• Title/Summary/Keyword: video recognition

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Development of Human Following Method of Mobile Robot Using QR Code and 2D LiDAR Sensor (QR 2D 코드와 라이다 센서를 이용한 모바일 로봇의 사람 추종 기법 개발)

  • Lee, SeungHyeon;Choi, Jae Won;Van Dang, Chien;Kim, Jong-Wook
    • IEMEK Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.35-42
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    • 2020
  • In this paper, we propose a method to keep the robot at a distance of 30 to 45cm from the user in consideration of each individual's minimum area and inconvenience by using a 2D LiDAR sensor LDS-01 as the secondary sensor along with a QR code. First, the robot determines the brightness of the video and the presence of a QR code. If the light is bright and there is a QR code due to human's presence, the range of the 2D LiDAR sensor is set based on the position of the QR code in the captured image to find and follow the correct target. On the other hand, when the robot does not recognize the QR code due to the low light, the target is followed using a database that stores obstacles and human actions made before the experiment using only the 2D LiDAR sensor. As a result, our robot can follow the target person in four situations based on nine locations with seven types of motion.

Design of Virtual Reality content for supervising abusement

  • Kim, Minji;Lim, Chan
    • International journal of advanced smart convergence
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.9-15
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    • 2019
  • The government has defined domestic violence as one of the four major social evils and tried to prepare laws and systems to prevent it. Nevertheless, domestic violence has emerged as a serious social issue, and compare to the number of domestic violence cases that are constantly increasing, the report rate of domestic violence is significantly lower. This suggests the need to improve citizens' perception of domestic violence as the issue to solve it together in society, not as a private matter at home. Most of existing contents for preventing domestic violence and improving awareness are simple viewing forms of video contents, which have little effect on recognition. We aim to confirm the possibility of improving social awareness about domestic violence by producing Virtual Reality (VR) contents that have great features of user's immersion and empathy. In this VR content, the user can interact with various objects in the virtual reality of domestic violence and directly or indirectly experience the victim's position. Users who view the violent environment from the victim's point of view can have a subjective empathy for the problem, which is expected to induce more active awareness about domestic violence.

Abstraction of players action in tennis games over various platform (플랫폼에 따른 테니스 게임 플레이어 액션의 추상화 연구)

  • Chung, Don-Uk
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.635-643
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    • 2015
  • This study conducted a case study using various platforms centered on a tennis game to examine what forms the movements of a game player had when they were abstracted in the game. In particular, it summarized the forms of the player's experience that could be attained from the abstracted tennis actions into the 4 types: movement, swing, direction & intensity, and skill; and observed and schematized them in the early video games, console games, mobile games, Gesture recognition games, and wearable games. In conclusion, the development of technology offers the players with greater experience. For example the change of the platform of simple games of pressing buttons into swinging. Furthermore, the study found a consistency in the context even though the difference of action was slightly found by the interface.

A Study on the Effect of PPL Models on Fashion Brand Attitude (PPL 광고(廣告)모델이 의류(衣類)브랜드 태도(態度)에 미치는 영향(影響)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Il;Kweon, Mi-Kyoung
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2003
  • By considering the influences of PPL(Product Placement) commercial model on consumers' attitude to clothing brand as a commercial effect of PPL, this study intends to identify how much differently they take an attitude to clothing brands before and after exposed to PPL commercials, and also identify how much differently they take their attitude to the brands depending upon PPL commercial models. In the step of experimental design, a previous survey was performed to identify how consumers take their attitude to commercial models and brands before exposed to PPL commercials. And every subject was asked to watch video films with brand logos exposed. The results of experiment can be summarized as follows: After all subjects were exposed to PPL commercials, in general, their attitude to commercial models had more or less effects on the change of their attitude. Meanwhile, the interaction between their attitude to model and clothing brands respectively had somewhat significant influences only on brand recognition. This study verified that PPL commercial models had significant influences on consumers' attitude to brands. These results imply that a PPL commercial strategy in fashion industry should be made focusing on the respective roles of PPL commercial models.

Audio and Image based Emotion Recognition Framework on Real-time Video Streaming (실시간 동영상 스트리밍 환경에서 오디오 및 영상기반 감정인식 프레임워크)

  • Bang, Jaehun;Lim, Ho Jun;Lee, Sungyoung
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2017.04a
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    • pp.1108-1111
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    • 2017
  • 최근 감정인식 기술은 다양한 IoT 센서 디바이스의 등장으로 단일 소스기반의 감정인식 기술 연구에서 멀티모달 센서기반 감정인식 연구로 변화하고 있으며, 특히 오디오와 영상을 이용한 감정인식 기술의 연구가 활발하게 진행되는 있다. 기존의 오디오 및 영상기반 감정신 연구는 두 개의 센서 테이터를 동시에 입력 저장한 오픈 데이터베이스를 활용하여 다른 이벤트 처리 없이 각각의 데이터에서 특징을 추출하고 하나의 분류기를 통해 감정을 인식한다. 이러한 기법은 사람이 말하지 않는 구간, 얼굴이 보이지 않는 구간의 이벤트 정보처리에 대한 대처가 떨어지고 두 개의 정보를 종합하여 하나의 감정도 도출하는 디시전 레벨의 퓨저닝 연구가 부족하다. 본 논문에서는 이러한 문제를 해결하기 위해 오디오 및 영상에 내포되어 있는 이벤트 정보를 추출하고 오디오 및 영상 기반의 분리된 인지모듈을 통해 감정들을 인식하며, 도출된 감정들을 시간단위로 통합하여 디시전 퓨전하는 실시간 오디오 및 영상기반의 감정인식 프레임워크를 제안한다.

