• 제목/요약/키워드: traditional Sasang medicine

검색결과 204건 처리시간 0.03초

갱년기장애 및 폐경기 후 증후군 변증진단 도구의 변증분류 조정과 진단의 간의 진단일치도 연구 (A Study on Aadjustment of the Patterns, and the Correlation between the Diagnostic Tool for Climacteric and Postmenopausal Syndrome Pattern Identification (CaPSP) and Korean Medicine Doctors' Diagnosis)

  • 이인선;김종원;전수형;지규용;강창완
    • 대한한방부인과학회지
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    • 제34권1호
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2021
  • Objectives: We studied for the adjustment of the patterns of 'The Diagnostic Tool for Climacteric and Postmenopausal Syndrome Pattern Identification (hereinafter CaPSPI)' (studyI) and the correlation between CaPSPI and Korean medicine doctors' diagnosis which was carried out without knowing the results of CaPSPI (studyII). Methods: The studyI followed the previous study method in 2018 (2018-3). The studyII was conducted from June 1, 2019 to July 10, 2020 with ◯◯ University Korean Medicine Hospital IRB's approval (2019-4). Doctors' diagnosis was conducted face-to-face with the subjects. Doctors' diagnosis was carried out based on the Kupperman's questionnaire, 'Diagnosis System of Oriental Medicine (hereinafter DSOM)' and four examinations (四診) records. The diagnosis was marked with 0 for 'no', 1 for 'somewhat', 2 for 'yes' and 3 for 'very yes'. The correlation between CaPSPI and the mean of doctors diagnostic scores were investigated statistically. Results: The studyI showed that heart-heat (心火) pattern was added. The Factor loading coefficient for heart-heat was 0.551 to 0.789, and the Cronbach's coefficient was 0.896. The studyII showed that the diagnosis (Kappa statistic) of two doctors showed statistically significant concordance (all eight patterns), with correlation of them were 0.3 or higher. And the correlation between the CaPSPI score and the mean of doctors' diagnostic score showed a statistically significant correlation, with liver qi depression (肝鬱) being the highest at 0.552 and dual deficiency of the heart-spleen (心脾兩虛) being the lowest at 0.301. Conclusions: Since the diagnosis results of CaPSPI showed a significant correlation with the diagnosis of Korean traditional medicine experts, it was believed that the CaPSPI results can be trusted and used for clinical purposes.

족저근막염에 대한 훈세요법의 효과: China Academic Journal 검색을 통한 체계적 문헌 고찰 (Herbal Medicine Fumigation for Plantar Fasciitis: A Systematic Review (Search Only China Academic Journal))

  • 전응진;박상은;전수형;송정현;조성우
    • 척추신경추나의학회지
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    • 제17권2호
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    • pp.39-49
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    • 2022
  • Objectives This research aimed to investigate recent clinical treatment of herbal medicine fumigation for plantar fasciitis. Methods We searched recent clinical studies regarding herbal medicine fumigation in traditional Chinese medical journals on plantar fasciitis through the China Academic Journal (CAJ). Clinical articles published from 2012 to July 2022 were analyzed. This study examined the types of study, periods, herbal medicine, assessment, and risk of bias and conducted a comparative evaluation of herbal medicine fumigation added to other treatments. Results Ten studies were selected from 52 studies. Eight studies were classified as randomized controlled trial. Various assessment scales were used. Most treatments were administered for approximately 20 to 30 min once daily. Most studies revealed that herbal medicine fumigation is effective for plantar fasciitis. Conclusions Most studies showed that herbal medicine fumigation is effective for plantar fasciitis. More studies are needed for Korean medicine development.

