• Title/Summary/Keyword: true love

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A study on the ideological foundation of Park jin-young[朴震英] - Mainly studied the relationship of Jung gu[鄭逑] - (광서(匡西) 박진영(朴震英)의 사상적 토대 고찰 - 한강(寒岡) 정구(鄭逑)를 위시한 사승(師承) 관계를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, hyung-tae
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.54
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    • pp.235-252
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    • 2014
  • This paper is examining the ideological underpinnings of Park Jin-young[朴震英]. He was intellectual activity is based on Haman[咸安] Gyeongsang-namdo[慶尙南道]. And He was causing the Righteous Army[義兵] saved the country from the crisis of Imjin War[壬辰倭亂, 1592~1598] and the Byongja War[丙子胡亂, 1636~1637] in Mid-Joseon[朝鮮] Dynasty. Therefore, he had to practice patriotism and love people. The purpose of this paper is centered on the acts of Park Jin-young to focus on its ideological foundation to be sure. A cause[大義名分] was laying on the side and the real meaning of the terms of participation and his a far-sighted view [達觀] ever conduct of life[處世] divided into such discussions were developed. In addition, the formation of his ideas around the Jung gu[鄭逑] influenced correlating it with the teacher and student relationships were investigated. Park Jin-young is Im-Byeong War[壬丙兩難] since emerged on the Joseon [朝鮮] Social Jon-ju[尊周] thought was one of the representative figures. His mentor Jung gu was the cause, seriously. And he cause, the influence of the teacher very seriously here was typical of that era. The people loved teacher. And his disciples to overcome difficulties that influence the Righteous Army sought to raise the country. His teachers have taught him Confucian influence. And behave appropriately when life. Park Jin-young acted appropriately when affected by such a life. Consequently, he was a true intellectual in those times.

Expansion and Transition of Tasan's Allegoric Poetry (다산(茶山) 우화시(寓話詩)의 확장(擴張)과 전이(轉移) -<오즉어행>과 <리노행>을 중심(中心)으로-)

  • Lee, Kyung-ah
    • Journal of Korean Classical Literature and Education
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    • no.15
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    • pp.329-353
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    • 2008
  • Tasan Jeong Yak-yong is great scholar, who makes a synthesis of Sil-hak[實學, Practical Science of Korea], reformer of society, and a poet in the Joseon Dynasty. He expressed contradiction and conflict of those days by intellectual language, and reperceived basic ideology of the Joseon society. Also he theorized dissatisfaction of the people about those days and its system as form of religion. We can divide Tasan's life into two times. The first part is his ages 16~39 in the period of Jeong-jo(1777~1800). The second part is in the period of Sun-jo(1801~1834). In this period, he was exiled into Gang-jin for 17 years. After banishment, he lived a quiet life for the rest of his life in his hometown. His allegoric poetry were written in this second period. The special feature of allegoric poetry is strong satire. An allegory would be that is 'king's ear', which the barber has sight, or the barber's voice, which has divulged king's secret among the bamboos. Otherwise it would be that is the sound 'king's ear is donkey's ear' in the bamboos. This sound is divulging of the true donkey's ear. It doesn't travel to audiences, but travels trough wind in the bamboos. The narration exists just as story that barber can't stand to keep silence about king's secret. There are exposure of true and critical motive as allegoric expression. Tasan's allegoric poetry stand on the basis of his love for the people. Also there reveals his thought deeply with an enormous amount of reading and self-communion. Moreover there are his warm mind with his sharp insight in which captures alive lives as allegoric materials. Most of allegoric poetry satirize actuality of those days to make an excuse for external distinguishing marks of animals and plants. However Tasan's poetry are different from them. After he grasped serious problems from his contemporary actuality, and then choosed allegoric media to express correctly. Because he grasped the special features of lives after minute observation, he could exposure controversial point of the actual. His sharp insight was not limited to allegoric media. He noticed his period and the current of his society sensitively. It made his allegoric poetry as important materials to make us to know the condition of the people in the Joseon Dynasty. Tasan's allegoric poetry is inherited by Baek Seok[白石, 1912~1995] as regular juvenile literature. Baek Seok's juvenile stories are the results of expansion and transition for Tasan's allegoric poetry. Allegoric poetry was the shout of barber to prosecute about social irregularities and contradiction, and the sound of the bamboos to travel moaning of the people in the past. Now allegoric poetry create new emotion to make us to speculate ourselves with our surrounding. This changes are caused by special feature of allegoric poetry as a form to reflect our general lives.