Intelligent Video Event Detection System Used by Image Object Identification Technique (영상 객체인식기법을 활용한 지능형 영상검지 시스템)

  • Jung, Sang-Jin;Kim, Jeong-Jung;Lee, Dong-Yeong;Jo, Sung-Jea;Kim, Guk-Boh
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.171-178
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    • 2010
  • The surveillance system in general, has been sufficiently studied in the field of wireless semiconductor using basic sensors and its study of image surveillance system mainly using camera as a sensor has especially been fully implemented. In this paper, we propose 'Intelligent Image Detection System' used by image object identification technique based on the result analysis of various researches. This 'Intelligent Image Detection System' can easily trace and judge before and after a particular incident and ensure affirmative evidence and numerous relative information. Therefore, the 'Intelligent Image Detection System' proposed in this paper can be effectively used in the lived society such as traffic management, disaster alarm system and etc.

A Development of Video Monitoring System on Real Time (실시간 영상감시 시스템 개발)

  • Cho, Hyun-Seob
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.240-244
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    • 2007
  • Non-intrusive methods based on active remote IR illumination fur eye tracking is important for many applications of vision-based man-machine interaction. One problem that has plagued those methods is their sensitivity to lighting condition change. This tends to significantly limit their scope of application. In this paper, we present a new real-time eye detection and tracking methodology that works under variable and realistic lighting conditions. Based on combining the bright-pupil effect resulted from IR light and the conventional appearance-based object recognition technique, our method can robustly track eyes when the pupils are not very bright due to significant external illumination interferences. The appearance model is incorporated in both eyes detection and tracking via the use of support vector machine and the mean shift tracking. Additional improvement is achieved from modifying the image acquisition apparatus including the illuminator and the camera.

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Analysis of the World Wide Web Contents in Korea for the Climate Change Education (기후 변화 교육을 위한 국내 웹 자료 분석)

  • Choi, Hyeh-Sook;Kim, Yong-Pyo
    • Hwankyungkyoyuk
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2010
  • Global climate change becomes one of the most serious environmental problems over the world. There is growing recognition thai climate change education, especially for children is important. However, there have been few programmes, curricula, teachers' training chances, and teaching-learning materials for climate change education so far. Therefore, we analyse the world wide web(web) contents in Korea which are available for climate change education, providing fundamental data in developing educational contents for climate change, as well as helping users to search appropriate contents for climate change education. Subjects for this study are 10 web sites of public institutions related to climate change in Korea. The web contents are evaluated in terms of diversity, accuracy, authenticity and the ease of use. The key finding in this study is that the majority of the contents are focused on how to respond to the problem, especially mitigation and also we find that most of the web sites provide text-types of lesson plan and video-types. Consequently, it would be necessary to develop various web contents for climate change education in both quality and quantity aspects.

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Gastric Adenocarcinoma with Thymic Metastasis after Curative Resection: A Case Report

  • Matsunaga, Tomoyuki;Saito, Hiroaki;Miyatani, Kozo;Takaya, Seigo;Fukumoto, Yoji;Osaki, Tomohiro;Ikeguchi, Masahide
    • Journal of Gastric Cancer
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.207-210
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    • 2014
  • The peritoneum is the most frequent site of recurrence for gastric cancer after gastrectomy, followed by the liver and lymph nodes. In contrast, metastasis to the thymus is rare. Annual surveillance with computed tomography was performed on a 67-year-old man who previously underwent a distal gastrectomy and D2 lymph node dissection for gastric cancer at Tottori University. Five years after the initial operation, an anterior mediastinal tumor was detected by computed tomography. The patient underwent video-assisted thoracic surgery to remove the tumor. Histopathology revealed adenocarcinoma cells similar to those of the gastric cancer resected 5 years previously. Thymic metastasis was considered likely based on the location of the tumor. The recognition that gastric cancer can metastasize to unusual anatomic locations, such as the thymus, can facilitate an accurate, prompt diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Development of Web-cam Game using Hand and Face Skin Color (손과 얼굴의 피부색을 이용한 웹캠 게임 개발)

  • Oh, Chi-Min;Aurrahman, Dhi;Islam, Md. Zahidul;Kim, Hyung-Gwan;Lee, Chil-Woo
    • 한국HCI학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2008.02b
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    • pp.60-63
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    • 2008
  • The sony Eytoy is developed on Playstation 2 using webcam for detecting human. A user see his appearance in television and become real gamer in the game. It is very different interface compared with ordinary video game which uses joystick. Although Eyetoy already was made for commercial products but the interface method still is interesting and can be added with many techniques like gesture recognition. In this paper, we have developed game interface with image processing for human hand and face detection and with game graphic module. And we realize one example game for busting balloons and demonstrated the game interface abilities. We will open this project for other developers and will be developed very much.

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