• Title/Summary/Keyword: trypsin.

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Isolation and Characterization of a Trypsin Inhibitor and a Lectin from Glycine max cv. Large Black Soybean

  • Ye, Xiu Juan;Ng, Tzi Bun
    • Food Science and Biotechnology
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.1173-1179
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    • 2009
  • Trypsin inhibitors and lectins are defense proteins produced by many organisms. From Chinese 'Large Black Soybeans', a 60 kDa lectin and a 20 Da trypsin inhibitor (TI) were isolated using chromatography on Q-Sepharose, Mono Q, and Superdex 75. The TI inhibited trypsin and chymotrypsin with an $IC_{50}$ of 5.7 and $5{\mu}M$, respectively. Trypsin inhibitory activity of the TI was stable from pH 3 to 13 and from 0 to $65^{\circ}C$. Hemagglutinating activity of the lectin was stable from pH 2 to 13 and from 0 to $65^{\circ}C$. The TI was inhibited by dithiothreitol, signifying the importance of disulfide bond. The TI and the lectin inhibited HIV-1 reverse transcriptase ($IC_{50}$=44 and $26{\mu}M$), and proliferation of breast cancer cells ($IC_{50}$=42 and $13.5{\mu}M$) and hepatoma cells ($IC_{50}$=96 and $175{\mu}M$). The hemagglutinating activity of the lectin was inhibited most potently by L-arabinose. Neither the lectin nor the TI displayed antifungal activity.

Fractionation of Soybean Trypsin Inhibitors and Its Heat Stability (대두(大豆) 품종별(品種別) Trypsin Inhibitor의 Fractionation과 내열성(耐熱性)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Park, Jyung-Rewng;Choi, Ai-Ryung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.7-12
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    • 1978
  • This experiment was conducted to fractionate the trypsin inhibitors and its heat stability of five varieties of soybean. It was observed that water extractable protein of all varieties used was fractionated into three peaks and the second peak seemed to show trypsin inhibitor activity. (TIA). The trypsin inhibitors were fractionated into four fractions-FI, FII, FIII and FIV. FIII showed the highest TIA in Suwon No. 81, Suwon No. 82 and Suwon No. 83 In the case of Kyungnam No. 3 and Suwon No. 62, the highest activity was found in FIV. When trypsin inbibitors fractionated in boiling water-bath for 20 min, the FIV showed the highest heat stability and FI was found to be the weakest.

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Immobilization of Trypsin onto Silk Fibroin Fiber via Spacer Arms

  • Lee, Ki-Hoon;Kang, Gyung-Don;Shin, Bong-Seob;Park, Young-Hwan;Nahm, Joong-Hee
    • International Journal of Industrial Entomology and Biomaterials
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.195-200
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    • 2004
  • Trypsin can be immobilized on silk fibroin fiber (SFF) by introducing several spacer arms, such as ethylene diamine (ED), bovine serum albumin (BSA) and silk sericin (SS). Direct immobilization on silk fiber (SFFGA) has low activity because of the steric hindrance between the trypsin and substrate. The introduction of spacer arms onto SFF-GA can enhance the activity of trypsin by reducing the steric hindrance. When ED is used as a spacer arm, the activity of trypsin has increased but its stability decreased due to the increased hydrophobicity of SFF. BSA and SS, as a spacer arm, have better results in both activity and stability. SFF-BSA shows some decrease in the specific activity due to improper immobilizatin. SFF-SS maintained 90% of its initial activity even after 12 hrs incubation at $50^{\circ}C$. In the case of repeated hydrolysis of silk sericin with immobilized trypsin, SFF-GA and SFF-ED lost 50% of their initial activity right after first run, whereas SFF-BSA and SFF-SS maintained 80% of their initial activities even after 5 runs. Higher operational stability is due to increased hydrophilicity of SFF by introducing hydrophilic spacer arms such as BSA and SS. The high content of serine in SS increases the hydrophilicity of SFF resulting the best results among other spacer arms.