The effect of Yukjabaegi (six bit song) on overcoming grief through empathy sung by Hyang-ryun An pepped us up on YouTube (https://youtu.be/04RRMyOGW90)

  • Ko, Kyung Ja;Hwang, Sung Yeoun
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.26.1-26.3
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this article is to argue that Korean music, Yukjabaegi (six-bit songs), helps us overcome grief. It is not untrue to say that Yukjabaegi is among the greatest types of music in Korea. This is a testament to the prominence of this statue among Han Ak (Korean music, 韓樂). Empathy is an inherent human quality involving all parts of the brain which is also linked to feelings of love. Empathy is created the moment we imagine ourselves in someone else's situation. Moreover, if empathy is good for us, the generation of empathy may actually mobilize our strength. Koreans have superior strength in overcoming grief and difficult situations by singing together. Often Koreans feel that their lives and labors are difficult, they start singing Yukjabaegi because they consider grief and anxiety wear on a person more than hard work. Listening to and singing Yukjabaegi can cheer up people who feel as limp as a rag after hard labor. Tackling reality and venting the experience via creative expression is bound to be healthy. Under a change of the rhythm pattern, Yukjabaegi thus becomes a major form of amusement for those suffering from difficult situations and comes as a true friend to share in our grief with us. Singing together via Yukjabaegi is a time to share grief. Thus, this, author believes that it is related to empathy. It helps us overcome grief by means of music therapy.

The three Ontological Characteristics of the Person with Emmanuel Mounier (엠마누엘 무니에의 '인격(personne)'의 세 가지 존재론적인 특성)

  • Lee, Myung-Gon
    • Journal of Korean Philosophical Society
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    • v.137
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    • pp.249-276
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    • 2016
  • The thought of Emmanuel Mounier addresses the most important problems in human life. In this research we try to analyze the three ontological characteristics of 'Person'. First the person has an indefinable character and is not substitutable since he is the true self which is the inner and spiritual being constituting the self-consciousness of an individual. The person has his individuality precisely because he is an individual and his being sovereign in having his own world. Next, the person's individuality has an ontological solitude from his own perspective. Nevertheless, having essentially an existential openness since it receives the elements that compose his own world by relationship and communication between men, and being connected unremittedly, the person is paradoxical. Finally, the person appears as a dynamic thing that continues to create the new self-consciousness. And this dynamism of the person wants to proclaim its self identity while at the same time, aim for a "personification of society" based on the love of humanity. Because of this we can say that the thought of Emmanuel Mounier on the person may be a new type of "humanism" that can give light to the misery of modern society.

A Study on the Narrative Structures of Korean Traditional Performing Arts - Gwanno Mask Dramas - (한국 전통연희극의 서사구조 연구 - 강릉관노가면극 중심으로 -)

  • Pyo, Won-Soub;Lee, Don-Yong
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.67-77
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    • 2019
  • There are many eyes that recognize Korean traditional performing arts as low, unorganized, and not a play. However, there is clear in the Korean traditional performing arts have a story with a perfect narrative structure. From the Miyal which accepts the Western tragedy theory to the Gangneung Gwanno Mast drama which contains the love story of the comedy, many Korean traditional performances contain the elements of narrative even though the contents are very simple. It is true that there are very few things with perfect narrative structure among the Korean traditional performance that has been passed down so far. It is the responsibility of the researchers to unearth and restore these, and it is the task of the creative artists to create new ones according to contemporary philosophy. If these two fields communicate smoothly, we will be able to look at the future of our traditional performing arts more brightly than now. As a result, it will also be a challenge to solve the problem of letting Korean traditional plays penetrate ing the world market.

