• Title/Summary/Keyword: torsion moment

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An experimental and numerical investigation on the effect of longitudinal reinforcements in torsional resistance of RC beams

  • Khagehhosseini, A.H.;Porhosseini, R.;Morshed, R.;Eslami, A.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.47 no.2
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    • pp.247-263
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    • 2013
  • It is evident that torsional resistance of a reinforced concrete (RC) member is attributed to both concrete and steel reinforcement. However, recent structural design codes neglect the contribution of concrete because of cracking. This paper reports on the results of an experimental and numerical investigation into the torsional capacity of concrete beams reinforced only by longitudinal rebars without transverse reinforcement. The experimental investigation involves six specimens tested under pure torsion. Each specimen was made using a cast-in-place concrete with different amounts of longitudinal reinforcements. To create the torsional moment, an eccentric load was applied at the end of the beam whereas the other end was fixed against twist, vertical, and transverse displacement. The experimental results were also compared with the results obtained from the nonlinear finite element analysis performed in ANSYS. The outcomes showed a good agreement between experimental and numerical investigation, indicating the capability of numerical analysis in predicting the torsional capacity of RC beams. Both experimental and numerical results showed a considerable torsional post-cracking resistance in high twist angle in test specimen. This post-cracking resistance is neglected in torsional design of RC members. This strength could be considered in the design of RC members subjected to torsion forces, leading to a more economical and precise design.

Torsional strengthening of RC beams using stainless steel wire mesh -Experimental and numerical study

  • Patel, Paresh V.;Raiyani, Sunil D.;Shah, Paurin J.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.67 no.4
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    • pp.391-401
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    • 2018
  • Locally available Stainless Steel Wire Mesh (SSWM) bonded on a concrete surface with an epoxy resin is explored as an alternative method for the torsional strengthening of Reinforced Concrete (RC) beam in the present study. An experiment is conducted to understand the behavior of RC beams strengthened with a different configuration of SSWM wrapping subjected to pure torsion. The experimental investigation comprises of testing fourteen RC beams with cross section of $150mm{\times}150mm$ and length 1300 mm. The beams are reinforced with 4-10 mm diameter longitudinal bars and 2 leg-8 mm diameter stirrups at 150 mm c/c. Two beams without SSWM strengthening are used as control specimens and twelve beams are externally strengthened by six different SSWM wrapping configurations. The torsional moment and twist at first crack and at an ultimate stage as well as torque-twist behavior of SSWM strengthened specimens are compared with control specimens. Also the failure modes of the beams are observed. The rectangular beams strengthened with corner and diagonal strip wrapping configuration exhibited better enhancement in torsional capacity compared to other wrapping configurations. The numerical simulation of SSWM strengthened RC beam under pure torsion is carried out using finite element based software ABAQUS. Results of nonlinear finite element analysis are found in good agreement with experimental results.

Seismic responses of asymmetric steel structures isolated with the TCFP subjected to mathematical near-fault pulse models

  • Tajammolian, H.;Khoshnoudian, F.;Bokaeian, V.
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.931-953
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    • 2016
  • In this paper, the effects of mass eccentricity of superstructure as well as stiffness eccentricity of isolators on the amplification of seismic responses of base-isolated structures are investigated by using mathematical near-fault pulse models. Superstructures with 3, 6 and 9 stories and aspect ratios equal to 1, 2 and 3 are mounted on a reasonable variety of Triple Concave Friction Pendulum (TCFP) bearings considering different period and damping ratio. Three-dimensional linear superstructure mounted on nonlinear isolators are subjected to simplified pulses including fling step and forward directivity while various pulse period ($T_p$) and Peak Ground Velocity (PGV) amounts as two crucial parameters of these pulses are scrutinized. Maximum isolator displacement and base shear as well as peak superstructure acceleration and drift are selected as the main engineering demand parameters. The results indicate that the torsional intensification of different demand parameters caused by superstructure mass eccentricity is more significant than isolator stiffness eccentricity. The torsion due to mass eccentricity has intensified the base shear of asymmetric 6-story model 2.55 times comparing to symmetric one. In similar circumstances, the isolator displacement and roof acceleration are increased 49 and 116 percent respectively in the presence of mass eccentricity. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that torsional effects of mass eccentricity can force the drift to reach the allowable limit of ASCE 7 standard in the presence of forward directivity pulses.

