• Title/Summary/Keyword: traditional gender role

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Interactive Effects of Wives' and Husbands' Gender Idelogies on the Couples' Household Work Time and Perceptions of the Fairness of Household Work (부부의 성역할태도가 부부의 가사노동시간 및 노동공평성 인지에 미치는 상호작용적 영향력)

  • 차성란
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.36 no.9
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    • pp.139-152
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    • 1998
  • The purpose of this study was to examine interactive effects of gender idelogies on the amount of household work time and the perception of fairness in household work by the couples. The data were collected from 100 couples in Seoul and 142 in Taejon. The Major findings were as follows: Interactive effects of gender idelogies had an important role in explaining household work time and the perception of fairness by husbands. For men holding more egalitarian gender idelogies who were married to women being more egalitarian tend to perform more hours of household work. And husbands who had traditional gender ideologies percept relatively fair to the couples' division of household work. It was approved that wives had a primary role in the division of household work.

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A Study on Gender and Self-development in Love: Focused on Interview with Single and Married Men and Women (사랑에서의 사회적 성(性)과 자기개발에 대한 연구: 미혼 및 기혼 남녀의 면접을 중심으로)

  • 최연실
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.55-74
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the gender and self-development in love among single and married men and women. This study applies qualitative case study to make sense of the structure and the meanings of love experience associated with traditional gender role independence and interdependence,. This method focuses on the experiences and the meanings of love as understood by interviewees. Interview data used for this study were collected through in -depth interviews of 18 interviewees. The subjects were chosen from lower class and middle class men and women who lived in Soul. Major findings of this study were as follows; First it was found that there is the romantic ideologies of love and that women are responsible for their love relationships. This could be called " the feminization of love" Second feminized love was related to split gender role and caused to its costs for men and women especially conflict over intimacy. third even though there was still feminized love the trend to androgynouis love was found Androgynous love provided an alternative based on interdependence and the integration of love and self-development.velopment.

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The Typology of Gender Role Identity in Middle-aged Women using Q Methodology (중년기 여성의 성역할정체감에 대한 인식: Q방법론적 접근)

  • Ko, Sung-Hee;Park, Euna;Kim, Myung-Ae
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.449-456
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    • 2014
  • This study aims to contribute to our knowledge on gender role identity of middle-aged women within the Korean context. This research adapting Q methodology created a sampling distribution of P with 40 middle-aged women between 40-60 years old. We put each of 40 Q samples to become a forced distribution into 9 scales. And then we conducted a secondary analysis of the results from the principal component factor analysis by the PC QUANL program. Gender role identities of middle aged women were classified as four types: "affectionate-sensitive type", "affectionate-confident type", "assertive-confident type", and "sensitive-dominant type". Most of the middle-aged women in Korea tend to keep their original gender role identities. Some of women, however, experience the gender role identity change over time that their traits of traditional caring become more prominent than their affectionate character.

The Influence of Gender-Role Related Attitudes to the Acceptance of the Rape Myth (성역할 관련 태도가 강간통념 수용에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Aee-Lee;Park, Cheong-Yeul
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.98-106
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: This study was conducted to identify the relationship between college students' acceptance of the rape myth and variables in gender-role attitude, which have been known to forecast the acceptance of the rape myth. Method: This study was a survey research. Data were collected from May 1, 2006 to February 31, 2007 with 240 undergraduate students. Descriptive statistics, Pearson's correlation coefficients, and regression analysis with SPSSWIN 12.0 program were used for data analysis. Results: Men were more acceptable to the rape myth than women. Men were very likely to see the occurrence of rape incidents as the rapist being provoked by women, and this attitude made them misunderstand and perceive women as responsible for the occurrence of the incident. Women on the other deny their idea. As a result of analyzing the difference between males and females in attitudes related to gender-role, male students were shown to have a much more traditional and patriarchal attitude than female students. Conclusion: It was found that a hostile attitude toward women and the justification of violence to others act as the main factors in forecasting the acceptance of the rape myth.

