• Title/Summary/Keyword: vibration test rig

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Development of the Evaluation Method for Aerodynamic Noise Caused by Pressure Pulsation in the Turbocharged Diesel Engine (디젤엔진 공기과급기의 압력맥동 기인소음 평가기법 개발)

  • Lee, Jong-Kyu;Kim, Hyung-Jin;Kang, Koo-Tae
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 2007.11a
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    • pp.918-922
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    • 2007
  • Aero-pulsation noise, generally caused by geometric asymmetry of a rotating device, is considerable source of annoyance in passenger cars using the turbocharged diesel engine. Main source of this noise is the compressor wheel in the turbocharger system, and can be reduced by after-treatment such as silencers, but which may increase the manufacturing cost. More effective solution is to improve the geometric symmetry over all, or to control the quality of components by sorting out inferior ones. The latter is more effective and reasonable than the former in view of manufacturing. So, an appropriate discrimination method should be needed to evaluate aero-pulsation noise level at the production line. In this paper, we introduce the accurate method which can measure the noise level of aeropulsation and also present its evaluation criteria. Besides verifying the reliability of a measurement system - a rig test system -, we analyze the correlation between the results from rig tests and those from vehicle tests. The gage R&R method is carried out to check the repeatability of measurements over 25 samples. From the result, we propose the standard specification which can discriminate inferior products from superior ones on the basis of aero-pulsation noise level.

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Modal Identification of a randomly excited 1-D structure using Scanned data (스캐닝 데이터를 이용한 랜덤 가진된 일차원 구조물의 모달 분석)

  • 경용수;왕세명;김상명;박기환
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 2002.05a
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    • pp.241-246
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    • 2002
  • Usually vibration properties are obtained from frequency response functions or impulse response functions of a system. Since the contact type sensors can affect the characteristics of vibrating systems, the non-contact type sensors such as laser Doppler vibrometer (LDV) are being widely used. Currently researches are being carried out in terms of modal analysis using a scanning vibrometer. For the continuous scan; the Chebyshev demodulation (or polynomial) is apparently suggested to extract the mode shapes. With single frequency sinusoidal excitation, this approach is well fitted. In this research, the Chebyshev demodulation technique has been applied to the impact excitation case. The vibration of the tested structure is modeled using impulse response functions. The technique is also adopted to the random excitation case. In order to verify the technique, a simply supported beam was chosen as the test rig. The calculation modules are developed by using MATLAB$\^$(R)/ in WindowsNT$\^$(R)/ environment.

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Development of stiffness adjustable mount for vibration control of marine diesel generator set (박용 발전기세트 진동 제어를 위한 강성 조절형 마운트 개발)

  • Kim, W.H.;Joo, W.H.;Kim, D.H.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 2012.10a
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    • pp.89-92
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    • 2012
  • Marine diesel generator(D/G) set which is supported with resilient mounts for vibration isolation has been experienced the resonance problem by the main engine or propeller excitations and rigid body modes. Then the avoidance of resonance is difficult because the several excitations and 6 rigid body modes have to be considered simultaneously. In this paper, stiffness adjustable mounts was developed and proposed to control the natural frequencies of installed D/G set. Operating concept of the mount is that the total stiffness of mount can be changed according to the engagement of secondary rubber element in addition to primary one. The performance of mount was verified with the test rig and actual experiment in D/G set.

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Identification of Dynamic Stiffness of Squeeze Film Damper using Active Magnetic Bearing System as an Exciter (자기베어링 시스템을 가진기로 이용한 스퀴즈 필름 댐퍼의 동강성 계수 규명)

  • Kim, Keun-Joo;Lee, Chong-Won
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 2002.11b
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    • pp.381-387
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    • 2002
  • In this work, the dynamic characteristics of an oil-lubricated, short SFD with a central feeding groove are derived based on a theoretical analysis considering the effect of a groove. The validity of the analysis is investigated experimentally using an Active Magnetic Bearing (AMB) system as an exciter. For the theoretical solution, the fluid film forces of a grooved SFD are analytically derived so that the dynamic coefficients of a SFD are expressed in terms of its design parameters. For the experimental validation of the analysis, a test rig using AMB as an exciter is proposed to identify the dynamic characteristics of a short SFD with a central groove. As an exciter, the AMB represents a mechatronic device to levitate and position the test journal without any mechanical contact, to generate relative motions of the journal inside the tested SFD and to measure the generated displacements during experiments with fairly high accuracy. Using this test rig, experiments are extensively conducted with different clearance, which is one of the most important design parameters, in order to investigate its effect on the dynamic characteristics and the performance of SFDs. Damping and inertia coefficients of the SFD that are experimentally identified are compared with the analytical results to demonstrate the effectiveness of the analysis. It is also shown that AMB is an ideal device for tests of SFDs.

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An Optimal Correction Balancing of A High-Speed Flexible Rotor (최적화기법을 이용한 고속 탄성회전체의 밸런싱)

  • 이용복;이동수;최동훈
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.1402-1410
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    • 1995
  • An influence coefficient method with an optimal correction balancing algorithm is developed for balancing a high-speed flexible rotor system. Conventional flexible balancing algorithms such as least square and weighted least square algorithms may not satisfy allowable residual vibration levels in certain speed ranges, while the optimal correction balancing method can be more effective in controlling vibration levels in a target speed. Related analyses were reviewed and applied to a test rig to show the effectiveness of the optimal correction balancing method.

