• Title/Summary/Keyword: traditional lessons

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The Impact of e-NIE Based Lesson on Science Process skills and Scientific Attitudes of Elementary Students (e-NIE 학습이 초등학생의 과학탐구능력 및 과학적 태도에 미치는 영향)

  • Han, Jong-Hak;Lee, Hyeong-Cheol
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.253-265
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    • 2014
  • This study was aimed to find the impact of science lessons using e-NIE on science process skills and scientific attitudes of elementary students in comparison with that of traditional lessons. Subjects of this study were 5th graders from two separate classes at a elementary school located in U city. And the experiment has been conducted throughout 10 lessons for the duration of total 12 weeks, where one class, experimental group, attended e-NIE based lessons, while the other, comparative group, with traditional lessons for the same period, in an effort to collect both pre and post test results to compare. Findings from this study were briefly listed below: Firstly, e-NIE applied lessons were more effective in improving science process skills than traditional lessons, especially in the domain of integrated science process skills, with meaningful difference. Secondly, lessons combined with e-NIE enhanced scientific attitudes of elementary students more than traditional lessons with meaningful difference.

A Verification of the Effectiveness of Spatial Augmented Reality-based CCA for the Improvement of Traditional Sports Climbing Lessons (전통적인 스포츠 클라이밍 수업 개선을 위한 공간증강현실 기반 CCA 적용 효과 검증)

  • Heo, Myeong-Hyeon;Lee, Eun-Young;Kim, Dongho
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.90-99
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    • 2017
  • Sports climbing requires repeated movements within a limited space, which may cause climbers to lose their constant interest in it. Furthermore, it is important that coaches should give lessons focusing on demonstrations to make sure that learners can understand the movements on their own, However, in traditional sports climbing lessons, they give instructions on almost every movement of learners' hands and feet. Hence, there have been constant calls for replacing these existing sports climbing lessons and presenting new methods to ensure that learners can observe their coaches' demonstrations in real time and emulate them. An introduction of the image training using spatial augmented reality techniques to solve these problems may have a positive effect on the improvement of learners' motor skills and attitudes toward lessons. This study aims to verify the effectiveness of the Climbing Character Animation (CCA) as a learning tool for sports climbing. To achieve this research objective, it applied it to actual sports climbing to verify its utility. As a result, it was shown that the lessons using spatial augmented reality-based CCA had a higher effectiveness than traditional sports climbing lessons in the degree of interest inducement, emersion and learning effects.

A Study on Effects of AR and VR Assisted Lessons on Immersion in Learning and Academic Stress

  • Han, Ji-Woo
    • International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.19-24
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    • 2018
  • This study investigated the academic stress and the immersion in learning in relation to AR and VR assisted instructions compared to traditional approaches. To that end, 78 $8^{th}$ graders in T and S city in Gangwondo were assigned to experimental and control groups. The experimental group received the VR and AR lessons. The academic stress was measured with the pre- and post-test scores, while the immersion in learning was measured with the post-test scores. In brief, AR and VR assisted lessons made statistically significant differences in the academic stress and immersion in learning in comparison to the traditional approaches.

The Effects of Science Drama Teaching on Pupils' Perceptions about the Nature of Science (과학 연극 수업이 과학 본성에 대한 초등학생의 인식에 미치는 영향)

  • Na Ji Yeon;Jang Byung-Ghi
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.558-570
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    • 2005
  • The importance of teaching the nature of science (NOS) has been always emphasized in science education. However, the NOS is hardly taught in elementary science class. We are lacking in the strategies and materials for teaching NOS. So we designed the science drama teaching, and investigated the effects on pupils' perceptions about NOS. The subjects of this study were 185 third graders from a elementary school. The treatment group was provided with science drama lessons and the control group was provided with traditional lecture-type lessons. Their perceptions about NOS were investigated before/after the science lessons and after 3 months following them, and both of two groups were compared. The pretest results revealed that the pupils of both groups were found to have similar views on NOS. Dey had traditional views of the most items except for social construction of theories, mathematical knowledge and decision-making. After science lessons, they tended to change their views toward modem views, but the pupils of the treatment group showed more modem views than those of the control group on the observation, model, social construction of theories, predictions. After 3 months, the pupils of the control group tended to come back to their traditional views, but those of the treatment group showed tendencies that their changed views were kept up on the observation, scientific model, scientific knowledge, scientific methods, decision-making, social construction of theories, mathematical knowledge. Therefore this study suggests that science drama teaching could be one of the effective ways for teaching NOS.