Linguistical approach with Automatic MBTI Identification Model based on Measuring Bioelectricity Patterns

  • Hyun-Tae Kim;Ye-Jin Jin;Hye-Jin Jeon;Janghwan Kim;R. Young Chul Kim
    • International journal of advanced smart convergence
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    • 제12권3호
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    • pp.200-210
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    • 2023
  • Until now, it is popular to use question-and-answer-based for human personality. The current inspection of representative personality types includes Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and job suitability evaluations. The problem of these inspection methods is influenced by the user's environment and psychological status during MBTI inspection. To solve this problem, we proposed MBTI Identification Model based on measuring bioelectricity patterns. We adapt traditional Korean medicine, the Eight Constitution, to this model. We develop an automatic MBTI identification algorithm that maps the Eight Constitution via biological current patterns to identify MBTI personality types. By utilizing the algorithm proposed in this research, it is anticipated that users will be able to measure MBTI more easily and accurately.

두드러기 증례 연구에서 사용된 한약 처방 분석 (Analysis of Korean Herbal Medicine Used in Case Studies of Treating Urticaria)

  • 박중군;강세현;강동원;김규석;김윤범
    • 한방안이비인후피부과학회지
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    • 제31권3호
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    • pp.12-25
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    • 2018
  • Objectives : The purpose of this study is to analyze the use of herbal medicine for the treatment of urticaria in case studies and to find the general tendency of herbal medicine treatment and to establish the primary treatment direction of urticaria. Methods : In the domestic databases, Oriental medicine Advanced Searching Integrated System (OASIS), Korean Traditional Knowledge Portal (KTKP), National Discovery for Science Leader (NDSL), Research Information Sharing Service (RISS), we selected among the case study papers published in the last 20 years using search terms related to "urticaria". Reports related to Sasang Constitutional medicine were excluded and total of 15 papers were finally selected. Results : 23 prescriptions were retrieved from 15 papers. The most commonly used prescription was Seungmagalgeun-tang (升麻葛根湯), and Bangpoongtongsung-san (防風通聖散) and Pyeongwi-san (平胃散) were presented twice. Commonly used herbs are Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma (甘草), Zingiberis Rhizoma Recens (生薑), and Scutellariae Radix (黃芩). 18 out of 78 herbs are belonging to heat-clearing medicinal (淸熱藥) and 16 out of 78 herbs are belonging to exterior-releasing medicinal (解表藥). Concurrent therapies such as acupuncture, pharmacoacupuncture, moxibustion, cupping therapy, ice pack applying therapy were performed and several evaluation methods were used, patient's subjective remission rate was the most used. Conclusions : Through this study, we were able to discover the tendency of herbal medicine prescription for the treatment of urticaria.

체통환자(體痛患者)의 사상의학적(四象醫學的) 사초(四焦)와 이목구비(耳目口鼻)를 중심(中心)으로 한 체열(體熱) 분석(分析) (Sasang Herb medicine, IRCT (InfraRed Computer Thermography), Yakchim (Korean herb-acupuncture) remedy)