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Gender Identity Expressed in Contemporary fashion (현대 패션 룩(Fashion Look)에 표현된 성(性) 정체성)

  • Lee, Youn-Hee;Kim, Young-In
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.13 no.5 s.58
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    • pp.790-803
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    • 2005
  • This study purposes to examine the background of the sexual concept and femininity, masculinity and gender role in the fields of social psychology and cultural anthropology and investigate the traditional gender role and the fashion's changes according to its role and the examples of the masculinity and femininity expressed in the contemporary fashion and finally analyze the gender identity expressed in fashion. The image changes which appeared in the modern fashion can be considered to be Masculine Look, Garconne Look, Feminine Look, Unisex Look, Androgynous Look and Genderless Look. The Garconne Look caused lots of changes to masculinity in the 1920's along with the changes of femininity. With the effect of feminism, many females wore clothing which had been thought as male's clothing by the appearance of Masculine Look. The major formation reason of Unisex Look can be regarded as the attitude change of the society toward to females and a meaning which doesn't want the differences of the distinction of gender to appear any longer as a characteristic external factor is implied. Androgynous Look which appeared in the 1980's means the integration of femininity and masculinity which is the same meaning with 'androgyny' in itself, Not denying its gender characteristics individually, the Androgynous Look means that women aim at the masculine image in men's clothing or men do at the feminine image in women's clothing. Genderless Look can be considered to a look with a notion to wear clothing freely even in fashion transcending the border of masculinity and femininity differentiated socially and culturally.

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A Study on Clothing Pattern Preferences Associated with Sex Role Identity Gender and Age (성역할 정체감, 성 및 연령에 따른 의복 무늬 선호에 관한 연구)

  • 이명희
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.33
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    • pp.255-267
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    • 1997
  • The objective of this study was to examine how clothing pattern preferences vary accod-ing to sex role identity gender and age. Questionnaire of shirt pattern prefere-nces and short form Bem Sex Role Inventory was administered to 627 men and women(10's to 40's) in Kwangju City. Sex role identity was classified in androgynous masculine feminine and undifferentiated type. 1. The men liked thick horizon thin check and plaid pattern better than the women while the women small flower one. 2. The 10's liked thick horizon thin check and plaid pattern better than the women while the women small flower one. 2, The 10's liked thick horizon pattern better than the others, 3. On the interaction effect according to gender and age the women in their 30's liked polka dots pattern better than the men while the women in their 10's and 20's liked plaid pattern better than the women in their 30's and 40's 4. On the interaction effect according to sex role identity and age the masculine type in their 30's and 40's disliked small flower pat-tern while the feminine type in their 30's and 40's liked it. The women in their 30's liked small flower pattern while the 10's disliked it more than the others. 5. The androgynous type liked thin check and plaid pattern better than the others. The present findings provide that sex role identity gender and age influenced clothing pattern preferences. Gender and age had sig-nificant interaction effects on the preferences. The traditional connections between sex role identity and flower pattern perferences were confirmed only in the 30's and 40's.

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Do Gender Role Attitudes Affect on Depression? (여성의 성역할인식이 우울에 미치는 영향: 여성주의 관점을 중심으로)

  • Han, In Young;Hong, Seon Hee
    • The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.477-498
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of the study was to find out the effects of women's gender role attitudes on depression. We also studied self-esteem and family life satisfaction as mediating factors on depression. The data was from the National Welfare Panel Study of 2009 and the analyses were conducted on 3,791 women and 3,467 men aged from 20 to 59. Independent samples t-test and stepwise multiple regression analyses show significant gender differences on depression and gender role attitudes. Women score higher than men in depression and gender role attitudes. Those who have higher traditional gender role attitudes manifest higher score on depression. We also found out that self-esteem and family life satisfaction are the mediating factors for women's depression. As a result, gender role attitudes demonstrate direct and indirect effects on depression through mediation of self-esteem and family life satisfaction. Clinical implications are discussed to consider women's gender role attitudes, their self-esteem and family life satisfaction while consulting with depressed women.