Protease Inhibitors in Porcine Colostrum: Potency Assessment and Initial Characterization

  • Zhou, Q.;He, R.G.;Li, X.;Liao, S.R.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.16 no.12
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    • pp.1822-1829
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    • 2003
  • Porcine colostrum and milk were separated into the acid-soluble and casein fractions by acidification followed by centrifuge. The acid-soluble fraction of porcine colostrum was further separated by liquid chromatography and anisotropic membrane filtration. Trypsin and chymotrypsin inhibitory capacity in porcine colostrum, milk and their components was determined by incubating bovine trypsin or chymotrypsin in a medium containing their corresponding substrates with or without addition of various amounts of porcine colostrum, porcine milk or their components. The inhibition of insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) and epidermal growth factor (EGF) degradation in pig small intestinal contents by porcine colostrum was measured by incubating iodinated IGF-I or EGF with the intestinal contents with or without addition of porcine colostrum. Degradation of labeled IGF-I or EGF was determined by monitoring the generation of radioactivity soluble in 30% trichloroacetic acid (TCA). The results showed that porcine colostrum had high levels of trypsin and chymotrypsin inhibitory activity and increased the stability of IGF-I and EGF in pig intestinal contents. The inhibitory activity declined rapidly during lactation. It was also found that trypsin and chymotrypsin inhibitory activity and the inhibition on IGF-I and EGF degradation in the acid-soluble fraction were higher than that in the casein fraction. Heat-resistance study indicated that trypsin inhibitors in porcine colostrum survived heat treatments of $100^{\circ}C$ water bath for up to 10 min, but exposure to boiling water bath for 30 min significantly decreased the inhibitory activity. Compared with the trypsin inhibitors, the chymotrypsin inhibitors were more heatsensitive. Separation of the acid-soluble fraction of porcine colostrum by liquid chromatography and anisotropic membrane filtration revealed that the trypsin and chymotrypsin inhibitory capacity was mainly due to a group of small proteins with molecular weight of 10,000-50,000. In conclusion, the present study confirmed the existence of high levels of protease inhibitors in porcine colostrum, and the inhibition of porcine colostrum on degradation of milk-borne growth factors in the pig small intestinal tract was demonstrated for the first time.

Separation of Calcium-binding Protein Derived from Enzymatic Hydrolysates of Cheese Whey Protein

  • Kim, S.B.;Shin, H.S.;Lim, J.W.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.712-718
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    • 2004
  • This study was carried out to separate the calcium-binding protein derived from enzymatic hydrolysates of cheese whey protein. CWPs (cheese whey protein) heated for 10 min at $100^{\circ}C$ were hydrolyzed by trypsin, papain W-40, protease S, neutrase 1.5 and pepsin, and then properties of hydrolysates, separation of calcium-binding protein and analysis of calcium-binding ability were investigated. The DH (degree of hydrolysis) and NPN (non protein nitrogen) of heated-CWP hydrolysates by commercial enzymes were higher in trypsin than those of other commercial enzymes. In the result of SDS-PAGE (sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis), $\beta$-LG and $\alpha$-LA in trypsin hydrolysates were almost eliminated and the molecular weight of peptides derived from trypsin hydrolysates were smaller than 7 kDa. In the RP-HPLC (reverse phase HPLC) analysis, $\alpha$-LA was mostly eliminated, but $\beta$-LG was not affected by heat treatment and the RP-HPLC patterns of trypsin hydrolysates were similar to those of SDS-PAGE. In ion exchange chromatography, trypsin hydrolysates were shown to peak from 0.25 M NaCl and 0.5 M NaCl, and calcium-binding ability is associated with the large peak, which was eluted at a 0.25 M NaCl gradient concentration. Based on the results of this experiment, heated-CWP hydrolysates by trypsin were shown to have calcium-binding ability.