  • 김수범;송일병
    • 사상체질면역의학회지
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    • 제8권1호
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    • pp.377-393
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    • 1996
  • 요통(腰痛)은 다른 어느 질병(疾病)보다도 많은 사람이 경험(經驗)을 하였던 질환(疾患)중의 하나로써 요통(腰痛)의 治療法(치료법)에는 전통적으로 침요법(鍼療法), 구요법(灸療法), 한약요법(韓藥療法)이 주(主)가 되어 왔으며, 최근에는 물리치료(物理治療), 약침요법(藥鍼療法), 추나요법(推拏療法) 등이 쓰이고 있다. 여기서는 1994년 9월 14일부터 1996년 5월 25일까지 "우리한의원"에서 고통(顧痛)으로 진료 받은 73명의 환자들을 중심으로 이름, 성별, 나이, 발병원인, 주증(主證), X-ray, CT, MRI 등의 소견, IRCT(InfraRed Computer Thermography) 소견(所見), 체질(體質), 사상처방(四象處方), 약침요법(樂鍼療法), 치료기간(治療期間), 경과(經過) 등을 분석(分析)하고 이것을 바탕으로 기존의 증치의학(證治醫學)과는 다른 사상의학적(四象醫學的)인 방법으로 요통(腰痛)을 접근하는 방법을 알아보고자 하였으며 아울러 X-ray, CT, MRI 등의 소견(所見)과 한의학적(韓醫學的)으로 이용할 수 있는 적외선체열진단(赤外線體熱診斷)과 비교하여 보며, 또 악침(樂鍼)에서의 사상의학적(四象醫學的)인 접근 방법도 알아보았다. 조사방법(調査方法)은 체질별(體質別) 분포, 사상처방(四象處方)의 사용, 치료경과(治療經過), 치료기간(治療期間)을 중심으로 하였으며, 체질(體質) 감별(鑑別)의 방법은 체형기상(體形氣像), 용모사기(容貌詞氣), 성질재간(性質材幹), 체질증(體質證), 체질병증(體質病證), 음식물의 반응 등을 중심으로 하여 임상적인 감별을 하였고, X-ray는 추나요법(推拿療法)을 위하여 Open mouth, C-spine AP&Lat, TH-spine AP&Lat, L-spine AP&Lat을 의뢰하였으며, 적외선체열진단(赤外線體熱診斷)은 피판(皮板)(Dermatomes)을 중심으로하여 각각의 디스크가 피판(皮板)에 미치는 부분을 관찰하여 양쪽의 체열(體熱)의 차이가 섭씨 1도 이상 차이가 나는 것으로 진단을 하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 전체 환자 73명중 태음인(太陰人)이 47명(66.4%)으로 가장 많았고 다음은 소음인(少陰人)이 16명(21.9%)이었고, 소양인(少陽人)은 10명(13.7%)으로 가장 적었으며 이것은 동의수세보원(東醫壽世保元)에서의 태음인(太陰人) 오천인(五千人), 소양인(少陽人) 사천인(三千人), 소음인(少陰人) 이천인(二千人), 태양인(太陽人)은 드물다는 구성 비율과는 달리 소양인(少陽人)과 소음인(少陰人)의 구성 비율이 바뀌었으며, 전체적으로는 소양인(少陽人)이 적게 나오고 태음인(太陰人)이 많이 나왔음을 알 수 있다. 2. 각 체질별(體質別) 치료의 경과에 대한 만족도는 전체적으로 60.3%였으며 태음인(太陰人)에서 만족도(66.0%)가 높았고 소음인(少陰人)에서 만족도(56.3%)가 가장 낮았으며 소양인(少陽人)의 만족도 (60%)는 평균과 비슷하였다. 3. 각 체질별(體質別) 치료에 만족하는 환자(患者)에게 보인 사상처방(四象處方)을 분석하여 보면 소양인(少陽人)에 있어서는 표병약형방지황탕(表病藥荊防地黃湯)과 리병약(裡病藥)인 육미지황탕(六味地黃湯)이 고르게 썼으며, 소음인(少陰人)은 리병약(裡病藥)인 십이미관중탕(十二味寬中湯)이 가장 많이 쓰였으며, 태음인(太陰人)은 리병약(裡病藥)인 청심연자탕(淸心蓮子湯), 청폐사간탕(淸肺瀉肝湯), 열다한소탕(熱多寒少湯)이 많이 쓰였음을 알 수 있었다. 따라서 소음인(少陰人)과 태음인(太陰人)은 리병약(裡病藥)이 치료 경과가 좋았으며 소양인(少陽人)은 표병약(表病藥)과 리병약(裡病藥)에서 고르게 쓰였음을 알 수 있다. 4. 치료에 만족하는 환자의 평균 치료기간은 약 6주였으며, 각 체질별(體質別)로는 소양인(少陽人)에서 4.2주로 가장 낮았고, 다음은 태음인(太陰人)이 5.7주 였으며, 소음인(少陰人)에서 6.8주로 가장 오래 걸림을 알 수 있다. 5. 사상의학(四象醫學)적인 요통(腰痛)의 치료방법은 외상성에 의한 요통(腰痛) 따른 치료와 그 외의 체질적(體質的) 소인에 따라 소음인(少陰人)의 표병(表病)온 승양익기(升陽益氣)를 하고, 리병(裡病)은 이음강기(裡陰降氣)를 하며, 소양인(少陽人)의 표병(表病)은 표음강기(表陰降氣)를 하고, 리병(裡病)은 청양상승(淸陽上升)을 시키며, 태음인(太陰人)의 표병(表病)은 폐양승기(肺陽升氣)시키고 리병(裡病)은 청간조열(淸肝操熱)을 하며, 태양인(太陽人)은 보간생음(補肝生陰)의 치법(治法)을을 쓸 수 있다. 6. 사상처방(四象處方)외의 방법으로 약침요법(藥鍼療法)은 체질적(體質的)으로 적용하는 방법은 약침(藥鍼)의 선별 방법과 약침(藥鍼)을 치료하는 부위의 선별방법으로 나눌 수 있다. 약침(藥鍼)의 선별에서 소음인(少陰人)은 蜂藥鍼(B.V.)을, 소양인(少陽人)은 홍화(紅花)(H.O)를 태음인(太陰人)은 호도(胡挑)(I), 웅담(熊膽), 우황(牛黃), 사향(麝香)(V,O.K.) 등을 써 볼 수 있고, 팔망약침법(八網樂鍼法)도 기존에 쓰는 체질별(體質別) 사상처방(四象處方)을 그대로 약침(藥鍼)으로 만들어 쓸 수 있다. 약침(藥鍼)을 치료하는 부위의 선별방법은 사상의학(四象意學)의 체질증(體質證), 체질병증(體質病證)을 충분히 응용할 수 있는 태극침법(太極鍼法)의 혈위(穴位)와 사초부위(四焦部位)에 따라 생리(生理), 병리(病理)를 적용시켜 쓰는 방법올 활용하여 볼 수 있다.