The Aspects of Sex Identity Expression in Contemporary Mens Fashion (현대 남성패션에 나타난 성 정체성의 표현양상)

  • 송명진;채금석
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.327-338
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this thesis is to study the aspects of sex identity in the contemporary mens fashion expressed through sexual image and taste in the half of twentieth century. The aspects of sex identity expression in the contemporary mens fashion can be classified by image, that is, homosexual, heroic, bisexual, and fetish. 1. The homosexual image has shown the tendency to emphasize the masculinity since 1950.60s. It can be found in \"Cowboys costume\" which is typical of American traditional fashion, and jeans and underwear fashion expressed by muscular men has homosexual characteristics which contain narcissism. 2. Based on mens traditional gender role, the heroic image emphasizes mens physical characteristics and expresses tough and offensive masculine beauty in mens suit which is free from the authority and formality. 3. The bisexual image denied the division of gender role by costume and destroyed the traditional sex model by resolutely applying womens costume such as skirts to mens fashion. 4. The fetish image is similar to bisexual image in that they wear womens costume, but different in that it expresses sexual desire or fantasy. It is expressed through brilliant color, leather and metal ornaments, and sensual element of women which emphasizes \"body\". This shows the sex identity of contemporary men who want more sensible and free life.sible and free life.

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An Analysis of Illustrations in Elementary School Textbooks based on The Gender Equality View-point (양성평등 관점에 기초한 초등학교 교과서 삽화 분석)

  • Kwon, Chi-Soon;Kim, Gyung-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.14-27
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    • 2008
  • This study examined the illustrations in the elementary school textbooks which was followed by identifying the parts that displayed gender-discriminating elements or traditional gender roles. The research results are as follows: 1) The ratio of man and woman in the figures appearing in those illustrations was 1.33:1, which means there were more men than women in the illustrations and that there was no balance in the gender distribution among the figures. 2) Male figures were presented as the protagonists in 39.7% of the illustrations, female figures in 25.5%, and both male and female figures in 34.8%. The results indicate that there were much more illustrations in which men were the protagonists than those in which women were. 3) The occupations of the adults in the illustrations were analyzed. As a result, the ratio of man and woman with a job was about 2:1, which implies that there were twice as many male professionals than female ones. Men had over 60 kinds of occupations and women had only 45 kinds of occupations with 59.5% of them concentrated in four jobs including teaching, farming and fishing, doing artistic works, and selling things. 4) The case analysis results of the illustrations in the textbooks demonstrate that the traditional gender roles of a father and mother were followed and that there were gender stereotypes in describing the characteristics of man and woman. Gender dichotomy was observed in the vocations. Men were the leading players in economic, political, and cultural activities, and most of the historical figures were men. Meanwhile, women were depicted as the subjects of economic activities and completely isolated and alienated from political, historical, and cultural activities. It turned out that the figures of the illustrations in the current elementary school textbooks had gender discriminating elements and profoundly reflected the stereotypes for gender roles.

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A study on the types of gender role identity in middle-aged men using Q methodology (Q방법론을 활용한 중년기 남성의 성역할정체감 유형 탐색)

  • Ko, Sung-Hee;Kim, Myung-Ae;Park, Euna
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.7
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    • pp.4361-4369
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    • 2014
  • This study examined the gender role identity within the Korean context with particular focus on how the changes within Korean society may have impacted on the gender role identities of middle-aged men. This research adapting Q methodology created a sampling distribution of P with 40 middle-aged men aged between 40-59 years old. Each of 40 Q samples were placed in a forced distribution of 9 scales. Secondary analysis of the results was then conducted by principal component factor analysis using the QUANL PC program. Middle-aged men are likely to have traditional masculinity and newly developed femininity, such as caring for others and sensitivity. This means that a consideration of these characteristics needs to understand the gender role identity of middle-aged men.