• Title/Summary/Keyword: urban network analysis

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Runoff Analysis and Application of Runoff Model of Urban Storm Drainage Network (도시하수도망에 대한 유출모형의 남용과 유출해석)

  • 박성천;이관수
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.33-42
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    • 1996
  • This research is to show the application of runoff model and runoff analysis of urban storm drainage network. the runoff models that were used for this research were RRL, ILLUDAS, and SWMM applicative object basin were Geucknak-chun and Sangmu drainage basin located in Seo-Gu, Kwangju. The runoff analysis employed the design storm that distributed the rainfall intensity according to the return period after the huff's method. The result from the comparative analysis of the three runoff models was as follows The difference of peak runoff by return period was 20-30% at Sangmu drainage area of $3.17 Km^2$, while less than 10% at Geucknak-chun drainage area of $12.7 Km^2$. The peak runoff were similar to all models. At the runoff hydrograph the times between rising and descending points were in the sequence of RRL, ILLUDAS and SWMM, but the peak times were similar to all models. The conveyance coefficient to examine the conveyance of the existing drainage network was 0.94-1.37, which means insecure, in Geucknak-chun drainage basin and 0.69-1.16, which means secure, in sangmu drainage basin.

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Analysis of Changes in Urban Spatial Structure for Balanced Urban Development (도시균형발전을 위한 도시공간구조 변화 진단)

  • KIM, Ho-Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.40-51
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to diagnose urban spatial structures using spatial modeling techniques for balanced urban development as part of sustainable urban growth management. Since urban spatial structure is an interaction of various activities, it is necessary to interpret the analysis results in conjunction with the analysis of changes in spatial structural elements. In this study, population and transportation were approached for research purposes. Population data were applied to the Getis-Ord Gi* method, a spatial statistical technique, to analyze the concentration-decreasing region of the population. Traffic data analyzed the trend of centrality change by applying commuting traffic O-D data to Social Network Analysis techniques. The analysis showed that urban imbalance was growing, and the centrality of transportation was changing. The results of the analysis of spatial structure elements could be interpreted by linking the results of each factor to each neighborhood unit, predicting changes in urban spatial structure and suggesting directions for sustainable urban growth management.These results could also be used as a decision-making tool for various urban growth management policies introduced to cope with rapid urban development and uncontrollable development in many cities around the world.

Interference Analysis in an Urban Mesh Network Operating in the 60-GHz Band

  • Rasekh, Maryam Eslami;Farzaneh, Forouhar
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.35 no.5
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    • pp.775-785
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    • 2013
  • Because of their exclusive features, millimeter wave directive mesh networks can be considered for small cell backhaul support in urban environments. For this purpose, a network of closely spaced stations has been considered with very directive line-of-sight links operating in the 60-GHz band. An attempt is made to evaluate channel response and interference behavior in such a network, taking into account the effect of building blockage. A simple grid of building blocks is considered as the propagation environment, and wave propagation is simulated using 2.5-dimensional (2.5D) ray tracing (2D with ground effect) to calculate the received signal at different nodes in the network. The results are compared with free space predictions and used to evaluate interference at all nodes in the channel and describe certain characteristics of links, such as the delay profile and the correlation length.

Indices Characterizing Road Network on Geo-Spatial Imagery as Transportation Network Analysis

  • Lee, Ki-Won
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.57-64
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    • 2004
  • In GIS-based network analysis, topological measure of network structure can be considered as one of important factors in the urban transportation analysis. Related to this measure, it is known that the connectivity indices such as alpha index and gamma index, which mean degree of network connectivity and complexity on a graph or a circuit, provide fundamental information. On the other hand, shimbel index is one of GIS-based spatial metrics to characterize degree of network concentration. However, the approach using these quantitative indices has not been widely used in practical level yet. In this study, an application program, in complied as extension, running on ArcView- GIS is implemented and demonstrated case examples using basic layers such as road centerline and administrative boundary. In this approach, geo-spatial imagery can be effectively used to actual applications to determine the analysis zone, which is composed of networks to extract these indices. As the results of the implementation and the case examples, it is notified that alpha and gamma indices as well as shimbel index can be used as referential data or auxiliary information for urban planning and transportation planning.

