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Walking assistance system using texture for visually impaired person  

Weon, Sun-Hee (Dept. of Media, Soongsil University)
Choi, Hyun-Gil (Dept. of Media, Soongsil University)
Kim, Gye-Young (Dept. of Computer Science, Soongsil University)
In this paper, we propose an region segmentation and texture based feature extraction method which split the pavement and roadway from the camera which equipped to the visually impaired person during a walk. We perform the hough transformation method for detect the boundary between pavement and roadway, and devide the segmented region into 3-level according to perspective. Next step, split into pavement and roadway according to the extracted texture feature of segmented regions. Our walking assistance system use rotation-invariant LBP and GLCM texture features for compare the characteristic of pavement block with various pattern and uniformity roadway. Our proposed method show that can segment two regions with illumination invariant in day and night image, and split there regions rotation and occlution invariant in complexed outdoor image.
Grey-Level Cooccurrence Model(GLCM); Local Binary Pattern(LBP); Road segmentation;
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