Functional Properties of Proteolytic Enzyme-Modified Isolated Sesame Meal Protein (단백질 분해효소에 의한 참깨박 단백질의 기능성 변화)

  • Lee, Seon-Ho;Cho, Young-Je;Chun, Sung-Sook;Kim, Young-Hwal;Choi, Cheong
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.708-715
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    • 1995
  • Effect of enzymatic modification with pepsin, papain and trypsin was studied on functional properties of isolated sesame meal protein hydrolysates. Solubility of protein hydrolysates distinctively increased from 2% to $53{\sim}94%$ at pH 4. Emulsifying properties showed marked increase 6 fold and 4.5 fold at degree of 10%, 20% hydrolysis by trypsin and degree of 10% hydrolysis by papain. The emulsion stability of the protein was unstable by heat treatment for 30 min. at $80^{\circ}C$. Foaming properties were also enhanced by enzymatic hydrolysis except at degree of 30% hydrolysis. Bulk density and water absorption of protein with trypsin and papain decreased about 0.1 g/ml and $0.3{\sim}0.7\;ml/g$, but oil absorption was increased about 1 ml/g.

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Studies on the Antibacterial Activity of Enzymatic Hydrolyzates of Lactoferrin Derived from Bovine Colostrum (유우 Lactoferrin 효소가수분해물 항균 활성에 관한 연구)

  • Han, Su Yeon;Kim, Jong Woo
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.52-67
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    • 1998
  • The investigative research on the mammalian milk purely consisted of the physiological quality of lactoferrin was conducted to reveal the antimicrobial ativity of specifically functional foods with antibiotic characteristics as a basic data in food manufacturing. Bovine lactoferrin were isolated from raw milk samples, and was digested with pepsin, trypsin and chymotrypsin. It was necessary then to separate and purify lactoferrin from bovine raw milk, and in order to analyze the antimicrobial activity of the enzyme-treated bovine lactoferrin in their required quantitative fraction. Afterwards Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus was incubated in it. It was that investigated to enzyme-treated fractions molecular weight and the peptide fragment with antimicrobial effect. 1. The purity of enzyme-treated bovine lactoferrin(BLF) was tested by SDS-PAGE. As a results of 12% SDS-PAGE assay, pepsin-treated LF did not exhibited band until if reaches 14 KDa, while trypsin and chymotrypsin treated LF, known to contain the non-digestive lactoferrin exhibited band at a molecular weight of 33 KDa. 2. Bovine lactoferrin was sucessfully purified through the use of Sephadex G-50 Column. In order to assay LF through the Sephadex G-50 column chromatography, the digestive bovine lactoferrin (BLFs) was eluted with a linear gradient of 0.05% Tris-HCl. When the gel-filtration analysis, pepsin, trypsin and chymotrypsin treatments of BLF fragments was showed 2, 3, and 2 peak, respectively. The results of the HPLC analysis confirmed that had a non-digestive lactoferrin receptor, and trypsin and chymotrypsin treated BLFs has an antimicrobial effect. 3. To measure the strength of the antimicrobial effect of enzyme treated lactoferrin it was compared to the antimicrobial activity taking place at the incubated Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. This might explain the resistance of the microorganisms for peptide fragment. The pepsin-treated of bovine lactoferrin was markedly reduced by incubation of the cells. Trypsin-treated of BLF was similar to chymotrypsin-treated of BLF. However, trypsin and chymotrypsin treatments of BLFs were showed the antimicrobial effect until eight hours incubation for native bovine lactoferrin. Therefore the enzyme-treated lactoferrin have an antimicrobial effect even non-digestive lactoferrin. 4. The digestive bovine lactoferrin fragments assay was carried out by the use of Sephadex G-50 column chromatography and SDS-PAGE. The pepsin and chymotrypsin-treated fragments has a low molecular weight and trypsin-treated lactoferrin was only showed a band. It was described that characteristics of digestive protein. It appeared that there may be a relation between virulence and resistance to enzyme-treated BLF.