Integrated Application of Stormwater Network Analysis Model and Surfacewater Inundation Analysis Model (우수관망 해석모형과 지표수 침수해석 모형의 연계 적용)

  • Shin, Eun Taek;Lee, Sangeun;Eum, Tae Soo;Song, Chang Geun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.33 no.5
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    • pp.78-83
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    • 2018
  • Recently, due to the rapid industrialization and urbanization, a great number of infrastructure and population were concentrated in urban areas. These changes have resulted in unprecedent runoff characteristics in urban basins, and the increase in impermeable areas leads to the growth of the runoff and the peak flow rate. Although many cities have made a lot of efforts to check and expand the stormwater network, the flash flood or the local torrential rain caused a growing number of casualty and property damage. This study analyzed the stormwater passage rate in a target area using SWMM. By incorporating the flow quantity surpassing the storm sewer capacity, a 2D inland flooding analysis model was applied to route the inundated area and velocity.

The Characteristics of Urban Structure and Urban Restructuring of the Incheon City (인천시 공간구조의 특성 변화와 체계적 도시구조 운영 방향)

  • Kim, Dae-Young
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.24-34
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    • 2003
  • The purposes of this paper are to analysis the characteristics of urban structure and to provide the strategies of urban restructuring in Incheon. While old urban center has tended to decline, urban central functions have concentrated towards new suburban centers, outer regions of Incheon. The urbanization of Incheon to outer regions is continuing, together with the population growth. The basic directions of urban restructuring are the formation of network urban structure, the establishment of development designation district, the formation of development, and axises for urban regeneration. It is also suggested that the systematic strategies of urban restructuring need to consider the district development for globalization, the formation of new growth pole and development axises, the establishment of special theme street, and development to network city for global city.

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How do People Understand and Express "Smart City?": Analysis of Transition in Smart-city Keywords through Semantic Network Analysis of SNS Big Data between 2011 and 2020

  • Kim, Seong-A;Kim, Heungsoon
    • Architectural research
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.41-52
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to grasp the understanding of smart cities and to review whether the common perception of smart cities, as people understand it, is changing over time. This study analyzes keywords related to smart cities used in social network services (SNSs) in 2011, 2016, and 2020 respectively through semantic network analysis. Smart city discussions appearing on SNS in 2011 mainly focused on technology, and the results of 2016 were generally similar to those of 2011. We can also find policy or business-oriented characteristics in emerging countries in 2020. We highlight that all the results of 2011, 2016, and 2020 have some correlation with each other through QAP(Quadratic Assignment Procedure) correlation analysis, and among them, the correlation between 2011 and 2016 is analyzed the most. The results of the frequency analysis, centrality analysis, and CONCOR(CONvergence of interaction CORrelation) analysis support these results. The results of this study help establish policies that reflect the needs and opinions of citizens in planning smart cities by identifying trends and paradigm transitions expressed by people in SNS. Furthermore, it is expected to help emerging countries by enhancing the understanding of the essence and trend of smart cities and to contribute by suggesting the direction of more sustainable technology development in future smart city policies for leading countries.