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The Effects of Inductive Activities Using GeoGebra on the Proof Abilities and Attitudes of Mathematically Gifted Elementary Students (GeoGebra를 활용한 귀납활동이 초등수학영재의 증명능력 및 증명학습태도에 미치는 영향)

  • Kwon, Yoon Shin;Ryu, Sung Rim
    • Education of Primary School Mathematics
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.123-145
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    • 2013
  • This study was expected to yield the meaningful conclusions from the experimental group who took lessons based on inductive activities using GeoGebra at the beginning of proof learning and the comparison one who took traditional expository lessons based on deductive activities. The purpose of this study is to give some helpful suggestions for teaching proof to mathematically gifted elementary students. To attain the purpose, two research questions are established as follows. 1. Is there a significant difference in proof abilities between the experimental group who took inductive lessons using GeoGebra and comparison one who took traditional expository lessons? 2. Is there a significant difference in proof attitudes between the experimental group who took inductive lessons using GeoGebra and comparison one who took traditional expository lessons? To solve the above two research questions, they were divided into two groups, an experimental group of 10 students and a comparison group of 10 students, considering the results of gift and aptitude test, and the computer literacy among 20 elementary students that took lessons at some education institute for the gifted students located in K province after being selected in the mathematics. Special lesson based on the researcher's own lesson plan was treated to the experimental group while explanation-centered class based on the usual 8th grader's textbook was put into the comparison one. Four kinds of tests were used such as previous proof ability test, previous proof attitude test, subsequent proof ability test, and subsequent proof attitude test. One questionnaire survey was used only for experimental group. In the case of attitude toward proof test, the score of questions was calculated by 5-point Likert scale, and in the case of proof ability test was calculated by proper rating standard. The analysis of materials were performed with t-test using the SPSS V.18 statistical program. The following results have been drawn. First, experimental group who took proof lessons of inductive activities using GeoGebra as precedent activity before proving had better achievement in proof ability than the comparison group who took traditional proof lessons. Second, experimental group who took proof lessons of inductive activities using GeoGebra as precedent activity before proving had better achievement in the belief and attitude toward proof than the comparison group who took traditional proof lessons. Third, the survey about 'the effect of inductive activities using GeoGebra on the proof' shows that 100% of the students said that the activities were helpful for proof learning and that 60% of the reasons were 'because GeoGebra can help verify processes visually'. That means it gives positive effects on proof learning that students research constant character and make proposition by themselves justifying assumption and conclusion by changing figures through the function of estimation and drag in investigative software GeoGebra. In conclusion, this study may provide helpful suggestions in improving geometry education, through leading students to learn positive and active proof, connecting the learning processes such as induction based on activity using GeoGebra, simple deduction from induction(i.e. creating a proposition to distinguish between assumptions and conclusions), and formal deduction(i.e. proving).

Development of a Sensory Education Textbook and Teaching Guidebook for Preference Improvement toward Traditional Korean Foods in Schoolchildren (전통식품 기호증진을 위한 초등학생용 미각교육교재 및 지도서 개발)

  • Woo, Tae-Jung;Lee, Kyung-Hea
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.44 no.4
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    • pp.303-311
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to develop a textbook and teaching guidebook on sensory education for lower grade students at elementary schools. The goal of sensory education was to improve preferences for traditional Korean foods. An advisory committee was organized that was composed of 8 professionals in the education field, in order to discuss the adequacy and validity of the textbook's content. The textbook's units consisted of three parts composed of the following: 'feel by the five senses' (2 lessons), 'enjoying traditional Korean foods' (9 lessons), and 'eating together' (1 lesson). The lesson activities were based on experiential learning. The teacher's guidebook contained an overview of the education process, with specific information and practical guidelines for each lesson. Ninety-seven children in 3rd grade from one school participated in a pilot lesson, which evaluated the educational effects and satisfaction. After the lesson, the children had improved preferences for foods which were taught about in the class, along with better eating attitudes. These results reflect that the developed materials were suitable for improving children's preferences toward traditional Korean foods.

Effect of Cooperative Learning on Student Achievement and Attitude in Home Economics (가정과 수업의 협동학습이 학업성취도와 태도에 미치는 효과)

  • 김경애;김종희
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.47-58
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of cooperative learning method on student achievement and attitude in Home Economics. and that what sort of effectiveness be existed between the two groups. Homogeneous & Heterogeneous one in achievement. A junior middle school in Kwangju was served for the study. Setting two groups: One is for cooperative learning and other for traditional learning. Two classes were provided with cooperative learning method. while one class with traditional learning method. Two hours of a week were devoted for the experiment. and it was also planned to be lasted six weeks from the third of June. 1998. until the 13th of July. 1998. The results are as follows: 1) Student achievement from cooperative learning method showed a little higher than those from traditional learning method. 2) Cooperative learning method was more effective than traditional learning method. mental attitude toward school. lessons and teachers were more higher than those the traditional learning method. 3) The group of Heterogeneous members was higher than the group of Homogeneous members in their student achievement. 4) It is noticeable that two groups under cooperative learning method. however showed some difference when each of them is placed in different organization. The group of Heterogeneous members was more affirmative attitude toward school. lessons and teachers than the one Homogeneous members.