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두침요법을 병행한 복합한의치료로 호전된 복시 및 가쪽쏠림보행을 동반한 외측연수경색환자에 대한 증례보고 1례 (Korean Medicine Treatment with Scalp Acupuncture for Diplopia and Lateropulsion in a Patient with Lateral Medullary Infarction: A Case Report)

  • 김영상;우현준;오진아;정수현
    • 대한한의학회지
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    • 제45권3호
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    • pp.211-223
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    • 2024
  • Background: This case study aimed to report the efficacy of scalp acupuncture in a patient with diplopia or lateropulsion and lateral medullary infarction. Case report: A 41-year-old woman with lateral medullary infarctions presented with symptoms of left-sided diplopia, left lateropulsion, headache, dizziness, and right-sided dysesthesia for 8 months. She received daily Korean medicine treatments, including scalp acupuncture. During the treatment period, various assessments were conducted, including the symptom score, visual analog scale (VAS), diplopia questionnaire (DQ), eyeball movement, dizziness handicap inventory (DHI), Korean version of the berg balance scale (K-BBS), activities-specific balance confidence scale (ABC), vestibular disorders activities of daily living scale (VADL), and the EuroQol five-dimension index (EQ-5D index). The patient's symptom score, VAS, DQ, DHI, and VADL scores decreased, while K-BBS, ABC, and EQ-5D scores increased. Additionally, eyeball movements improved after Korean medicine treatment including scalp acupuncture. Conclusions: The observed improvements suggest that Korean medicine treatment including scalp acupuncture can effectively alleviate diplopia and lateropulsion in patients with lateral medullary infarction.