An Analysis of the Urban Fringe Management Initiative's Operational Process in UK Using the Actor Network Theory - A Case Study of Thames Chase Community Forest Initiative - (행위자연계망이론을 통한 영국 도시교외지역 관리시책의 운영과정 특성 분석 -테임즈 체이스 마을 숲 조성 시책을 사례로-)

  • Kim, Yong-Bum;Park, Jae-Hong;Chun, Sung-Hwan
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.13 no.1 s.34
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    • pp.97-109
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this research was to investigate and analyse how Community Forest Initiatives as urban fringe management initiatives made alliances with a variety of interest groups, enrol them in the urban fringe management processes using the Actor Network Theory. The Thames Chase Community Forest Initiative was selected and its area of operation included a $97 km^2$ area of green-belt area in East London. It was a instrument far improving and protecting the unique characteristics of the countryside landscape from urban developments as well as evaluating the impact of forestry inclusion in land use planning in the urban fringe. It was operated through a tiered structure comprising the Thames Chase Joint Committee and the management team. They employed a variety of devices to speak with one voice to bring about an effective operation process and to secure the enrolment of a variety of interest groups in its operational processes. Of note, the initiative's actor network impacted on improvement to and management of the countryside landscape despite not owning any land itself. As a result, when urban fringe management initiatives will be launched in South Korea to achieve a more effective and efficient urban fringe management, local councillors and representatives from public and non-government bodies should be more responsive to local communities' views and needs and work more vigorously on their behalf through lobbying, seeking media support, and so on. Moreover, better understanding and communication between local authorities' officers and management initiatives' teams are essential to avoid duplication of work practice.

Establishing a Green Space Management Zone for an Environmental City - Focusing on Changwon City - (환경도시 건설을 위한 도시녹지의 관리권역 설정 - 창원시를 대상으로 -)

  • Jung, Sung-Gwan;Lee, Woo-Sung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.35 no.6
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    • pp.64-73
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study is to classify urban green space, to assess an imbalance by an administrative district (Dong), and to establish the management zone of urban green spaces for the construction of an environmental city in Changwon. The spatial data of 1:5,000 digital maps, park data in Changwon, land cover by the Ministry of Environment, and IKONOS satellite images from 2003 were used for this analysis. The assessment of the imbalance of urban green spaces was analyzed with the Lorenz curve and Gini's coefficient. The establishment of the management zone was performed by network analysis of GIS. The results of this study are as follows: the urban green spaces were classified as a park green space, a natural green space, and a riparian green space. According to the results of assessment of the imbalance of green spaces, Gini's coefficient was analyzed at higher than 0.4. Thus, the spatial imbalance of urban green spaces in Changwon was evident. The management zones to solve the imbalance were established: "rich zone", "fair zone", "poor zone" and "broken zone". Therefore, the rich and fair zones which have rich green spaces must maintain the good conditions through analysis of the green network and a survey of civic attitudes. The poor and broken zones which have poor green spaces must improve quality and quantity through creation of additional green spaces, construction of an eco-industrial park, and utilization of children's parks and pocket parks.

Accessibility Measure of Cultural Facilities Using Urban Network Analysis (Urban Network Analysis를 이용한 문화시설의 접근성 분석)

  • Park, Tae-Sun;Lee, Mee-Young
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.455-464
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    • 2015
  • Investments into existing cultural facilities are determined based on administrative district-based indices like population and area. Such macro judgment indices, however, fail to consider accessibility of cultural facilities from neighboring administrative districts and thus create problems including wasted budgets and duplicated investments. More recently, the government has made it a goal to increase the level of citizen awareness of these facilities, but achieving this requires the integration of neighboring administrative districts such that characteristics including transportation network and buildings are reflected in a comprehensive manner. This research therefore looks into Urban Network Analysis (UNA) as a means to investigate accessibility of cultural facilities. Use of UNA will make it possible to analyze the transportation network as well as building distribution, explained by building density, settled population, and other important building factors, in tandem, leading to the concentration of cultural facilities and the surrounding economic district being more properly reflected, and thus allowing for greater explanatory power in determining the level of accessibility. To test this, four target research districts were chosen from within the Gyeonggi Province and analyzed in terms of the accessibility of their everyday cultural facilities. Of the four districts of Gunpo, Anyang, Uiwang, and Gwacheon, accessibility of the first two districts, was found to be high, while accessibility was found to be relatively low for the latter two districts. This finding indicates that cultural facilities investments should be concentrated in the districts of Gunpo and Anyang.