Design of exhaust manifold for pulse converters considering fatigue strength due to vibration

  • Cho, Kyung-Sang;Son, Kyung-Bin;Kim, Ue-Kan
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.37 no.7
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    • pp.694-700
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    • 2013
  • The design of the exhaust manifold for the pulse converters of a 4 strokes high power medium-speed diesel engine is presented in terms of fatigue analysis. The said system undergoes thermal expansion due to high temperature of exhaust gas and is exposed to intrinsic vibration of the internal combustion engine. Moreover, the exhaust pulse generates pressure pulsating along the runner inside manifold. Under such circumstances, the design and construction of exhaust manifold must be carried out in a way to prevent early failure due to fracture. To validate the design concept, a test rig was developed to simulate the combination of thermal and vibrational movements, simultaneously. Experimental results showed that a certain sense of reliability can be achieved by considering a field factor obtained from the results of engine bench tests.

Mode Shape Reconstruction of an impulse excited structure using HHT and CSLDV (HHT와 연속스캐닝 진동계를 이용한 임펄스가진된 구조물의 모드 형상 복원)

  • Kyong, Yong-Soo;Kim, Dae-Sung;Dayou, Jedol;Park, Kyi-Hwan;Wang, Se-Myung
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 2008.04a
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    • pp.484-490
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    • 2008
  • For CSLDV, the Chebyshev demodulation (or polynomial) technique and Hilbert transform approach have been used for mode shape reconstruction with harmonic excitation. In this paper, the Hilbert-Huang transform approach was applied as an alternative to impact excitation cases in terms of a numerical approach. The vibration of the tested structure is modeled using impulse response functions. In order to verify this technique, a simply supported beam was chosen as the test rig. With additional innovative steps which are the ideal-band pass filter and the nodal point determination, Hilbert-Huang transformation can be used for a good mode shape reconstruction even in the impact excitation case.

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Analysis on the Vibration Characteristics of Reduction Gear Units for High-speed Trains (고속철도차량 감속구동장치 진동특성 분석)

  • Moon, Kyung Ho;Lee, Dong-Hyong;Kim, Jae Chul;Ji, Hae Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.30 no.7
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    • pp.694-701
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    • 2013
  • The gear-reduction units of Korean high-speed trains consist of a motor reduction unit, an axle gear box reduction unit, and a tripod joint shaft. A reduction gear unit is a gearbox used to reduce the rotational speed of the input shaft to a slower rotational speed on the output shaft. This reduction in output speed helps to increase torque. Defective reduction gear units in high-speed trains are caused by damage to the gear or by gear fatigue. To diagnose potential problems, it is important to know the vibration characteristics of the reduction gear units. In this study, we analyzed the vibration characteristics of reduction gears under various conditions. The test setup included a full-scale test rig to evaluate reduction gear under both normal and extreme operating conditions.

The use of the semi-empirical method to establish a damping model for tire-soil system

  • Cuong, Do Minh;Ngoc, Nguyen Thi;Ran, Ma;Sihong, Zhu
    • Coupled systems mechanics
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.395-406
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    • 2018
  • This paper proposes a linear damping model of tire-soil system using semi-empirical method. A test rig was designed and developed to measure the vertical equivalent linear damping ratio of tire only and tire-soil system using Free-Vibration Logarithmic Decay Method. The test was performed with two kinds of tractor tires using a combination of five inflation pressure levels, two soil depths and four soil moisture contents in the paddy soil. The results revealed that the linear damping ratio of tires increased with decreasing tire inflation pressure; the linear damping ratio of tire-soil system also increased with decreasing tire inflation pressure and increased with the increasing soil depth (observed at 80 and 120 mm). It also increased with a relative increase of soil moisture contents (observed at 37.9%, 48.8%, 66.7% and 77.4%). The results also indicated that the damping ratio of tire-soil system was higher than that of tire only. A linear damping model of tire-soil system is proposed as a damping model in parallel which is established based on experimental results and vibration theory. This model will have a great significance in study of tractor vibration.

The Experiment of Flow Induced Vibration in PWR RCCAs

  • Kim, Sang-Nyung;Cheol Shin
    • Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.291-299
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    • 2001
  • Recently, severe wear on the shutdown rod cladding of Ulchin Nuclear Power Plant #1, #2 were observed by the Eddy Current Test(E.C.T.). In particular, the wear at the sixth card location was up to 75%. The test results indicated that the Flow Induced Vibration(F.I.V.) might be the cause of the fretting wear resulting from the contact between Rod Cluster Control Assemblies(RCCAs) and their spacing cards(guide plates) arranged in the guide tube. From reviewing RCCAs fretting wear repots and analyzing the general characteristics of F.I.V. mechanism in the reactor, geometric layout and flow conditions around the control rod, it is concluded that the turbulence excitation is the most probable vibration mechanism of RCCA. To identify the governing mechanism of RCCA vibration, an experiment was performed for a representative rod position in which the most serious fretting wear experienced among the six rod positions. The experimental rig was designed and set up to satisfy the governing nondimensional numbers which are Reynolds number and mass damping parameter. The vibration amplitude measurement by the non-contact laser displacement sensor showed good agreements in the frequency and the maximum wearing(vibration) location with Ulchin E.C.T. results and Framatome report, respectively. The sudden increase in the vibration amplitude was sensed around the 6th guide plate with mass flow rate variation. Comparing the similitude rod behaviour with the idealized response of a cylinder in flow induced vibration, it was found that he dominant mechanism of vibration was transferred from turbulence excitation to periodic shedding at the mass flow ate 90ι/min. Also the critical velocity of the vibration in RCCAs was determined and the vibration can be prevented by reducing the bypass flow rate below the critical velocity.

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