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Study on Dan Dong Ten Lessons (Dan Dong Exercise) among Healthcare Qi Gong Methods for Children (소아(小兒)의 양생기공(養生氣功) 중(中) 단동치기(檀童治基) 십계훈(十戒訓) (단동십계체조(檀童十戒體操))에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Jeon, Chun-San;Kim, Jang-Hyun
    • The Journal of Pediatrics of Korean Medicine
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.49-57
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    • 2008
  • Objectives As children are physiologically and pathologically sensitive and likely to have trouble developing respiratory and the digestive system, it is necessary for them to improve and adapt to their digestive and respiratory capacity slowly. Although they desperately need to practice Healthcare Qi Gong as they get older, few studies have been conducted about that. While collecting materials on child Healthcare Qi Gong, In order to study more about Dan Dong Ten Lessons, medical researchers and children's parent should be more concerned to these studies. The purpose of this study was to understand Dan Dong Ten Lessons through research on children's healthcare Qi Gong. Methods This study was prepared through collecting data from past oriental medicine studies. Through the examination of Chinese medicine books and scientific studies about Dan Dong Ten Lessons and healthcare Qi Gong, Dan Dong Ten Lessons was classified and systemized. Results Dan Dong Exercise among the contents of children's healthcare Qi Gong was classified through the classification and theorization of Dan Dong Ten Lessons, although the classification and development of children's Qi Gong methods should have been carried out in the area of korean medicine, but it was not easy to find the references. Conclusions Dan Dong Ten Lessons is a song and Qi Gong therapy for children. It also teaches children how to live their life, guides them in the right direction for their life. Therefore, it should be developed academically and practically, so that it can pass down to the next generation as traditional heritage.

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The Effect of The Role-Playing Analogy Activity Class on the Academic Achievements and the Science Process Skills of Elementary School Students (역할놀이 비유 활동 수업이 초등학생의 과학 학업성취도와 과학탐구능력에 미치는 영향)

  • Jang, Jin-Hwa;Lee, Hyeong-Cheol
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.267-275
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to find out the effect of the role-playing analogy activity-based class on the academic achievement in science and the science process skills of elementary school students. One experimental group and one control group of 4th grade students were selected to perform a prior investigation on the academic achievement in science and the science process skill. Then the experimental group attended science lessons that were based on the role-playing analogy activity and the control group attended the traditional science lessons based on the text book and teacher's guide. After conducting lessons, a post investigation was performed for each group and the results were analyzed to produce the following conclusions. First, the role-playing analogy activity class was more effective to improve students' academic achievements than the traditional science class. And the role-playing analogy activity class was more effective to learners in the high-level group, which made a scores above the average in prior investigation on the academic achievement, whereas it was little effective to those in the low-level group. Second, the role-playing analogy activity class was effective to enhance students' science process skills than the traditional science class. And the role-playing analogy activity class was more effective to the learners' in the high-level group than those in the low-level group.

The Effect of Science Lesson Emphasized the Creativity and Character on the Creativity and Science Related Attitudes of Elementary Students (창의·인성을 강조한 과학 수업이 초등학생의 창의성 및 과학 관련 태도에 미치는 영향)

  • Nam, Yun-Sun;Lee, Hyeong-Cheol
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.131-141
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to find out the effect of the science lesson emphasized creativity and character on the creativity and science related attitudes of elementary school students. To conduct this study, 'Unit 1. Weighing', which is a part of content of 4th grade science text book, was analyzed and 11 science lessons emphasized the elements of creativity and character were developed. One experimental group and one control group of 4th grade students were selected to perform a prior investigation. Then the experimental group attended developed science lessons and the control group attended the traditional science lessons based on the text book and teacher's guide. After conducting lessons, a post investigation was performed for each group and the results were analyzed to produce the following conclusions. First, the science lesson emphasized the creativity and character was more effective than traditional one to improve students' creativity. Especially, fluency, originality and abstractness in sub-elements of creativity, were improved meaningfully. Second, the science lesson emphasized the creativity and character was more effective than traditional one to enhance students' science related attitudes. Especially, in sub-domain, the attitude about scientific research and the application of scientific attitude were enhanced meaningfully. Consequently, science lesson emphasized the creativity and character was thought to have a positive effect on improving the creativity and science related attitudes of elementary students.

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