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Expression of Digestive Enzyme Genes in the Digestive Tract of the Two-spotted Cricket During Starvation (쌍별 귀뚜라미의 소화기관에서 기아에 의한 소화효소 유전자의 발현)

  • Lee, Nuri;Lee, Eun-Ryeong;Kwon, Kisang;Kwon, O-Yu
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.82-87
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    • 2020
  • The gene expression of amylase, trypsin, and lipase in the digestive organs of the two-spotted cricket (Gryllus bimaculatus) was tested to understand how it overcomes starvation. Amylase gene expression in the foregut was reduced by digesting no food until starvation-3 days. Although that expression persisted to starvation-6 days, it returned to normal at refeeding-2 days. The expression of trypsin peaked at around 8 times as starvation started and at around 4 times at starvation-3 days. After refeeding, trypsin expression rose up to 14 times and then fell back to normal as feeding continued. Lipase gene expression remained elevated at 1.5-2 times when starvation started and returned to normal at refeeding-2 days. In the midgut, amylase expression decreased until starvation-3 days, increasing to about 2 times at starvation-6 days; it did not rise again by refeeding. Trypsin was constantly expressed regardless of starvation and refeeding, while lipase expression was reduced by 0.6-0.7 times by starvation and refeeding. Amylase gene expression in the hindgut was 0.2-0.3 times lower than starvation-6 days, and it increased by 0.5 times on refeeding-1 day and more than 1.5 times on refeeding-3 days. The gene expression of trypsin was almost identical to amylase.

Distribution of Protease Inhibitors from Fish Eggs as Seafood Processing Byproducts (어류 알의 Protease Inhibitor 활성 분포)

  • Ji, Seong-Jun;Lee, Ji-Sun;Shin, Joon-Ho;Park, Kwon-Hyun;Kim, Jin-Soo;Kim, Kyoung-Sub;Heu, Min-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.8-17
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    • 2011
  • To identify and examine the distribution of proteolytic inhibitory activity in crude extracts from fish eggs, and to determine the applicability of these protease inhibitors as anti-degradation agents in surimi-based products and fish meat, we compared the inhibitory activities of various extracts from fish eggs to those of commercial proteases, such as trypsin and papain. We used the optimal conditions for the screening of trypsin activity: 30 ug/uL of 0.1% trypsin and 0.6 mM Na-benzoyl-L-arginine-p-nitroanilide (BAPNA) with a pH of 8.0 at $40^{\circ}C$ for 60 min. The activities of papain and four commercial proteases were investigated after mixing with 100 ug/uL enzymes and 0.3% casein with a pH of 8.0 at $40^{\circ}C$ for 60 min. We performed a screening assay to detect the inhibitory activity (%) of crude extracts from eight species of fish eggs against the target proteases trypsin and papain. The assay revealed a wide distribution of trypsin and papain inhibitors in fish eggs. The specific inhibitory activities ( U/mg) of crude extracts from fish eggs against trypsin and BAPNA substrate were higher than that (0.64 U/mg) of egg whites, used as a commercial inhibitor. The inhibitory activities of crude extracts from fish eggs against trypsin, and of egg whites against casein substrate ( U/mg), were higher than those of papain ( U/mg) and commercial protease ( U/mg). The extracts from fish eggs were rich in protease inhibitors that exhibited strong inhibitory activity against trypsin, a serine protease, and papain, a cysteine protease.

Trypsin Inhibitory Activity of Water Extracts from Ecklonia cava as Affected by Temperature and pH (감태 물 추출물의 Trypsin 저해활성에 대한 열 및 pH 안정성)

  • Jung, Seul-A;Kim, Koth-Bong-Woo-Ri;Kim, Min-Ji;Kim, Dong-Hyun;SunWoo, Chan;Kim, Hyun-Jee;Jeong, Da-Hyun;Jeong, Hee-Ye;Kim, Tae-Wan;Cho, Young-Je;Ahn, Dong-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.41 no.6
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    • pp.840-845
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    • 2012
  • This research was done to verify the inhibitory activity of water extracts from Ecklonia cava (WE-EC) against trypsin and the effects on various temperature and pH conditions. The WE-EC showed high trypsin inhibitory activity of 76, 62 and 60% at concentrations of 5, 2.5 and 1 mg/mL, respectively. In all heat treatments excepted for two conditions, such as $100^{\circ}C$ for 20 min and $121^{\circ}C$ for 15 min, the inhibitory activity was stable compared with the untreated group. With regard to pH stability, the WE-EC showed no significant changes at pH 2~8, but somewhat decreased inhibitory activity was revealed at pH 10. Therefore, the WE-EC could be used in the food industry as a natural trypsin inhibitor.