• Title/Summary/Keyword: traffic adaptive

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A Study on Congestion control using Adaptive neural network algorithm (적응 신경망을 알고리즘을 이용한 혼잡제어에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, Hyun-Seob;Oh, Hun
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2007.07a
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    • pp.1713-1715
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    • 2007
  • Measurement of network traffic have shown that the self-similarity is a ubiquitous phenomenon spanning across diverse network environments. In previous work, we have explored the feasibility of exploiting the long-range correlation structure in a self-similar traffic for the congestion control. We have advanced the framework of the multiple time scale congestion control and showed its effectiveness at enhancing performance for the rate-based feedback control. Our contribution is threefold. First, we define a modular extension of the TCP-a function called with a simple interface-that applies to various flavours of the TCP-e.g., Tahoe, Reno, Vegas and show that it significantly improves performance. Second, we show that a multiple time scale TCP endows the underlying feedback control with proactivity by bridging the uncertainty gap associated with reactive controls which is exacerbated by the high delay-bandwidth product in broadband wide area networks. Third, we investigate the influence of the three traffic control dimensions-tracking ability, connection duration, and fairness-on performance.

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Traffic Information Extraction Using Image Processing Techniques (처리 기술을 이용한 교통 정보 추출)

  • Kim Joon-Cheol;Lee Joon-Whan
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.2 no.1 s.2
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    • pp.75-84
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    • 2003
  • Current techniques for road-traffic monitoring rely on sensors which have limited capabilities, are costly and disruptive to install. The use of video cameras coupled with computer vision techniques offers an attractive alternative to current sensors. Video based traffic monitoring systems are now being considered key points of advanced traffic management systems. In this paper, we propose the new method which extract the traffic information using video camera. The proposed method uses an adaptive updating scheme for background in order to reduce the false alarm rate due to various noises in images. also, the proposed extraction method of traffic information calculates the traffic volume ratio of vehicles passing through predefined detection area, which is defined by the length of profile occupied by cars over that of overall detection area. Then the ratio is used to define 8 different states of traffic and to interpret the state of vehicle flows. The proposed method is verified by an experiment using CCTV traffic data from urban area.

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Development of the Traffic Actuation Signal Control System Based on Fuzzy Logic on an Arterial Street (Fuzzy Logic을 적용한 간선도로 상의 교통감응 신호제어)

  • 진선미;김성호;도철웅
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.71-83
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    • 2003
  • An arterial street control is performed for the purpose of the progression of a traffic flow using the arterial. However during the progression in the arterial, the change according to the time is one of the most representative problems occurring at a signal plan. This paper intends to efficiently operate the arterial progression by applying fuzzy logic, which is thought to be the most possible one in the inference as that of the human logic, to the traffic responsive control system. Fuzzy Logic controller is appliable to the daily human language (linguistic). can be dealt with the uncertain traffic data and is useful on planning the signal control to sensitively confront the randomly changing traffic condition. This study, based on the signal control part of the isolated intersection in "A Development of a Real-time, Traffic Adaptive Control Scheme Through VIDs"(Seong Ho. Kim. 1996). suggested the strategy for the progression control in the arterial and analyzed its effect by comparing the effect of the existing control method. In addition, the study compared each effect by using TRAF-NETSIM which is the traffic simulation software to analyze each control method.

Performance Analysis of An Optimal Access Control Protocol (고속 통신을 위한 최적 액세스제어 프로토콜의 성능 분석)

  • 강문식;이상헌;이상배
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.19 no.10
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    • pp.1945-1956
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    • 1994
  • In this paper, a multiaccess network protocol for high-speed communication is proposed, which enables multimedia sevices with integrating the existing networks. We examine the traffic control mechanisms and configurations for the network architecture and compare with various protocols which are suitable to high speed LAN/MAN and propose an adaptive access control mechanism. ATMR has low channel utilization due to window size reset time, and that MetaRing is very sensitive over the change of traffic load. This suggested protocol, however, has quite a good performance for that situation by adding adaptive parameter condition. This mechanism may introduce a model of small-scaled Broadband Integrated Service Network and be used as an internetworking system for the ATM network.

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Performance Analysis of Cellular IP using Combined Cache and Improved Adaptive Semi-soft Handoff Method (통합 캐시 및 개선된 적응형 세미소프트 핸드오프를 이용한 셀룰러 IP의 성능분석)

  • Choi Jung-Hun;Kim Nam;Jeong Seung-Ho
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.113-121
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    • 2004
  • Existing Cellular IP increases the network traffic load, packet loss and handoff latency because of duplicate packet. In this paper, we propose using a Combined Cache that unites a pasing cache with a routing cache and a Improved Adaptive Semi-soft handoff that minimizes to occur the duplicate packet. As a computer simulation, we consider packet loss, handoff latency and traffic load in network. In proportion the number of nodes, mobile hosts and downlinks of node in access network increased, the proposed method is largely improved in comparison with existing Cellular If that uses semi-soft handoff.