Effect of Initial Uniform Moment on Lateral Free Vibration of Arches (등분포 모멘트를 받는 아치의 횡 자유진동)

  • 염응준;한택희;임남형;강영종
    • Proceedings of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute Conference
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    • 2002.10a
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    • pp.3-10
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    • 2002
  • Recently, arches are used structurally because of their high in-plane stiffness and strength, which result from their ability to transmit most of the applied loading by axial forces actions, so that the bending actions are reduced. On the other hand, the resistances of arches to (out-of-plane,) flexural-torsional behavior depend on the rigidities EI/sub y/, for lateral bending, GJ for Uniform torsion, and EI/sub w/ for warping torsion which are related to axial stress for flexural-torsional behavior. The resistance of an arch to out-of-plane behavior may be reduced by its in-plane curvature, and so it may require significant lateral bracing. Thus. it is supposed that In-plane preloading which cause an axial stress, have an effect on out-of-plane free vibration behavior of arches. Because axial stresses caused increase or decrease out-of-plane stiffness. But study about this substance is insufficient. In this thesis, We will study an effect of preloading on lateral free vibration of arches, using finite element method based on Kang and Yoo's curved beam theory (about curved beam element have 7 degree of freedom including warping) with FORTRAN programming.

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Failure analysis of tubes under multiaxial proportional and non-proportional loading paths

  • Mohammad Hossein Iji;Ali Nayebi
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.47 no.2
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    • pp.289-296
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    • 2023
  • The failure of a thin-walled tube was studied in this paper based on three failure models. Both proportional and non-proportional loading paths were applied. Proportional loading consisted of combined tension-torsion. Cyclic non-proportional loading was also applied. It was a circular out-of-phase axial-shear stress loading path. The third loading path was a combination of a constant internal pressure and a bending moment. The failure models under study were equivalent plastic strain, modified Mohr-Coulomb (Bai-Wierzbicki) and Tearing parameter models. The elasto-plastic analysis was conducted using J2 criterion and nonlinear kinematic hardening. The return mapping algorithm was employed to numerically solve the plastic flow relations. The effects of the hydrostatic stress on the plastic flow and the stress triaxiality parameter on the failure were discussed. Each failure model under study was utilized to predict failure. The failure loads obtained from each model were compared with each other. The equivalent plastic strain model was independent from the stress triaxiality parameter, and it predicted the highest failure load in the bending problem. The modified Mohr-Coulomb failure model predicted the lowest failure load for the range of the stress triaxiality parameter and Lode's angle.

Multi-potential capacity for reinforced concrete members under pure torsion

  • Ju, Hyunjin;Han, Sun-Jin;Kim, Kang Su;Strauss, Alfred;Wu, Wei
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.75 no.3
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    • pp.401-414
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    • 2020
  • Unlike the existing truss models for shear and torsion analysis, in this study, the torsional capacities of reinforced concrete (RC) members were estimated by introducing multi-potential capacity criteria that considered the aggregate interlock, concrete crushing, and spalling of concrete cover. The smeared truss model based on the fixed-angle theory was utilized to obtain the torsional behavior of reinforced concrete member, and the multi-potential capacity criteria were then applied to draw the capacity of the member. In addition, to avoid any iterative calculation in the existing torsional behavior model, a simple strength model was suggested that considers key variables, such as the effective thickness of torsional member, principal stress angle, and strain effect that reduces the resistance of concrete due to large longitudinal tensile strain. The proposed multi-potential capacity concept and the simple strength model were verified by comparing with test results collected from the literature. The study found that the multi-potential capacity could estimate in a rational manner not only the torsional strength but also the failure mode of RC members subjected to torsional moment, by reflecting the reinforcing index in both transverse and longitudinal directions, as well as the sectional and material properties of RC members.