Another 'Rural' Recreated in The Movie <Yin Ru Chen Yan> (영화 <먼지 속으로 사라지다> 에 재현된 또 하나의 '농촌')

  • Moon dae il
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.377-383
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    • 2023
  • The movie <Yin Ru Chen Yan> is evaluated to reflect the rural reality of China's northwest region. Although the film also contained the farmer's unique sincerity and pure love, many problems were also raised. The specific issues raised are as follows. First, he accused young Chinese rural people who could not express their intention properly at the time of marriage.This can be said to be largely due to the lack of proper education, medical care, and welfare benefits for a long time. Second, he criticized the rural housing policy that deviated from reality. It warns that unilaterally providing apartments in the city without considering regional characteristics and farmers' situations could be counterproductive. In the movie, the main character abandoned livestock that he thought of and cared for with his family and did not move his residence to an apartment. Third, he criticized the materialism prevalent in rural areas. He criticized the phenomenon of not respecting a human being to solve everything with money and even to receive government housing compensation. In this sense, in order to solve the true Chinese Samnong problem, macro-promoted policies and micro-policies that can encompass some underdeveloped rural areas should also be implemented.

6·4이후 중국 영화에 표출된 냉소주의 양상고찰

  • Park, Wan-Ho
    • 중국학논총
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    • no.58
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    • pp.91-119
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    • 2018
  • As for the various pathological phenomena of the society which is getting worse without any improvement, the film paints the phenomenon nakedly with the cold and cynical gaze on the basis of realism. These attempts originated in the Chinese art world, and they cynically sketched a Chinese society that lost hope after 6·4. The cynicism of the art world contains meanings such as instruction, meanness, passion, indifference, and mockery. In particular, the distrust of the social system after 6·4 and the collapse of the Soviet and Eastern European socialist nations gave the Chinese people a skeptical view of socialism. This situation of the times has a cynical viewpoint to face as it is instead of prudent criticism. This cynical view was embraced by filmmakers who were not silent on The pathological phenomenon of society, and they were directed to films. is a film about the love, separation, suicide, frustration and reconciliation of youth in the era of identity confusion after 6·4. The characters in the film did not mention a single word about the state power that made them do it. based on the characteristics of women in northeast China and the murder that occurred around a woman with a beauty that was not like a laundry employee. Centered around the unresolved slice murder case, expressed human moral ambiguity that does not distinguish good fortune from human instinct for struggle for survival, and portrayed the scenery of a very cold northeast small city. But it does not show any criticism of the crime. Based on the true story of the 2000s, the portrays the uncomfortable aspects of China that established Chinese socialism. A film composed of four short episodes conveys the destiny set by God.

Christian Educational Suggestions for Christians Living in a Consumer Society (소비사회를 사는 그리스도인에 대한 기독교교육적 제언)

  • Miyoung Cho
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.79
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    • pp.147-167
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study is to explore the direction of Christian education for Christians in a consumer society based on Christian understanding. It examines how consumption has been understood over time and describes the problems of modern consumer society. Consumption is a universal desire, but in modern society it has taken on symbolic implications and has become a means to satisfy individual tastes and desires and realize identity. In a consumer society that stratifies people and causes inability to think and environmental problems, through biblical and theological understanding, Christians are described as beings who prioritize the existence of love over the possession of material goods. Based on this, it will be possible to establish our identity as Christians living in a consumer society, enjoy freedom from consumption through reflective introspection, and restore communality. This study proposed a Christian education that allows people to enjoy true freedom without being bound by consumption through establishing a Christian identity as a steward in a materialistic consumer society, reflective introspection that overcomes the inability to think, and restoration of communality.

Analysis on Change in Korean Marriage Behaviors (한국인 혼인행태 변화분석)