여드름 변증 유형 도구 개발을 위한 전문가 설문조사 연구 (An Expert Survey for Developing the Pattern Diagnosis Instrument of Acne)

  • 신준혁;정우열;문영균;남혜정;김윤범;이준희;김규석
    • 한방안이비인후피부과학회지
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    • 제28권2호
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    • pp.23-32
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    • 2015
  • Objective : The purpose of this study was to develop a Pattern Diagnosis Instrument of Acne in traditional Korean Medicine. Methods : Data was collected by structured survey papers from 20 professors of The Korean Oriental Medical Ophthalmology & Otolaryngology & Dermatology Society(Delphi method). We investigated importance rates of the symptoms of each Pattern in the survey papers, then calculated Weighted Value of the symptoms. Results : Nine objective symptoms and nine subjective symptoms were selected by investigated importance rate in the survey from 20 professors of The Korean Oriental Medical Ophthalmology & Otolaryngology & Dermatology Society. In Wind-Heat pattern(WHP, 風熱型), inflammatory lesion of acne was the most important symptom. Oily skin, nodule and effect of menstruation are the most important symptoms in Dampness-Heat pattern(DHP, 濕熱型), Phlegm-Stasis pattern(PSP, 痰瘀型) and Disharmony of the thoroughfare and conception vessels pattern(DTCVP, 衝任不調型) each. Conclusions : The results might provide backgrounds and methods for clinical care of acne and follow-up study.

국내 한약 치험례 분석을 통한 한의학적 여드름 치료법에 대한 고찰 (A Review on Acne Treatment in Korean Medicine by Analyzing Case Studies with Herbal Medicine Treatment)

  • 조은채;김규석
    • 한방안이비인후피부과학회지
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    • 제31권4호
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    • pp.65-82
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    • 2018
  • Objectives : The purpose of this study is 1) to explore the general tendency of the herbs or herbal formula for acne treatment in clinical practice 2) and to provide a basis for explaining the principles of acne treatment in Korean Medicine in order to make patients understand more easily based on pharmacological mechanism by analyzing the herbs or herbal formula using for acne treatment in clinical practice. Methods : In the domestic databases (Oriental medicine Advanced Searching Integrated System-OASIS, Korean Traditional Knowledge Portal-KTKP, National Discovery for Science Leader-NDSL, Research Information Sharing Service-RISS), we selected among the papers published using search terms related to "acne". Reports related to sasang constitutional medicine were excluded and a total of 23 papers were finally selected. Results : 29 prescriptions were retrieved from 23 papers. Chungan-tang (淸顔湯) notified formulas ranked first by Cheongsangbangpung- tang (淸上防風湯), Hwangnyeonhaedok-tang (黃連解毒湯), Dangguijakyaksan (當歸芍藥散) and Bipachungpe-eum (枇杷淸肺飮). Commonly used herbs are Forsythiae Fructus (連翹), Scutellariae Radix (黃芩), Gardeniae Fructus (梔子), Ligustici Rhizoma (川芎), and Angelicae Gigantis Radix (當歸). In most patients with inflammatory lesions or excessive flushing, exterior-releasing medicinal (解表藥) and heat-clearing medicinal (淸熱藥) were mainly prescribed for acne treatment, while in patients with acne accompanied hyperkeratinization, Excess sebum secretion, Dysmenorrhea or indigestion, qi-tonifying medicinal (補氣藥) or blood-tonifying medicinal (補血藥) were mainly used. KAGS (Korean Acne Grading System) was the most commonly used method for acne severity assessment. Conclusions : These findings suggest that the herbs or herbal formula for acne treatment in Korean Medicine is prescribed differently according to the cause and symptoms of acne in a unique way for control the whole body balance. Also, our findings could provide a basis for explaining the principles of acne treatment in Korean Medicine in order to make patients understand more easily based on pharmacological mechanism in clinical practice.