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Research of Vehicles Longitudinal Adaptive Control using V2I Situated Cognition based on LiDAR for Accident Prone Areas (LiDAR 기반 차량-인프라 연계 상황인지를 통한 사고다발지역에서의 차량 종방향 능동제어 시스템 연구)

  • Kim, Jae-Hwan;Lee, Je-Wook;Yoon, Bok-Joong;Park, Jae-Ung;Kim, Jung-Ha
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.453-464
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    • 2012
  • This is a research of an adaptive longitudinal control system for situated cognition in wide range, traffic accidents reduction and safety driving environment by integrated system which graft a road infrastructure's information based on IT onto the intelligent vehicle combined automobile and IT technology. The road infrastructure installed by laser scanner in intersection, speed limited area and sharp curve area where is many risk of traffic accident. The road infra conducts objects recognition, segmentation, and tracking for determining dangerous situation and communicates real-time information by Ethernet with vehicle. Also, the data which transmitted from infrastructure supports safety driving by integrated with laser scanner's data on vehicle bumper.

A Multi-Priority Service Differentiated and Adaptive Backoff Mechanism over IEEE 802.11 DCF for Wireless Mobile Networks

  • Zheng, Bo;Zhang, Hengyang;Zhuo, Kun;Wu, Huaxin
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.11 no.7
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    • pp.3446-3464
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    • 2017
  • Backoff mechanism serves as one of the key technologies in the MAC-layer of wireless mobile networks. The traditional Binary Exponential Backoff (BEB) mechanism in IEEE 802.11 Distributed Coordination Function (DCF) and other existing backoff mechanisms poses several performance issues. For instance, the Contention Window (CW) oscillations occur frequently; a low delay QoS guarantee cannot be provided for real-time transmission, and services with different priorities are not differentiated. For these problems, we present a novel Multi-Priority service differentiated and Adaptive Backoff (MPAB) algorithm over IEEE 802.11 DCF for wireless mobile networks in this paper. In this algorithm, the backoff stage is chosen adaptively according to the channel status and traffic priority, and the forwarding and receding transition probability between the adjacent backoff stages for different priority traffic can be controlled and adjusted for demands at any time. We further employ the 2-dimensional Markov chain model to analyze the algorithm, and derive the analytical expressions of the saturation throughput and average medium access delay. Both the accuracy of the expressions and the algorithm performance are verified through simulations. The results show that the performance of the MPAB algorithm can offer a higher throughput and lower delay than the BEB algorithm.

Adaptive and Strict Packet Dropping Mechanism for the Congestion Control of AF Packets in Differentiated Service (차별화 서비스에서 AF 패킷의 혼잡제어를 위한 적응적 엄격 패킷 폐기 메커니즘)

  • Kim, Su-Yeon;Kahng, Hyun-Kook
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea TC
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    • v.38 no.11
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2001
  • Adaptive and Strict Packet Dropping mechanism we proposed in this paper drops adaptively packets for the congestion control, as predicting traffic pattern between each cycle. Therefore the proposed mechanism makes up for the drawback of RIO mechanism and minimizes the wastes of the bandwidth being capable of predicting in Dynamic and Strict Packet Dropping (DSPD) mechanism. And we executed a simulation and analyzed the throughput and packet drop rate based on the Sending Drop Precedence changing dynamically depending on the network traffic and compared RIO and the DSPD. The results show that the proposed mechanism provides better performance on drop precedence levels and stricter drop precedence policy for AF class than RIO and the DSPD mechanism.

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Adaptive Overlay Network Management Algorithms for QoS sensitive Multimedia Services (멀티미디어 서비스의 품질 보장을 위한 오버레이 네트워크 관리 기법에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Sung-Wook;Kim, Sung-Chun
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartC
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    • v.14C no.1 s.111
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    • pp.81-86
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    • 2007
  • New multimedia services over the cellular/WLAN overlay networks require different Quality of Service (QoS). Therefore, efficient network management system is necessary in order to provide QoS sensitive multimedia services while enhancing network performance. In this paper, we propose a new online network management scheme that implements bandwidth reservation, congestion and transmission control strategies. Our online approach to network management exhibits dynamic adaptability, flexibility, and responsiveness to the current traffic conditions in multimedia overlay networks. Simulation results indicate the superior performance of our proposed scheme to strike the appropriate performance balance between contradictory QoS requirements under widely varying diverse traffic loads.

An Adaptive Hot-Spot Operating Scheme for OFDMA Downlink Systems in Vertically Overlaid Cellular Architecture

  • Kim, Nak-Myeong;Choi, Hye-Sun;Chung, Hee-Jeong
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.282-290
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    • 2006
  • In vertically overlaid cellular systems, a temporary traffic concentration can occur in a hot-spot area, and this adversely affects overall system capacity. In this paper, we develop an adaptive hot-spot operating scheme (AHOS) to mitigate the negative effects from the nonuniform distribution of user location and the variation in the mixture of QoS requirements in orthogonal frequency division multiple access downlink systems. Here, the base station in a macrocell can control the operation of picocells within the cell, and turns them on or off according to the system overload estimation function. In order to determine whether the set of picocells is turned on or off, we define an AHOS gain index that describes the number of subcarriers saved to the macrocell by turning a specific picocell on. For initiating the picocell OFF procedure, we utilize the changes in traffic concentration and co-channel interference to the neighboring cells. According to computer simulation, the AHOS has been proved to have maximize system throughput while maintaining a very low QoS outage probability under various system scenarios in both a single-cell and multi-cell environments.

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