  • 이삼식
    • Korea journal of population studies
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.84-110
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    • 1993
  • This study aims at identifying the recent change in marriage behaviors in Korea. The data used here is the vital statistics compiled from the vital registration system of which registration form is put on one from together with the civil registration form. According to the results of this analysis, since 1970 the number of marriages has steadily increased from about 300, 000 in the former of 1970s to about 400, 000 in the latter of 1980s, appproximately coincided with the change in population size at the marriageable age span. The few exceptions that can be seen in the 1970s seem to result from the impact of social upheavals during 1950s; since the birth cohorts affected by the low fertility during the Korean war and the post-war baby-boom generations chracterized by the high fertility entered the marriage market in the 1970s. However, the marriage rate shows a little increase from around 7 in the former of 1970s to around 9 in the latter of 1980s, indicating that the marriage prevalence has been more or less inconsiderably changed during this period. It is also found that the proportion of remarriage to the total marriages has increased to around 10 per cent in 1989, while decreasing that of first marriage. This fact can be attributable to the higher prevalence of divorces and the collapsing of the Confucianism ethic which contributed to expediting the remarriage of widows. Although this proportion is insignificant compared with that of the of more developed countries, it is not difficult to say that the proportion of remarriages will continue to increase in future. The age first at first marriage(AFM) which directly affects the span exposed to the risks pregnancy has increased to the age about 28 for male and about 25 for female in recent years. However, big difference in AFM between urban and rural areas has narrowed, resultant from the increasing involuntary postponement of marriage of rural young population who have met difficulties in seeking their bride or bridegroom in rural areas characterized by the heavy out-migration of young, particularly female, population. The present study shows the reverse relationship between AFM and educational attainment; i.e, the higher the educational attainment the lower the AFM. The conditions which are taken into considerations were the class and the family in the past time but which are, educational attainment, job and personal characteristics. With regard to the age condition, in recent years the male prefers the female younger than himself on the average by 3 years and vice versa, which is reduced form 4-5 years in beginning of 1970s. The age difference bride and bridegroom tends to decrease with the educational attainment increase. This may be attributable to the fact that the persons with the higher educational attainment prefer the love marriage and hence are more likely to choose their counterparts in the about same age. The education condition is characterized by the bridegroom having the higher educational level than bride. It is also significant to note that the proportion of love marriage has increased, whereas that of traditional arranged marriage has decreased. This is true in the urban areas than the rural areas, indicating that rights as well as responsibilities for marriage have been handed over the young population from their parents. In conclusion, the change in the marriage behaviors in Korea are characterized by increasing tendency for the postponement of first marriage, higher prevalences of divorces and a result remarriages, increase of love marriages, narrowing age difference between bride and bridegroom, etc. which are the main results of rapid industrization, increase in educational and economic activity opportunities and change in the ideals of marriages during the past decades. These phenomena prevailing in Korean society would affect not only the family structure that will become less proliferiated but the population size and structure. The most important is that the changes in marriage behaviors of Koreans and their impact on the society with respect to norms, values, morals, of individual and family in the social aspect, change in population size and structure in the demograpic aspects, and economic development in the economic aspects should be integrated into the plannings towards to the future.

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A study on Chou Sun-Ae's spiritual formation process in light of Carl Jung's individuation (칼 융의 개성화 과정에 비추어 본 주선애의 영성형성과정 연구)

  • Hee-Young Kim
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.74
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    • pp.159-188
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    • 2023
  • This study examines the process of Chou Sun-Ae's spiritual formation in the light of Carl Jung's conception of individuation. Spirituality is defined in different ways by different scholars, but most consider self-transcendence as a necessary element. This self-transcendence can occur in the relationship with self, with others, and with the transcendent. In the relationship with the self, it appears as self-objectification; with others, it is as moving toward others; and in the relationship with the transcendent, it moves toward the transcendent. Spirituality is closely related to individual identity, in that it surrounds and integrates life. Spiritual formation is thus closely related to Jung's concept of individuation, as this involves the separation of persona and ego, and shadow recognition which are closely related to the level of self-objectification. In addition, the withdrawal of shadow projection that occurs in individuation is closely related to moving toward others, in that it recognizes the shadow instead of blaming others, allowing one to look at others without prejudice. The fact that Jesus Christ is the symbol of the Self, the driving force of the individuation process, tells us that spirituality leading to a relationship with the transcendent God and Jung's theory are closely related to each other. Thus, if we examine the process of spiritual formation through the Jung's individuation process, we can better understand the psychodynamic dimension of spirituality. This article investigates the process of Chou Sun-Ae's spiritual formation through Jung's individuation process. Throughout her 98 years, Chou Sun-Ae experienced national pain and hardships, as well as personal adversity and difficulties; but through all of these hardships, conflicts, and difficult moments, she accomplished individualization. Therefore, by examining the spiritual formation through individuation in Chou Sun-Ae, I consider the direction of Christian spiritual education. In this study, three main characteristics of Chou Sun-Ae's spiritual formation can be identified. First, through a life of repentance, the identification between persona and ego can be weakened. Second, the ego develops, and individualization is achieved, through a new calling. Third, in shadow integration, the spiritual development comes to recognize Jesus Christ on the cross and achieve the process of sanctification. Investigating the direction of Christian spiritual education through Chou Sun-Ae's spiritual formation indicates that Christian spiritual education should harmonize vertical and horizontal relations and should develop an experience of the transcendent God in everyday life. By this means, the believer can achieve Self-realization and be a true Christian who practices love for God and love for neighbors.