소자도담강기탕(蘇子導痰降氣湯)의 호흡기 염증 완화효과 (Relieving effect for respiratory inflammation of Sojadodamgangki-tang)

  • 한윤지;선창우;우연주;이동혁;서진우;유준상;김주희;권보인
    • 대한예방한의학회지
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    • 제27권2호
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    • pp.23-33
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    • 2023
  • Objectives : Sojadodamgangki-tang and its main components are traditional korean medicinal methods for treatment of cough, sputum and dyspnea. Using a respiratory inflammatory model, we intend to reveal the anti-inflammatory effect and its immune mechanism of Sojadodamgangki-tang. Methods : We used a papain-induced respiratory inflammatory mouse model. 8-week-old female BALB/C mice were divided into 3 groups as follows: the following groups: saline control group, papain treated group (vehicle), papain and Sojadodamgangki-tang(200 mg/kg) treated group (n=4). To evaluate the anti-inflammatory effect of Sojadodamgangki-tang extracts, inflammatory cell infiltration was measured in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) and nasal lavage fluid (NALF). In addition, the effects of Sojadodamgangki-tang extracts on Th2 cell population in lung were determined by using flow cytometry. Results : Sojadodamgangki-tang extracts administration reduced inflammatory cell infiltration in BALF and NALF, especially of eosinophils. Furthermore, total immunogloblin (Ig)-E levels was reduced in BALF and serum by drug administration. Interestingly, Sojadodamgangki-tang extracts treatment also decreased the Th2 cell (CD4+GATA3+) population in lung. Conclusions : Our findings indicate Sojadodamgangki-tang extracts have anti-inflammatory effects by mediating Th2 cell and B cell activation.

경희의료원 제3 중환자실(동서협진중환자실)에 입원한 89명의 중증 급성기 뇌경색 환자에 대한 임상적 고찰 (Clinical Analysis of 89 Patients with Severe Acute Ischemic Stroke from 3rd Intensive Care Unit(East-West Integrated Intensive Care Uint) of Kyung Hee Medical Center)

  • 허홍;소형진;임주혁;조인영;이혜영;민경윤;류재환;이범준
    • 대한한방내과학회지
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    • 제28권4호
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    • pp.863-871
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    • 2007
  • Objects : To gain better insights of East-west integrated treatment of ischemic stroke. We analyzed 89 patients with severe acute ischemic stroke who were admitted to the East-west integrated intensive care unit. Methods : Subjects enrollment was from the East-west integrated intensive care unit of Kyung Hee Medical Center from March 2006 to February 2007. Patients were admitted within 14 days after the onset of ischemic stroke. We assessed the subjects' general characteristics, risk factors, admitting routes and periods, diagnostic imaging, process of western treatment and Korean traditional treatment, complication and consequence. Results : The proportion of males was 50.6%, of females 49.4%, average age was male 66.0$\pm$10.3 and female 71.1$\pm$10.5. Average length of hospital stays was 19.5 days. Monthly admissions were highest in November and December. The admission route was through emergency room (61.8%) or ward (34.8%). Mean Glasgow coma scale score was 10.0$\pm$2.5, average time from symptom of onset to hospital admission was 2.3$\pm$2.2 days. Dominant ischemic vascular territory was middle cerebral artery (66.3%). Initial western treatment was argatroban (22.5%), urokinase (28.1%), and heparinization (38.2%). Distribution of Sasang constitution of So-yang to Tae-eum to So-eum was equal to 5.4 to 2.9 to 1.5. Major complications were observed in 40 (42.7%) patients. In hospital mortality was 12.4% (11 deaths), all of them caused by aggravation of neurological deficit and only 3 of them with major complications. There appears to be a significant positive relationship between length of hospital stay and occurrence of complications (P<0.05). After discharge from the ICU, 64 (71.9%) patients were improved, 11 (12.4%) patients had expired, and 14 (15.8%) patients were transferred. Conclusions : From this study, we suggest that patients with severe acute ischemic stroke should be treated with East-west integrated therapy for more favorable consequences and decreased mortality.

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