Investigation on the performance of a new pure torsional yielding damper

  • Mahyari, Shahram Lotfi;Riahi, Hossein Tajmir;Esfahanian, Mahmoud Hashemi
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.515-530
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    • 2020
  • A new type of pure torsional yielding damper made from steel pipe is proposed and introduced. The damper uses a special mechanism to apply force and therefore applies pure torsion in the damper. Uniform distribution of the shear stress caused by pure torsion resulting in widespread yielding along pipe and consequently dissipating a large amount of energy. The behavior of the damper is investigated analytically and the governing relations are derived. To examine the performance of the proposed damper, four types of the damper are experimentally tested. The results of the tests show the behavior of the system as stable and satisfactory. The behavior characteristics include initial stiffness, yielding load, yielding deformation, and dissipated energy in a cycle of hysteretic behavior. The tests results were compared with the numerical analysis and the derived analytical relations outputs. The comparison shows an acceptable and precise approximation by the analytical outputs for estimation of the proposed damper behavior. Therefore, the relations may be applied to design the braced frame system equipped by the pure torsional yielding damper. An analytical model based on analytical relationships was developed and verified. This model can be used to simulate cyclic behavior of the proposed damper in the dynamic analysis of the structures equipped with the proposed damper. A numerical study was conducted on the performance of an assumed frame with/without proposed damper. Dynamic analysis of the assumed frames for seven earthquake records demonstrate that, equipping moment-resisting frames with the proposed dampers decreases the maximum story drift of these frames with an average reduction of about 50%.

An Analytical Study of Flange Local Buckling of Horizontally Curved I-Girders for Estimate Resonable Stress Gradient (합리적 응력경도 산정을 위한 수평 곡선 I-형 거더의 플랜지 국부좌굴의 해석적 연구)

  • Kim, Hee-Soo;Lee, Kee-Sei;Lee, Jeong-Hwa;Choi, Jun-Ho;Kang, Young-Jong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.10
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    • pp.6504-6510
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    • 2015
  • Horizontally curved I-girders are subjected to not only bending moments but also torsional moments. The torsional moment of the plate girder is addition of St. Venant torsion and non-uniform torsion. In the flange of I-shaped plate girder, a kind of open-section, the normal stresses is not distributed uniformly due to the non-uniform torsion. Because of that, one of compression flange tip can be yielded faster than the flange of general straight girder. In other words, the flange local buckling strength is decreased when the girder has initial curvature. In this paper, the numerical analysis is conducted to investigate the average stresses in flange for curved girders. The subtended angle and slenderness ratio are taken as parameters.

Torsional Behavior of Ballastless Railway Plate Girder Bridge (무도상 철도판형교의 비틀림거동 특성)

  • Hyun, Seung Hyuk;Hwang, Won Sub;Park, Sung Jun
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.201-208
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    • 2021
  • In this paper, the effect on the lateral and torsional behavior of ballastless railway plate girder bridge by the installation of the lower horizontal bracing has been reviewed. First of all, the most efficient lower bracing arrangement has been reviewed by comparing and examining the lateral displacement due to the train load, targeting analysis models with different arrangement types of lower bracing. Next, the research on torsional behavior of plate girder bridge with lower bracing has been conducted. In addition, the torsion constant from FEM analysis results has been compared with the torsion constant of a railroad plate girder bridge with a closed section by substituting the upper and lower horizontal bracing with equivalent thickness. Based on this comparison, the impact on the bridge span length and the cross section area of the lower bracing has been examined. Through this study, the curve graph related to lateral buckling moment and torsional constant ratio is presented and the range of plate girder bridge requiring torsional reinforcement is proposed.

Strength and Lateral Torsional Behavior of Horizontally Curved Steel I-Girders Subjected to Equal End Moments (양단 균일 모멘트를 받는 수평곡선 I형 강재 거더의 횡-비틀림 거동 및 강도 산정 방안)

  • Lee, Keesei;Lee, Manseop;Choi, Junho;Kang, Youngjong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2018
  • A curved member should resist bending and torsional moments simultaneously even though the primary load is usually supposed to be gravitational load. The torsional moment causes complicate stress state and also can result in early yielding of material to reduce member strength. According to analysis results, the strength of a curved member that has 45 degrees of subtended angle could decrease more than 50% compare to straight girder. Nevertheless, there have been very few of researches related with ultimate strength of curved girders. In this study, various kinds of stiffness about bending, pure torsion and warping were considered with a number of models in order to verify the main factor that affects ultimate behavior of curved girder. Lateral and rotational displacement of curved member were introduced as lateral-torsional-vertical behavior and bending-torsional moment interaction curve was derived. Finally, a strength equation for ultimate moment of horizontally curved steel I-girders subjected to equal end moments based on the interaction curves. The equation could take account of the effect of curvature, unbraced length and sectional properties.