and devise an effective parenting method. The study was done in cooperation with 13 welfare centers for the disabled in the Seoul area, 23 and performed 300 questionnaires were distributed. Hearing impaired person had answered by themselves, and visually impaired were provided with disability aid, by reading the questionnaire to them. 210 responses were collected, and 187 were used for final analysis. Analysis showed that burden of fostering showed a negative correlation between satisfaction as a mother and availability for communication. Moreover, communication with the children were shown to mediate the satisfaction as a parent and burden of raising the children. Thus, the goal is to reduce the burden of fostering for female disabled and increase their satisfaction as a parent as well as enhancing their communicational skills.

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The Kinematic Analysis on The Stand Long Jump of Visually Impaired Persons (시각장애인의 제자리멀리뛰기 동작에 대한 운동학적 분석)

  • Oh, Cheong-Hwan;Choi, Jung-Kyu;Jeong, Ik-Su;Lee, Dong-Gin;Choi, Su-Nam;Nam, Taek-Gil
    • Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.39-47
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    • 2006
  • This study long jump action to each situation on a chessboard and section of sight disabled person and normal person through third dimension reflex analysis mechanical special quality because do comparative analysis sight disabled person's exercise ability and technology structure of action that run understand. As can do better without danger of injury map and training of exercise item that action that run is included, do offer of pabulum by purpose. Through this study, conclusion is as following. 1. Sight disabled persons' long jump average recording (121.84cm) showing normal persons' average recording (259.27cm) and much differences, show that motion of body is not big to Touch-down from Ready action. 2. Each phase body center composition(r) average speed displayed result that it is more meaning more than Each phase time required. 3. Began in line carriage without body back stretching in 1 situation on Event one are sight disabled persons. Was expose that do not bend enough knee and ankle than normal person in Event two. Was expose that body is not drooped for surface of land in Event three, and knee and ankle were expose that do not unfold easily than normal person. Was expose that do not bend enough on Touch-down knee by relation that can not grasp position of the floor in Event four. 4. When taking off, the average of horizontal speed of body center are 1.80m/sec for blind people and 3.53m/sec for the normal. In this connection, the study shows that the difference of horizontal speed between the blind and the normal is bigger than difference of vertical speed, which are 1.56m/sec for the blind and 1.98m/sec for the normal. Also, composite speed also shows us big difference between 2.41m/sec of the blind and 4.07m/sec of the normal. The speed body center of take-off was expose that average adjuster are big width of deceleration than average - beginning disabled person's average by 2.23m/sec - 1.71m/sec in the vertical speed. 5. If examine change of high and low for z Sign of right hand, change of high and low showed as is small than normal person is sight obstacle, and all hand movements are small and was expose that do not use enough reaction of body as well as in ready action.

Walking assistance system using texture for visually impaired person (질감 특징을 이용한 시각장애인용 보행유도 시스템)

  • Weon, Sun-Hee;Choi, Hyun-Gil;Kim, Gye-Young
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.16 no.9
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    • pp.77-85
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, we propose an region segmentation and texture based feature extraction method which split the pavement and roadway from the camera which equipped to the visually impaired person during a walk. We perform the hough transformation method for detect the boundary between pavement and roadway, and devide the segmented region into 3-level according to perspective. Next step, split into pavement and roadway according to the extracted texture feature of segmented regions. Our walking assistance system use rotation-invariant LBP and GLCM texture features for compare the characteristic of pavement block with various pattern and uniformity roadway. Our proposed method show that can segment two regions with illumination invariant in day and night image, and split there regions rotation and occlution invariant in complexed outdoor image.

A Vision Disabled-Aid using the Context of Internet of Things (사물인터넷을 이용한 시각 장애자 보조 방법)

  • Sahu, Nevadita;Jeong, Min Hyuk;Chun, Jonghoon;Kim, Sang-Kyun
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.78-86
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    • 2017
  • The Internet of Things can offer disabled people the assistance and support, which is essential to achieve a good quality of life. The visually impaired people need assistance in finding locations, detecting obstacles on the way, and getting directions while moving around to reach their destination. Based on this persistent need, this paper proposes a navigation system for blind people using Internet of Things. The technologies used in our proposed system are: a smart cane containing an RFID reader and an ultrasonic sensor, a smart phone and Internet. The sensed data from the ultrasonic sensor for detecting obstacle is converted to International Standard format from ISO/IEC 23005-5 (MPEG-V Part 5). The system detects the blind person's location using the RFID tags implemented on the way. The system uses voice message in the smart phone to communicate with the blind person to lead him to his destination. The proposed system has been tested to navigate successfully in the campus.

The Needs to Improve the Accessibility about the Usability of Bidets for the Elderly and Disabled Persons (고령자 및 장애인의 비데활용에 대한 접근성 향상을 위한 니즈)

  • Lee, Jin-Hyuk;Min, Hong-Ki
    • Journal of rehabilitation welfare engineering & assistive technology
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.173-177
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    • 2017
  • Bidet is widely used and is being developed for multipurpose. However, use of this bidet varies by the elderly and disabled people. Therefore, this research compares and analyze need of bidet for elderly and disabled people and by many different types. This survey was conducted targeting 39 elderly and 120 disabled people. This survey is consist of questions that varies by bidet companies and includes questions like UI cognitive abilities, automatic water flushing, position of control box and necessary of embossment for icons. As a result, elderly and disabled people showed similar in result but for visually impaired person, the ratio of preference showed 1:9 which is opposite. As for visually impaired person, the ratio of preference showed 1:9 which is pretty high.

A Study on Walking Speed of the Disabled by Welfare Center Classification (장애인 시설별 장애인 이동속도에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Eung Sik;Lee, Jeong Su;Kim, Jang Hwan;Kim, Myeoung Hun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.124-132
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    • 2016
  • Welfare centers for disabled person which are typical facilities in Korea are classified into two catagories One is general welfare center for all type of disabled persons and the other is special welfare centers for special disabilities such as visually handicapped persons, hearing-impaired persons and the physically disabled. In this study the movements of disabled persons in daily lifes were measured and many evacuation drills in welfare centers were conducted for the achievement of basic data such as velocities and evacuation patterns of disabled persons The evacuation patterns are characterized by different kinds of disabilities.